They show a series of clips showing the highlights from last week's show, most notably the world title match between Triple H and Ric Flair.
Raw opening video rolls and we're live from Mobile, Alabama!
Shawn Michael's music hits and out comes HBK. He grabs a mic and introduces the "greatest champion of all-time" Ric Flair. Flair comes out to his music while JR and the King wonder out loud who the greater world champion is - Shawn Michaels or Ric Flair. Michaels says he's waited 18 years for this opportunity, the opportunity to say that in his eyes you are everything that is great and wonderful about this business. He says Flair is the reason he wanted to do this job and the reason why being good at this job was never going to be good enough. Shawn says he spent every day of his career trying to reach the level of Ric Flair on a nightly basis. But he wants to know one thing - is he in the same league as Ric Flair? Shawn then unofficially challenges Flair to a match tonight.
Flair takes the mic from Shawn and thanks him for remdinding him who he had to be last week on Raw. Flair then says that when he passed the torch to Michaels, he took it to a whole new level. Flair says he'd like to find out tonight who's better as well.
Triple H comes out and says enough is enough, stop with the mutual admiration society. Triple H says he came to Flair six months ago and told him to go back to being Ric Flair, the man, the Nature Boy. Here we are six months later and let me be the first one to say - the Nature Boy is back. But he asks Flair if now that he's back, will he turn his back on him? Are you going to bite the hand that feeds you? Flair calls Triple H the greatest wrestler alive today but Shawn Michaels was the guy who reminded him on who he is. He's Ric Flair, not some subservant jerk. He's standing alone.
Triple H gets mad and calls Flair an old bastard and says he was the one who picked Flair up, he was the one who made Flair what he is today, he is the one who brought him back to being the Nature Boy. He tells Ric to trust him and ask Shawn Michaels if you don't believe it, but you don't want to run up against me. Triple H says Flair doesn't want him to make the decision for him.
Eric Bischoff's music hits and he comes out and says he can throw his weight around too like Austin did last week. He looks in the ring and sees three of the biggest egos in this industry standing there. He loves the idea of Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair but that match is too big for a city like Mobile, Alabama. So instead, he announces that match for Bad Blood. But just to prove that Austin isn't the only one who can make a match you folks want to see so tonight it will be Shawn Michaels & Ric Flair vs. Triple H in a handicap match. Triple H gets angry and walks away while Shawn and Flair shake hands and laugh.
They plug Goldberg on Chris Jericho's highlight reel for later tonight as well as Stone Cold's Memorial Day celebration.
I guess needs a traffic boost cause they plug another poll and encourage the audience to go vote. This week's question - will Goldberg spear Jericho on the Highlight Reel?
-Booker T vs. Test
Booker T comes out first, followed by his opponent Test who is accompanied by Stacy Keibler. They show a clip of last week where Stacy left both Test and Scott Steiner by departing by herself. Much of the match goes back and forth with Stacy applauding Test at various stages. Test gets Booker in a facelock but Booker fights back and hits a flying forearm and a clothesline before hitting a suplex for a two count. Booker misses a Scissors kick but hits a heel kick before signalling and performing the Spinaroonie. He misses another kick so Test tries for the Pumphandle Slam but it's countered. Booker then hits a missile dropkick from the top but can only get a two.
Test is then back body-dropped to the outside and Stacy goes to help her. Booker T tries for a baseball slide but Test pulls Stacy in front of him and she gets kicked and consequently knocked out. Back in the ring, Test hits the Pump Handle Slam but Booker T kicks out. Scott Steiner comes down to check on Stacy while inside Test misses a kick and then runs into one of Booker's. Booker T covers Test and wins the match.
Scott Steiner carries Stacy Keibler (who has come to by this time) to the back as Test sees this and gets angry.
Backstage, Steve Austin (sporting a black eye) is watching on a TV and says "Booker T is finally coming around. I like it." Triple H comes up from the side and asks him what happened to his face. Austin says he was taking a shower and slipped on a bar of soap. Triple H says Austin has been doing a great job as co-GM but wants to talk to him about his match tonight. It's a thankless job and his hat comes off for him. Austin thanks him but says the match is still on.
