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Am I the youngest person here at the TWO?


I am 13 and will be 14 on the 20th of June. Is anybody younger than me here?

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You got to be 13 to join these type of forums so unless theres some naughty kiddies, you might be the youngest
and im 18, 2 weeks to the day!
I was 12 when I joined these forums, 12 years and 11 months to be precise.
im 13, and i'll be 14 on the 1st of June. So looks like i'm the youngest. Dammit :evil
Nope, I'm 13 now, 14 in October. :D
I'm too old..............18 years old this past February.
I would never have guessed some of you were 13 - your posts make you sound alot older.
Yeah I'm a bit surprised at some of the ages mentioned here but you make sensible posts so age isn't really a factor anyway.
i'm a senoir citizen at the peak age of 18
I'm 15. I think I might've been the youngest here for a short time when I first joined but definitely not anymore. It doesn't matter anyway.
Sounds like Im middle age then :D, Im 17 on the September 11th
God i feel really old now :P but i agree with Kam and Cripp you younger members do come across as really sensible, all of you :)
Awww lotsa youngies :P Im always gonnabe the little princess tho :)
it just sickens me that i'm going have to baby sit most of you...

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