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Am I the only person that believes Shane-O-Mac should be a full-time member of the roster? Irrespective of a loaded roster already, would you like Shane McMahon to be on the roster? Some of you may think my decision is only based on the fact he does major bumps. But take a look at his match with Kurt @ KOTR 2001. It would be unfair to say one of them carried the other through the match. Both were at their best that night.


I know it is very unlikely, but I truly believe that Shane would add something to the roster.


Your opinions please :xyx

Featured Replies

I would love to see Shane O'Mac Back! The guy is the only McMahon that I can stand, he always brings out the best in people and makes everyone look good. Also, he can do the Sineroonie (Maccaroonie) better than anyone!

Shane is the only member of the McMahon clan that i can stomach on screen. he has worked hard at his wrestling and hes got an interesting character.


plus i like the way he walks

Yeah I forgot his walk and his Dance are cool!

The only reason Shane McMahon can afford to bump like a mad man is because after he takes his bump he has 6 months or so to recover without stepping back into the ring.


Believe me, about 70% of the WWE roster could do what Shane does. It's very easy to give 101% on a few PPVs every year, but to piece together watchable matches on the road several times a week will take it's toll.


And let's face it, he's a McMahon. If he became a full time wrestler, he's going to be pushed down our throats, and be in the main event scene permanently. Does the WWE roster need another guy shot straight to the main event without earning it?


Shane seems happy enough to stay in his New Media behind the scenes role. I think he should just stay off screen for a while longer, as I think WWE is full of non-wrestling on screen characters wasting TV time as it is.

Even if it was in a manger role with one-ff wrestling a la Big Show/Booker T. I think we all agree we didn't mind Big Show on our TV's when he had the angle with Shane.

If Shane McMahon made a return to being an on-screen character, he'd only be getting pushed instead of a more deserving wrestler.


It might work for a short time (to get somebody new over for example) but staying around would be a bad thing IMO.

Would Shane have worked better than Piper with O'Haire?
I think Shane O Mac is great. I loved his match with Kurt at KOTR, probably my favourite match I ever saw. I don't think he should be a full timer as it's a nice suprise when he comes back cos I know he's gonna have a decent match with someone with a decent bump.
Originally posted by Cactus Jack

Even if it was in a manger role with one-ff wrestling a la Big Show/Booker T. I think we all agree we didn't mind Big Show on our TV's when he had the angle with Shane.


I Think Shane McMahon Will be Back, But As A co-GM for smack down. The Reason I think this is Because Vince Said there were going to be some changes and i think that will Be one of them. I also think It will make smackdown a lot maor Interesting Like stone cold did for RAW.

Originally posted by Cactus Jack

Would Shane have worked better than Piper with O'Haire?


Yes I think O'Haire would be a lot better off with shane than piper.

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