Triple H starts complimenting Austin on his t-shirt and Austin says he appreciates it but the match is still on regardless. Triple H then changes topics and asks him if he's been working out. He's looking good and buff, best he's ever seen him look. Austin says thank you but says the still...on. Triple H then gets frustrated and says Austin is a piece of trash. He always wanted to be like Triple H but he never could. But tonight, he'll win the match. Austin says "thank you for coming by...but the match is still on." And angered Triple H then leaves.
-Val Venis vs. Steven Richards
Trish Stratus comes down and joins JR and the King for commentary. They browse through the latest Flare magazine which has Trish on the cover. Victoria, already in the ring with Steven Richards, jaws at Trish. Val Venis comes out and does his pre-match stuff. He says the rumors are true - The Valbowski has opened up an adult movie company. He offers Victoria a job and talks about the project "Victoria's Little Secret". Steven Richards doesn't like this and attacks Venis and the match gets underway. Richards has control during the early parts of the match but Venis starts dominating soon thereafter.
A powerbomb almost gets a three count but Richards fights back and hits a DDT for a near fall. Venis gets up, heads for the top and signals for the Money Shot. He nails it and pins Richards for the victory. Trish didn't say much on commentary for those interested in that.
Backstage, Jonathan Coachman interviews Kevin Nash. Coach says Nash seems to have been out of control lately and Nash agrees, saying his best friend turned his back on him, how would you react? But Triple H's world is unraveling and two weeks from now he's going to take his title away. He has a lot to worry about. Coach asks him about Triple H's match tonight and Nash says he hopes he gets his ass kicked because he deserves it. But Nash says he's just going to sit back and watch everything unfold.
Backstage in another area, Terri interviews Christian. Christian brushes off Terri and rips on Mobile, saying they named it after a gas station. Terri leaves as Goldust enters and asks him why he's such a dic--dic--dictator? Goldust says he will take away from the cham--cham--championship from him. Christian says neither he nor Booker T are championship material. He points to a "C" on the belt and says it stands for Christian. This prompts Booker T to enter the picture. He basically says that he'll win the title next month in Houston at Bad Blood. Can you dig that suckaaaaaaaaa? Goldust snorts at Christian.
Backstage, Steve Austin and Eric Bischoff talk about the Bad Blood PPV. Austin says he's okay with the Michaels/Flair match but it's not "Eric Bischoff presents Bad Blood", it's "Stone Cold presents Bad Blood". Bischoff then says he heard that Austin will offer Bad Blood for free to everyyone in the military with proper ID. Austin says Bischoff is just cheap while Bischoff says they can have a friendly competition. Austin asks him if he wants it to be Stone Cold vs. Eric Bischoff at Bad Blood? Bischoff vehemently denies it but says he will think of something. Austin then says that he's going to go out and celebrate Memorial Day while Eric can sit here and think about what he wants to do.
We come back as Jerry Lawler asks everyone to rise as Lilian Garcia sings "America the Beautiful". She starts signing but is interrupted about halfway by La Resistance. Rene Dupre takes the mic and says that there is nothing beautiful about America, it's just full of fat people. Sylvain Grenier then says that America always sticks its nose in the business of other countries. They are French and they are peaceful people and don't consider themselves the police force of the world. Steve Austin's music hits and Stone Cold marches out. He immediately throws Grenier to the outside and then hits a Stunner on Dupre. La Resistance leaves as Austin gives them the finger.
Stone Cold grabs a mic and says today is a day to honor the people who have fought for our great country. He talks about drinking beer and then asks Lilian to come back to the ring. He has a surprise for Lilian but can't see worth a damn. He'd like to do a duet with Lilian and if anyone wants to sing along they can. Lilian starts signing again and Austin sings along. After they finish singing, he asks for some beer. He hands Lilian two cans and she starts chugging em down with some help from Austin.
Backstage, we see Ric Flair getting ready for his match. He goes inside a room and then we see that a masked man has been watching him from behind.
Non-Title Match
-Goldust vs. Christian
Christian comes out first and Goldust comes out after him for this non-title match. Christian gains the upperhand at the onset of the match but Goldust kicks him in the face and then hits a bulldog for a two count. Goldust misses some sort of a charge and goes flying to the outside. Christian brings him back in and kicks him in the gut before working away on his head and neck area. Goldust eventually fights back and sets for the Shattered Dreams but the referee stops him which allows Christian to capitalize with a kick the face. Goldust shrugs it off though and hits a powerslam for the quick victory. Christian immediately grabs his belt and runs off.
