If you saw Big Brother the other week, you might have noticed that the housemates had a wee talk about their ultimate sandwich.
"The rules- Any fillings, any kind of bread, your ultimate sandwich".
Personally, I would go with-
Chiabatta bread (Toasted enough to make it warm and crispy, not too much that it becomes too hard, drizzled with olive oil), with a filling of melted mozzerella and Parma ham, or perhaps smoked salmon.
If you saw Big Brother the other week, you might have noticed that the housemates had a wee talk about their ultimate sandwich.
"The rules- Any fillings, any kind of bread, your ultimate sandwich".
Personally, I would go with-
Chiabatta bread (Toasted enough to make it warm and crispy, not too much that it becomes too hard, drizzled with olive oil), with a filling of melted mozzerella and Parma ham, or perhaps smoked salmon.
Now THAT's a sandwich, bay-bee!
Or can you top that?