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It's about time! Who can resist watching a series about such a mischievous character? It will be interesting to see how Loki cleans up the mess he creates. Disney will release the miniseries on their new streaming service called Disney Plus (Disney+). There are also rumors about a separate story about Scarlet Witch and Vision, but no further details have been announced as of this post.
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I've read that the Disney streaming service is surprisingly good, but I'm not quite ready to pay for another entertainment subscription service. If you wind up subscribing I hope you'll let us know what you think about it. Loki is such a lovable character.
This is hard to resist especially after it was confirmed that Tom Hiddleston was going play a major role. Just like @Evelyn I am also not ready to pay but perhaps I will have a change of mind then.

The price hasn't been decided, and the service will only officially launch next year. I'm most excited about Loki, but the other rumors aren't exactly bad: Star Wars, Disney Channel's High School Musical, and Monster Inc. We will probably see more if the service is popular enough.


About Loki, what kind of story do you think we'll see? Is there any specific part of the comics you want to see adapted?

I would like Disney to create a story about the life he had in Asgard and his adventures in other realms. If Disney is creating a story about Loki then I would assume that Thanos is wrong in saying that there is no more resurrection for Loki.
@North the price hasn't been set? I thought I read it was cheaper than Netflix. Maybe it was just speculation though. The fee could be two pence cheaper than Netflix and qualify as "less than" too.
If Disney is creating a story about Loki then I would assume that Thanos is wrong in saying that there is no more resurrection for Loki.

If they say this happens long before the fight with Thanos, I don't think that will hurt MCU's timeline. Now I'm more unsure of the character growth I should expect, though. Loki is quick to switch sides if he knows he's losing. He's also not a destructive person as he wants to rule above everything else. Those characteristics define him, so changing those will basically change who Loki is.


@North the price hasn't been set? I thought I read it was cheaper than Netflix. Maybe it was just speculation though. The fee could be two pence cheaper than Netflix and qualify as "less than" too.

You're right about the numbers, so I can only hope that they won't cheat on us that much!

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