Five Minute White Boy Challenge
-Rodney Mack vs. Bubba Ray Dudley
As we come back, Rodney Mack and Theodore Long are already in the ring. Theodore asks for any White Boy to step up to challenge Mack for the 5-minute match. The Dudley Boyz's music hits and Bubba comes out. The two immediately go at and exchange punches but Mack soon puts Bubba into a chinlock and they roll around for a bit. Bubba muscles out of it and starts pummeling away before getting a two count. Bubba hits a huge belly to back suplex and gets another near fall.
As Theodore Long distracts Bubba, Christopher Nowinski sneaks up from behind and nails Bubba, knocking him out. Mack then puts on a submission on Bubba and picks up the win.
Backstage, La Resistance complains to Eric Bischoff about Steve Austin's actions. Bischoff apologizes and says that he'll give Sylvain Grenier a singles match tonight against Rob Van Dam. It won't be just any match, because if Grenier can win, La Resistance will get a title shot at Bad Blood.
Backstage, we see Chris Jericho getting dolled up for his upcoming Highlight Reel show.
They show clips of how Goldberg almost got run over and then consequently Lance Storm admitting to driving the car and revealing it was Chris Jericho who put him up to it.
They show results of the poll - 81% of the people who voted think that Goldberg will spear Chris Jericho and obviously 19% don't think he will.
Backstage, Ric Flair is getting ready for his match when Triple H comes from behind and turns him around. Trips says you've changed but Flair disagrees and proceeds to cut another great promo. Flair leaves and Triple H is heard saying that he will give Flair something to cry about.
Flag Match
-Sylvain Grenier vs. Rob Van Dam
This is apparently a flag match where the way to win is by capturing your country's flag (the flags are suspended behind/above the turnbuckles). The match quickly heads to the outside where Grenier tries to hit a suplex but RVD counters it and then suspends Sylvain on the ramp allowing him to hit a heel kick from the mat. They head back into the ring where RVD hits some shoulder charges into the back of Grenier before hitting the Rolling Thunder.
On the outside, Dupre and Kane go at it and Dupre actually gets the better of it so RVD comes flying out. Inside, Grenier almost gets his flag but Van Dam pulls him down. Grenier once again heads for the flag but RVD simply dropkicks him off. With the ref distracted Dupre hits a cheapshot and once again it allows Grenier to re-enter the ring and go for the flag. Van Dam meets him near the top and kicks him to the ground. RVD then goes for a moonsault but he takes out the referee instead.
Match continues as Van Dam climbs to his side for the USA flag. He pushes Dupre off and grabs the flag and starts waving it about but La Resistance gets up and double team him. Kane finally gets up and pulls the Dupre and Grenier off but he ends up getting clocked with the flag pole. Dupre then puts the American flag back on the pole and La Resistance hits a flapjack on RVD. Dupre heads for the French flag and gets it just as the referee "wakes" up. He calls for the bell as Sylvain Grenier is deemed the winner and thus, La Resistance will now get a title shot against Kane and Rob Van Dam at Bad Blood.
Backstage, we see the door to Goldberg's lockerroom. And that's it as nothing else happens.
Before Goldberg comes out, Chris Jericho announces that next week his guest will be the most entertaining superstar in sports entertainment...the Rock. But today, the show is about Goldberg. He talks about the car incident and how he was trying to send Goldberg a message: nobody wants you in WWE. Jericho says that back in WCW, he tried to take Goldberg under his wing but he soon realized that the bigger Goldberg became, the bigger a jerk he became. It annoyed him to see him climbing the ladder because Jericho says he had more charisma and talent than Goldberg would ever have. When he wanted to face Goldberg, it never happened because he supposedly wasn't a big enough name. Jericho says he then left WCW and came to WWE and become one of the biggest names in history.
Jericho then says that he's accomplished everything in his career except for one thing - a match with Goldberg so he will challenge him to a match in this very ring. But tonight, but at Bad Blood. There aren't two people in this world who have more bad blood than them. He babbles some more but Goldberg's music interrupts him and Goldberg comes running and Jericho bails.
