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Time to liven up this board so... what are all your bad habits?


Do you bite your toe nails? Eat the fluff out of your belly button? Dip biscuits into tea? Fart? Do you smell?



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what a charming thread pab absolutly lovely.


i think my worst habit is eating toast in bed so i get crumbs everwhere and im a wee bit untidy.


im pretty good really


btw pab who won the badge ive been on tenterhooks since thursday?!

People - this is a direct rip off from a certain board which I happen to frequent :D


My bad habit are fussying about using certain brands of things.

Popsi - check the "new craze" thread, I announced the result in there earlier on. :)


PK : At least it was me who posted this thread on that other forum anyway. :D

I tear at my skin with nail clippers. Half my hand is now victim to nail clippers.


Oh, and I tend to grow my nails a bit too long. I am very lazy and hate really short nails, so I let them grow a little bit (sometimes a bit too much).

Not really a habbit as such but er, I'm kinda dirty when I want to be, sometimes going like 5 or 6 days without a bath, also I only wash my hair once a week, some weeks I just never do. Of course I fart, everyone farts. I bite my nails sometimes when they're gettin a bit long. I eat and smoke in bed all the time so my bed probably ain't the cleanest place in the world. I play with my hair a lot and I do girly smiles to random people who happen to like girly smiles. :) I'll probably add more when I realise what else makes me even mroe disgusting... haha.

Call me a freak, but i actually do this:

Rip at my hair like Man Kind until strands come out,


Also been known to frizzle front of my hair with fire, Once this almost backfired as i use a load of gel in my hair and i was fizlinf my hair and it went up nitro style I had to dip my head in the sink quick time

Pair of scissors+my feet=major skin loss. I love cutting skin off my feet. I clean my bellybars in my mouth and I bite my grossly disgusting nails and toenails.



Do they have to clamp a huge hole into your stomach and twist it and turn it until your guts come out?


I quite fancy one of them!


Not literally

Bellybars are the things that go in naval piercings.

Ok, I'll clear my dirty mind then



Not like I was thinking anything dirty of orchid, I was well just saying that erm...bad habits?


Farting in class and blamin it on the techer


hence my detention afta school tomorrow

AS Pab gave as an example (or from experience ;) ) hands up those who eat the bellybutton fluff! That's disgusting!

Unfortunatly, I'm still a Smoker. It's a horrible, horrible habbit.


When I'm sober, my willpower is turned up full blast, and I don't need gum or patches to stop cravings. But the second a drop of alcohol touches my tongue, the tobacco monkey jumps into action, my cravings begin and I'm being drawn to the bright red Marlboro packet like a sailor to a siren.


I want to stop. More importantly, I need to stop. And I've called the Quit-Line thing so many times I'm on their Christmas card list.


But I just can't shake the habbit. Still, beats dunking biscuits in tea. There's something very wrong with Pab...

Originally posted by Russ

Unfortunatly, I'm still a Smoker. It's a horrible, horrible habbit.


When I'm sober, my willpower is turned up full blast, and I don't need gum or patches to stop cravings. But the second a drop of alcohol touches my tongue, the tobacco monkey jumps into action, my cravings begin and I'm being drawn to the bright red Marlboro packet like a sailor to a siren.


I want to stop. More importantly, I need to stop. And I've called the Quit-Line thing so many times I'm on their Christmas card list.


But I just can't shake the habbit. Still, beats dunking biscuits in tea. There's something very wrong with Pab...


Ah Russ finally a man with sense!! The whole toast dunking into tea just freaks me out, it makes me heave at the thought, definitely very wrong :sick :D


The bad habbit i have is biting my nails, yes including toe nails, i know it's gross, but thats about it! well all i'm admitting to anyway! :P

I wouldnt say this is a bad habit...but I like things clean, I'm abit of a clean freak :)


Most of the above is disgusting!

Well i must say i mastaba.......oppps to personal, even if i did is that a bad habbit? ;) only jokin fellow TWO'ites.


Bad habbits are, Biting nails, toe nails to. I still cant manadge to bit my lil toe, the rest i can reach. I dont really have that many besides that. And that aint really bad becuase it keeps me occupied.



I have a habbit of rattling my tongue stud against my teeth which annoys people but sometimes I cant help it, And a habbit of picking my mascara off... thats about it really
Well for one i bite my nails. Even with that stop and grow stuff on them that's suppost to help you stop. Probably my worst (but i wouldn't call it a habit, but people always cringe when it happens) is putting tomato sauce on my roast dinner. I get the most awful looks if i do that. :roll

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