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I think everyone should take a moment to remember all of the wrestlers who have gone to the ring in the sky to wrestle the great wrestlers of the past!

1.) Freddie Blassie

2.) Junkyard Dog

3.) Rick Rude

4.) British Bulldog

5.) Mr. Perfect

7.) Wahoo McDaniels


And I am sure there are many more, so please leave their names here!


One last thing I remembered:




*EDITED to remove capital letters

Please don't post in caps in future :)*



Edited by Chris2K

Featured Replies

Yokozuna should be in there and Gorrilla Monsoon I loved when Yoko won the belt from hogan and was a gr8 tag champ with owen ...


Monsoon made a wild card match @ a survivor serise Years Back and was also a great wrestler back in the day ...


Could stretch a list a mile long


I must say Big Respect for Having Davey boy in the list !

Brian Pillman


Quite possibly the last heel to have genuine heat...made Triple H and a heel Rock look like school playground backyard amateurs.

Like i said the list could go on ... But i agree Pillman was good lol, him and golddust and terrie thing was a funny twist just before he dided.


What about the 1st lady of WWF, Miss Elizebeth not so long ago with the lex lugger drugs thing.


Every one R.I.P


Including my recently Passed away granfather Charles Henry Whelan 1912 - 2003 who was a wrestling fan and the worlds greatest Brick layer he helped build Hams Hall.

Yes what a fantastic heel Pillman made his promos were fantastic only skit that comes to mind is the things he did with Shane Douglas at Big A$$ Extreme Bash in 96

Also don't foget Owen Hart 1965-1999


R.I.P Owen Hart 1965-1999

I don't understand how Owen Hart could be forgotten in the first place! Remember the episode of (i think it was RAW) RAW that was to him, when Austin finished by toasting a beer to him on the titantron, that was kewl.

Eddie Gilbert one of the toughest to ever walk the aisle.


Brian Hildebrand if u read Foleys book you will know who i mean.


R.I.P Guys.

Owen Hart


owen james hart had to be the greatest wrestler of all time. he was such a pure wrestler, who loved his job and his family. i had to do a report on my favorite person of all times people were picking bret boone(im from washington), or there parents.but me being the huge wrestling fan i am, i choose owen hart. my teacher said it was the most hartfelt and thoughtout report she had ever read. my report had half the class crying, including. i had mentioned how owen hart had died, and it brought me to tears (i am tearing up right now folks). owen james hart is by far the greatest wrestler of all times!




and for me, there were no dudes, no excelents, none of that because this was serious.

God Bless Owen Hart


I cried so much watching the tribute Raw. Owen was a awesome wrestler to watch, I could always get into a Owen Hart match.

I feel after his lost, it took wrestling a long long time to get back to normal.


Quote the Stevie nevermore

Re: God Bless Owen Hart


Originally posted by Stevie-Effect

I cried so much watching the tribute Raw.


don't take this the wrong way, but i was cringing through most of the part of the RAW Owen Tribute

The Austin 'beer salute' thing was the biggest pile of manure on that show. Austin I believe had refused to job to Hart a few times, and they were nowhere near close friends. Why Austin was given the 'last send-off' is beyond me, when people like Jarrett were watching backstage.


And gimmick matches on a tribute show? Um, no thanks.

It was even more severe than that Chris, Austin and Owen had heat ever since SummerSlam '97. Austin not only refused to job to Owen, but he refused to work with him full-stop as he thought Owen dropped him on his head on purpose at said SummerSlam.
Didn't Bret Hart say in an interview that Owen didn't even call Austin once while he was laid up with a broken neck. That might be one for u to answer Riki.

dont foget The Shiek.


the craziest, bloodiest and most psychopathic wrestler ever.


and he had wrestling in his blood, no one outside the business or his family was allowed to call him by his real name, and he was called the shiek by the minister at his funeral.




Brian Pillman

Larry Cameron

Bruiser Brody

Curt Hennig


way too many....we have lost...

  • 2 years later...
And very recently Eddie Guerrero
Brian Pillman


Quite possibly the last heel to have genuine heat...made Triple H and a heel Rock look like school playground backyard amateurs.


Overstatement of the year.

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