The fans chant Goldberg's name as he grabs a mic and says why doesn't Jericho make millions of people happy tonight. Get in this ring and let me put you out of your misery. Jericho says no, not until you accept my challenge for Bad Blood. Goldberg asks Jericho if he's ever heard of the saying: be careful what you wish for? Well, it's on. Goldberg then talks about their past and how Jericho said they were once friends. It took him a long time but he realized that Chris Jericho is nothing but an ass. Jericho can't believe he has the audacity to call him an ass on his show infront of his all the people. He asks Goldberg to get out of the ring or else he'll just have to do something about it but Goldberg doesn't let him and grabs him by the throat. Jericho then starts spraying something into Goldberg's face, blinding him. He then hits him with a spear before sprinting off to the back.
Backstage we see Chris Jericho run off to his car. Terri goes after him trying to get some words but Jericho gets out of the car and runs away on foot.
Handicap Match
-Triple H vs. Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels
Michaels and Triple H start off the handicap match with Triple H gaining the advantage after not too long. Triple H goes for the Pedigree so Flair goes nuts in the corner and Shawn uses the split second to back body drop Triple H. Both guys are down but Shawn eventually makes his way to Flair for the tag. Flair goes to punch Triple H but he just turns around and sucker punches HBK! Flair pounds on Michaels as backstage we see the masked man attack Kevin Nash (it looks like Randy Orton to me, but who knows?). Back in the ring, Triple H and Flair pound on Michaels and then Trips pins him for the win.
After the match, Flair and Triple H celebrate and continue to double team Shawn but Nash finally lumbers out. The masked man also comes out and the three of them beat down Nash and HBK. Flair unmasks the mystery guy and it is indeed Randy Orton. Meanwhile, they start beating up the faces again with Triple H using a chair on Nash's throat and Flair putting the Figure Four leglock on Michaels as the show ends.
Flair and Michaels are built up as being the greatest wrestlers of all time.
HHH beats them.
They make Flair vs. Michaels for the PPV, but steal 90% of the heat away from that match and shove it in to Nash vs. HHH. WHY?
They spend HALF THE SHOW building up Flair, HBK and of course, the mighty HHH, but give Jericho, who they built up on beforehand, a 10 MINUTE SEGMENT????
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They show a series of clips showing the highlights from last week's show, most notably the world title match between Triple H and Ric Flair.
Raw opening video rolls and we're live from Mobile, Alabama!
Shawn Michael's music hits and out comes HBK. He grabs a mic and introduces the "greatest champion of all-time" Ric Flair. Flair comes out to his music while JR and the King wonder out loud who the greater world champion is - Shawn Michaels or Ric Flair. Michaels says he's waited 18 years for this opportunity, the opportunity to say that in his eyes you are everything that is great and wonderful about this business. He says Flair is the reason he wanted to do this job and the reason why being good at this job was never going to be good enough. Shawn says he spent every day of his career trying to reach the level of Ric Flair on a nightly basis. But he wants to know one thing - is he in the same league as Ric Flair? Shawn then unofficially challenges Flair to a match tonight.
Flair takes the mic from Shawn and thanks him for remdinding him who he had to be last week on Raw. Flair then says that when he passed the torch to Michaels, he took it to a whole new level. Flair says he'd like to find out tonight who's better as well.
Triple H comes out and says enough is enough, stop with the mutual admiration society. Triple H says he came to Flair six months ago and told him to go back to being Ric Flair, the man, the Nature Boy. Here we are six months later and let me be the first one to say - the Nature Boy is back. But he asks Flair if now that he's back, will he turn his back on him? Are you going to bite the hand that feeds you? Flair calls Triple H the greatest wrestler alive today but Shawn Michaels was the guy who reminded him on who he is. He's Ric Flair, not some subservant jerk. He's standing alone.
Triple H gets mad and calls Flair an old bastard and says he was the one who picked Flair up, he was the one who made Flair what he is today, he is the one who brought him back to being the Nature Boy. He tells Ric to trust him and ask Shawn Michaels if you don't believe it, but you don't want to run up against me. Triple H says Flair doesn't want him to make the decision for him.
Eric Bischoff's music hits and he comes out and says he can throw his weight around too like Austin did last week. He looks in the ring and sees three of the biggest egos in this industry standing there. He loves the idea of Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair but that match is too big for a city like Mobile, Alabama. So instead, he announces that match for Bad Blood. But just to prove that Austin isn't the only one who can make a match you folks want to see so tonight it will be Shawn Michaels & Ric Flair vs. Triple H in a handicap match. Triple H gets angry and walks away while Shawn and Flair shake hands and laugh.
