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I don't know many dance fans on here (except HSM), but I myself am a big old school dance fan, whether Haddaway, Sash or Amber. There are still good songs out, from people like DJ Sammy and Room 5... but what do you think of dance, both past and present?


Were you a fan of 80s dance? 90s dance? Is nowadays dance better? Are you a house dancer or a trance dancer? Or does it do nothing for you?




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Does absolutely nothing for me, just sounds like random beeps, not gonna say it's terrible though because people do like it so it means there is some appeal to it.



I like some Dance tunes.


Oakenfold- Starry Eyed Surprise is class!!!


Junior Senior- Move Your Feet is heaven!!!


Tom Craft- Lonliness is wicked!!!


What was the rest of your top tunes?

I can listen to some of it. The artist and song names I have no idea about cos it's not really something I discuss, but when I'm around my friends' houses and they're playing that kind of stuff I really enjoy it. Also, my uncle listens to some seriously funky-ass shit and that's the greatest music ever! Download Tricky!
I can't stand dance. Heavy metal all the way, baby! \m/
I love it! :)
Not particularly a fan of dance but I'd take it over some of the heavy rock music you hear. I'd prefer listening to the likes of Sasha, Digweed and the like rather than cheese like Sash or Scooter. The first two is good dance, the second two are not.

Dance music rules.


I like rock music (Mettalics, Linkin Park, Sabbath) when im at home on the PC with a couple of cans.


The on the other hand when i go up town, dance music rules ass, especially when you are pissed. So yeah dance is good.



Yeah i have to agree with CJR i like punky music etc, but dance is good in its place, nightclubs etc. I like DJ Sammys stuff amongst others.
I like decent beat dance music like The Prodigy, Chemical Brothers, Roni Size, Daft Punk etc.
yea same...Prodigy etc are cool.
I like dance music when I hear it, although Im no totally sure on names and stuff. I wouldnt buy it to listen to whenever i want, but if it comes on the radio or that I'll listen to it.
Originally posted by Orchid

Does absolutely nothing for me, just sounds like random beeps, not gonna say it's terrible though because people do like it so it means there is some appeal to it.


Gotta agree with Nicole on that one

Cant believe i didnt see this topic sooner :D


Yes im a fan of dance music but not so much chart dance music, I do enjoy some of it however just not the cheesy euro pop brand of music such as DJ Sammy.


I listen to most types of music but Dance has always been my mainstay particularly Trance and House. I find it the perfect music to drive too and it can also be very uplifting but at the same time very relaxing.


I do have to say tho for someone to class Dance music as "Random beeps" is pretty laughable. Its the same as saying that Metal is just "Random noise", but then again this forum never has been known for its openmindedness on dance music now has it


I'm a huge fan of dance music, especially from the 90's. What youngsters don't understand is that when old timers like me and HSM were growing up, Metal was widely considered to be a relic from the past. There was hardly any guitar based music when I was growing up until the Britpop era kicked in. You certainly never used to see kids hanging around outside Woolworths wearing T-Shirts with Metal bands names, infact people like this were widely mocked.


I lused to and still do love tunes from the likes of KLF, N-Trance, Snap, SL2, The Shamen, Prodigy, Strike, 808 State, Felix, Livin' Joy, The Original, Reel 2 Reel, Alex Party, K-Klass, Cafe Del Mar, Basement Jaxx etc.


I do like some modern dance music, but I think that as kids become less interested, mainstream dance music will just fade away until it becomes the "in thing" again. Of course dance music will never die, you only have to listen to Radio 1 on a Friday/Saturday evening to know that there are still great dance tunes being created, unfortunately not much of it gets into the mainstream anymore, and we're left with "dance acts" like DJ Sammy clogging up the charts.


There will always be a market for dance music as I can't see many nightclubs playing Linkin Park etc being overly succesfull.

Edited by K.J

Digital Love


I thought Daft Punk's best tune was:


Digital Love.


Then again...that's the ONLY Daft Punk tune I'ver heard.

In my humble little opinion dance music is utter utter shite!


It is unlistenable.

Granted I'm sure a dance fan would say the same about what I listen to...and that's all well and good.


But the thing that got to me was...Metal music not being relevant,

now I am only 2 years older than HSM..and I was listening to Metal/Rock back when it was considered "unfashionable".

Back before it exploded onto the mainstream.

That doesn't make me better or any worse than the kids you see today.I'm just pointing out a fact.


As for being mocked.

Being spat on..having a brick thrown through your window..having someone try to set your hair on fire, haveing a bottle broken over your head simply for looking and being different.That isn't being mocked.That is harrasment.

I've seen and had these things done to me.

I lived through all of that.

And for you to simply say it was mocking..is wrong!

I have never walked down a street and hurled mindless abuse at someone for wearing there baseball caps high up on there head..or for wearing the socks over there shell suit..I let them go about there business..

Just because I choose not to dress a similar way or listen to there music..does not give me the right to verbally abuse them.


As for Metal clubs not being succesful...okay..why is it then that my local Metal/Rock club The Cathouse is still running after over a decade?

Nottingham Rock City....still going strong..to name but a few.

There is a market for it.

In fact the market was so strong in my area..that the Cathouse managment deemed other rock clubs a viable threat to there income.So they went out of there way to put them out of business.

Are there more dance clubs than rock clubs?Yes

Does that make them better or more succesful?No

Does that also mean that I should just head on down to a dance club,just to be in the "in-crowd" Hell No!

I like my metal music just fine.

If you choose to listen to dance..then that's equally fine.


Just because something makes money..doesn't make it better.

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So basically, you don't like dance music.

Re: Digital Love


Originally posted by ChrisfromBirtley

I thought Daft Punk's best tune was:


Digital Love.


Then again...that's the ONLY Daft Punk tune I'ver heard.




Words cannot express.........gaah! Youreamoron!!!

Originally posted by K.J

I used to and still do love tunes from the likes of KLF, N-Trance, Snap, SL2, The Shamen, Prodigy, Strike, 808 State, Felix, Livin' Joy, The Original, Reel 2 Reel, Alex Party, K-Klass, Cafe Del Mar, Basement Jaxx etc.


Amen Brother! All classics :xyx

Can't agree with N-Trance being any good. They were pure cheddar. Even when they were really popular the cheese factor of their tunes was sky high.
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