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Yes, the Big Show, although internet communities prefer to label Paul Wight as the Big “Slow”. Personally, I think this criticism is a bit unfair. I think that when people make their judgement on the Big Show, they forget that his is “Big”, as in 7 feet tall and 500 pounds. I feel no shame in admitting I enjoyed his match vs. Brock @ Royal Rumble 2003, and that the roster split has done him a good deed.


Compare Big Show to the legendary Andre the Giant, both around the same height and weight. I do not wish to tarnish what Andre has done, but it is fair to say that he was very sloppy during his matches. Take the Big Show, and he is a much better athlete when compared with Andre, considering his condition. I guess the point is, what are your opinions on the Big Show? Do we take into consideration his gigantism when passing judgement? Am I right to say that taking into account his gigantism, Paul Wight has been unfairly targeted as useless?

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I think the guy is a disgrace to be honest. At the house show in Belfast last month, sweat was literally spraying off him after about two minutes. Lesnar hit him with a clothesline and the sweat flew off Show like water would fly when a car has driven through a puddle. Before I went to the show I thought to myself that he would probably be better live than watching him on telly but he was worse, much worse.


Show is better than Andre was but that ain't really saying much if we are being honest.


You can say about his size but the fact is he could seriously do with losing weight if you think back to the size he was in WCW he was much thinner than he is now. They sent the guy away in mid 2000 to lose weight and if anything he came back even bigger.


So to answer the question, no I don't think he is unfairly targetted as being useless.

The reason that Big Show frustrates me is that he just doesn't put in the effort. I remember in WCW when he would try dropkicks and flying clotheslines. I even remember him using a Missle Dropkick in a title defence against Viscera in late 99/early 2000.


But now, he just doesn't try. It's clothesline, scoop slam, choke in corner, chokeslam, ring the bell.


And let's face it, he's only pushed because of his size. If he was 5 inches shorter and 100lbs lighter, he'd blend into the crowd. But because he's fat and tall, WWE can use such thought provoking angles as "Show is big. Stretcher is small. Show must go on stretcher for Brock to win. How will Brock win?".


I've only been into Big Show 3 times since his time began in WWE. First of all, his debut was promising, and he looked to be one of the most promising guys of all time, with the perfect look for an unbeatable heel.


Another time I marked out for Big Show was after Shane put him out of action, and Foley booked Shane and Steph Vs Lita and a mystery partner. When the announcer said "And her partner...", then the arena filled with "Weeeeeeeeell...", Shane's facial expressions made that an unforgetable moment for me.


And the final time I could say that Big Show was entertaining in WWE was just a few months ago, when he was repackaged, so to speak, as an unstopable heel monster that Brock couldn't beat. But after Brock did beat him, he went back to his bland heel routine of looking scary, but selling for guys like Rey and Tajiri.


I'm glad to see that Show has gotten over his comedy gimmick, which REALLY hurt his character. But he needs to go back to being an unstopable, motivated giant. Let him go on a winning streak for a few months, beating some fairly big names about halfway through the program, and getting a few big PPV wins. If he's built up for months like that, there's no denying that he'll get over. He just needs to work on his wrestling ability.

Originally posted by Russ

The reason that Big Show frustrates me is that he just doesn't put in the effort. I remember in WCW when he would try dropkicks and flying clotheslines. I even remember him using a Missle Dropkick in a title defence against Viscera in late 99/early 2000.


But now, he just doesn't try. It's clothesline, scoop slam, choke in corner, chokeslam, ring the bell.


And let's face it, he's only pushed because of his size. If he was 5 inches shorter and 100lbs lighter, he'd blend into the crowd. But because he's fat and tall, WWE can use such thought provoking angles as "Show is big. Stretcher is small. Show must go on stretcher for Brock to win. How will Brock win?".


I've only been into Big Show 3 times since his time began in WWE. First of all, his debut was promising, and he looked to be one of the most promising guys of all time, with the perfect look for an unbeatable heel.


Another time I marked out for Big Show was after Shane put him out of action, and Foley booked Shane and Steph Vs Lita and a mystery partner. When the announcer said "And her partner...", then the arena filled with "Weeeeeeeeell...", Shane's facial expressions made that an unforgetable moment for me.


And the final time I could say that Big Show was entertaining in WWE was just a few months ago, when he was repackaged, so to speak, as an unstopable heel monster that Brock couldn't beat. But after Brock did beat him, he went back to his bland heel routine of looking scary, but selling for guys like Rey and Tajiri.


I'm glad to see that Show has gotten over his comedy gimmick, which REALLY hurt his character. But he needs to go back to being an unstopable, motivated giant. Let him go on a winning streak for a few months, beating some fairly big names about halfway through the program, and getting a few big PPV wins. If he's built up for months like that, there's no denying that he'll get over. He just needs to work on his wrestling ability.


Agree with the majority of that :xyx


Not a defense, but his lack of motivation is probably down to his guaranteed 10 year contract.

The only thing Big Show has excelled in, is eating 30+ burgers in one visit at McDonalds. Greedy get.

though he still ha some time to justify the reason WWE brought him in, i think the Big Show has improved as of late. he's become an impressive heel, his promos are slighly better (at least he sounds like a pi**ed off giant) and he's a bit more responsive in the ring and he can have at least wtachable matches with the right people (Surprisingly, one of them being Brock Lesnar).


Big Show may still has some way to go impoving himself, buti don't cringe (as much) when in see him and i do rather enjoy Albert and BIg Show's partner ship

Originally posted by Pabster

The only thing Big Show has excelled in, is eating 30+ burgers in one visit at McDonalds. Greedy get.


Lol, in a Big Show interview he once stated he spends over $20 on food everytime he visits McDonalds.

Originally posted by Peter

Lol, in a Big Show interview he once stated he spends over $20 on food everytime he visits McDonalds.


Pff, in Glasgow Queen Street Station that's about the price of a portion of fries and a Coke...


But anyway, Big Show could probably do with losing a bit weight. I don't mean take him off TV for 2 months or whatever, but a change of diet would probably help his stamina and make him a bit more mobile.

Losing weight, giving up cigerettes, all could do him some good in the long run. I just don't see why they play to his strengths. He can be a big scary man who should be pushed as one, yet he has a natural gift for humour, and can also be used in a humourous role without diminishing him (look at the wonders it did for Goldust's career).


I'd say someone please change his look first. Is it me or did he look so much better in jeans than those tight short-like spandex things he wears now?

Get him like that, and he is pure $$$'s for Vince

I think that the Big Show is great for his size, it is very hard to wrestle under all of the lights and in doors, because everything generates heat (anyone who has ever acted on stage can confirm that) so for someone who is 500 Ibs to do it every other day and have some good matches is pretty impressive.


Oh and about him not doing drop kicks anymore or flying clotheslines, have anyone ever considored the theory that Vince stopped him from doing it, because big guys don't do that sort of stuff in Vinces mind.

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