They plug Goldberg on Chris Jericho's highlight reel for later tonight as well as Stone Cold's Memorial Day celebration.
I guess needs a traffic boost cause they plug another poll and encourage the audience to go vote. This week's question - will Goldberg spear Jericho on the Highlight Reel?
-Booker T vs. Test
Booker T comes out first, followed by his opponent Test who is accompanied by Stacy Keibler. They show a clip of last week where Stacy left both Test and Scott Steiner by departing by herself. Much of the match goes back and forth with Stacy applauding Test at various stages. Test gets Booker in a facelock but Booker fights back and hits a flying forearm and a clothesline before hitting a suplex for a two count. Booker misses a Scissors kick but hits a heel kick before signalling and performing the Spinaroonie. He misses another kick so Test tries for the Pumphandle Slam but it's countered. Booker then hits a missile dropkick from the top but can only get a two.
Test is then back body-dropped to the outside and Stacy goes to help her. Booker T tries for a baseball slide but Test pulls Stacy in front of him and she gets kicked and consequently knocked out. Back in the ring, Test hits the Pump Handle Slam but Booker T kicks out. Scott Steiner comes down to check on Stacy while inside Test misses a kick and then runs into one of Booker's. Booker T covers Test and wins the match.
Scott Steiner carries Stacy Keibler (who has come to by this time) to the back as Test sees this and gets angry.
Backstage, Steve Austin (sporting a black eye) is watching on a TV and says "Booker T is finally coming around. I like it." Triple H comes up from the side and asks him what happened to his face. Austin says he was taking a shower and slipped on a bar of soap. Triple H says Austin has been doing a great job as co-GM but wants to talk to him about his match tonight. It's a thankless job and his hat comes off for him. Austin thanks him but says the match is still on.
Triple H starts complimenting Austin on his t-shirt and Austin says he appreciates it but the match is still on regardless. Triple H then changes topics and asks him if he's been working out. He's looking good and buff, best he's ever seen him look. Austin says thank you but says the still...on. Triple H then gets frustrated and says Austin is a piece of trash. He always wanted to be like Triple H but he never could. But tonight, he'll win the match. Austin says "thank you for coming by...but the match is still on." And angered Triple H then leaves.
-Val Venis vs. Steven Richards
Trish Stratus comes down and joins JR and the King for commentary. They browse through the latest Flare magazine which has Trish on the cover. Victoria, already in the ring with Steven Richards, jaws at Trish. Val Venis comes out and does his pre-match stuff. He says the rumors are true - The Valbowski has opened up an adult movie company. He offers Victoria a job and talks about the project "Victoria's Little Secret". Steven Richards doesn't like this and attacks Venis and the match gets underway. Richards has control during the early parts of the match but Venis starts dominating soon thereafter.
A powerbomb almost gets a three count but Richards fights back and hits a DDT for a near fall. Venis gets up, heads for the top and signals for the Money Shot. He nails it and pins Richards for the victory. Trish didn't say much on commentary for those interested in that.
Backstage, Jonathan Coachman interviews Kevin Nash. Coach says Nash seems to have been out of control lately and Nash agrees, saying his best friend turned his back on him, how would you react? But Triple H's world is unraveling and two weeks from now he's going to take his title away. He has a lot to worry about. Coach asks him about Triple H's match tonight and Nash says he hopes he gets his ass kicked because he deserves it. But Nash says he's just going to sit back and watch everything unfold.
Backstage in another area, Terri interviews Christian. Christian brushes off Terri and rips on Mobile, saying they named it after a gas station. Terri leaves as Goldust enters and asks him why he's such a dic--dic--dictator? Goldust says he will take away from the cham--cham--championship from him. Christian says neither he nor Booker T are championship material. He points to a "C" on the belt and says it stands for Christian. This prompts Booker T to enter the picture. He basically says that he'll win the title next month in Houston at Bad Blood. Can you dig that suckaaaaaaaaa? Goldust snorts at Christian.
Backstage, Steve Austin and Eric Bischoff talk about the Bad Blood PPV. Austin says he's okay with the Michaels/Flair match but it's not "Eric Bischoff presents Bad Blood", it's "Stone Cold presents Bad Blood". Bischoff then says he heard that Austin will offer Bad Blood for free to everyyone in the military with proper ID. Austin says Bischoff is just cheap while Bischoff says they can have a friendly competition. Austin asks him if he wants it to be Stone Cold vs. Eric Bischoff at Bad Blood? Bischoff vehemently denies it but says he will think of something. Austin then says that he's going to go out and celebrate Memorial Day while Eric can sit here and think about what he wants to do.
We come back as Jerry Lawler asks everyone to rise as Lilian Garcia sings "America the Beautiful". She starts signing but is interrupted about halfway by La Resistance. Rene Dupre takes the mic and says that there is nothing beautiful about America, it's just full of fat people. Sylvain Grenier then says that America always sticks its nose in the business of other countries. They are French and they are peaceful people and don't consider themselves the police force of the world. Steve Austin's music hits and Stone Cold marches out. He immediately throws Grenier to the outside and then hits a Stunner on Dupre. La Resistance leaves as Austin gives them the finger.
Stone Cold grabs a mic and says today is a day to honor the people who have fought for our great country. He talks about drinking beer and then asks Lilian to come back to the ring. He has a surprise for Lilian but can't see worth a damn. He'd like to do a duet with Lilian and if anyone wants to sing along they can. Lilian starts signing again and Austin sings along. After they finish singing, he asks for some beer. He hands Lilian two cans and she starts chugging em down with some help from Austin.
Backstage, we see Ric Flair getting ready for his match. He goes inside a room and then we see that a masked man has been watching him from behind.
Non-Title Match
-Goldust vs. Christian
Christian comes out first and Goldust comes out after him for this non-title match. Christian gains the upperhand at the onset of the match but Goldust kicks him in the face and then hits a bulldog for a two count. Goldust misses some sort of a charge and goes flying to the outside. Christian brings him back in and kicks him in the gut before working away on his head and neck area. Goldust eventually fights back and sets for the Shattered Dreams but the referee stops him which allows Christian to capitalize with a kick the face. Goldust shrugs it off though and hits a powerslam for the quick victory. Christian immediately grabs his belt and runs off.
Five Minute White Boy Challenge
-Rodney Mack vs. Bubba Ray Dudley
As we come back, Rodney Mack and Theodore Long are already in the ring. Theodore asks for any White Boy to step up to challenge Mack for the 5-minute match. The Dudley Boyz's music hits and Bubba comes out. The two immediately go at and exchange punches but Mack soon puts Bubba into a chinlock and they roll around for a bit. Bubba muscles out of it and starts pummeling away before getting a two count. Bubba hits a huge belly to back suplex and gets another near fall.
As Theodore Long distracts Bubba, Christopher Nowinski sneaks up from behind and nails Bubba, knocking him out. Mack then puts on a submission on Bubba and picks up the win.
Backstage, La Resistance complains to Eric Bischoff about Steve Austin's actions. Bischoff apologizes and says that he'll give Sylvain Grenier a singles match tonight against Rob Van Dam. It won't be just any match, because if Grenier can win, La Resistance will get a title shot at Bad Blood.
Backstage, we see Chris Jericho getting dolled up for his upcoming Highlight Reel show.
They show clips of how Goldberg almost got run over and then consequently Lance Storm admitting to driving the car and revealing it was Chris Jericho who put him up to it.
They show results of the poll - 81% of the people who voted think that Goldberg will spear Chris Jericho and obviously 19% don't think he will.
Backstage, Ric Flair is getting ready for his match when Triple H comes from behind and turns him around. Trips says you've changed but Flair disagrees and proceeds to cut another great promo. Flair leaves and Triple H is heard saying that he will give Flair something to cry about.
Flag Match
-Sylvain Grenier vs. Rob Van Dam
This is apparently a flag match where the way to win is by capturing your country's flag (the flags are suspended behind/above the turnbuckles). The match quickly heads to the outside where Grenier tries to hit a suplex but RVD counters it and then suspends Sylvain on the ramp allowing him to hit a heel kick from the mat. They head back into the ring where RVD hits some shoulder charges into the back of Grenier before hitting the Rolling Thunder.
On the outside, Dupre and Kane go at it and Dupre actually gets the better of it so RVD comes flying out. Inside, Grenier almost gets his flag but Van Dam pulls him down. Grenier once again heads for the flag but RVD simply dropkicks him off. With the ref distracted Dupre hits a cheapshot and once again it allows Grenier to re-enter the ring and go for the flag. Van Dam meets him near the top and kicks him to the ground. RVD then goes for a moonsault but he takes out the referee instead.
Match continues as Van Dam climbs to his side for the USA flag. He pushes Dupre off and grabs the flag and starts waving it about but La Resistance gets up and double team him. Kane finally gets up and pulls the Dupre and Grenier off but he ends up getting clocked with the flag pole. Dupre then puts the American flag back on the pole and La Resistance hits a flapjack on RVD. Dupre heads for the French flag and gets it just as the referee "wakes" up. He calls for the bell as Sylvain Grenier is deemed the winner and thus, La Resistance will now get a title shot against Kane and Rob Van Dam at Bad Blood.
Backstage, we see the door to Goldberg's lockerroom. And that's it as nothing else happens.
Before Goldberg comes out, Chris Jericho announces that next week his guest will be the most entertaining superstar in sports entertainment...the Rock. But today, the show is about Goldberg. He talks about the car incident and how he was trying to send Goldberg a message: nobody wants you in WWE. Jericho says that back in WCW, he tried to take Goldberg under his wing but he soon realized that the bigger Goldberg became, the bigger a jerk he became. It annoyed him to see him climbing the ladder because Jericho says he had more charisma and talent than Goldberg would ever have. When he wanted to face Goldberg, it never happened because he supposedly wasn't a big enough name. Jericho says he then left WCW and came to WWE and become one of the biggest names in history.
Jericho then says that he's accomplished everything in his career except for one thing - a match with Goldberg so he will challenge him to a match in this very ring. But tonight, but at Bad Blood. There aren't two people in this world who have more bad blood than them. He babbles some more but Goldberg's music interrupts him and Goldberg comes running and Jericho bails.
The fans chant Goldberg's name as he grabs a mic and says why doesn't Jericho make millions of people happy tonight. Get in this ring and let me put you out of your misery. Jericho says no, not until you accept my challenge for Bad Blood. Goldberg asks Jericho if he's ever heard of the saying: be careful what you wish for? Well, it's on. Goldberg then talks about their past and how Jericho said they were once friends. It took him a long time but he realized that Chris Jericho is nothing but an ass. Jericho can't believe he has the audacity to call him an ass on his show infront of his all the people. He asks Goldberg to get out of the ring or else he'll just have to do something about it but Goldberg doesn't let him and grabs him by the throat. Jericho then starts spraying something into Goldberg's face, blinding him. He then hits him with a spear before sprinting off to the back.
Backstage we see Chris Jericho run off to his car. Terri goes after him trying to get some words but Jericho gets out of the car and runs away on foot.
Handicap Match
-Triple H vs. Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels
Michaels and Triple H start off the handicap match with Triple H gaining the advantage after not too long. Triple H goes for the Pedigree so Flair goes nuts in the corner and Shawn uses the split second to back body drop Triple H. Both guys are down but Shawn eventually makes his way to Flair for the tag. Flair goes to punch Triple H but he just turns around and sucker punches HBK! Flair pounds on Michaels as backstage we see the masked man attack Kevin Nash (it looks like Randy Orton to me, but who knows?). Back in the ring, Triple H and Flair pound on Michaels and then Trips pins him for the win.
After the match, Flair and Triple H celebrate and continue to double team Shawn but Nash finally lumbers out. The masked man also comes out and the three of them beat down Nash and HBK. Flair unmasks the mystery guy and it is indeed Randy Orton. Meanwhile, they start beating up the faces again with Triple H using a chair on Nash's throat and Flair putting the Figure Four leglock on Michaels as the show ends.
Flair and Michaels are built up as being the greatest wrestlers of all time.
HHH beats them.
They make Flair vs. Michaels for the PPV, but steal 90% of the heat away from that match and shove it in to Nash vs. HHH. WHY?
They spend HALF THE SHOW building up Flair, HBK and of course, the mighty HHH, but give Jericho, who they built up on beforehand, a 10 MINUTE SEGMENT????
OK, HHH-lovers, explain this.