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This band rule. Finaly, the return of hair metal!

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Everyone seems to be hyping these up...but to be honest i dont see what all the fuss is about.
I heard them the other night on Lamacq and they totally totally murdered "Street Spirit" by Radiohead. I know they are an entirely different band than Radiohead but it was awful. Very bad cover version.
I think there great, there new song "growing on me" is great.
I really really like them but haven't got round to buying their album yet cos I'm skint. Get Your Hands Off My Woman I love, same with Stuck In A Rut and Growing On Me, I think his voice is fantastic and they sound pretty old school rock... certainly more so than The Datsuns! Plus they seem like really cool guys who have the right attitude to stuff in general.

Their album isn't out until July Peter :P


I first heard them quite a while ago, with their first single "I believe in a thing called love" and I loved it. I also loved Get your hands off my woman, that was funny.


Love the way Justins voice goes like it does and you just gotta love his camp costumes!

The cover of Street Spirit is brilliant. I'm fed up of bands taking themselves too seriously. Its good to have some humor in music. There are too many bands trying to be too cool (not the tag team) and 'alternative'. I recomend everyone download the Street Spirit cover. They havemurdered it but thats the point. Its the funniest record I've heard for a long time.
Heard of this band back in September, when they hadn't been signed by a big label yet, and thought they were cool, am glad they are getting somewhere now. Growing On Me, is an awesome track too.
Originally posted by Latino Reheat

Their album isn't out until July Peter :P


Oh ...gosh darn my ignorance. I guess I'll get it when it comes out then.

  • 4 weeks later...
Love the band. Really got into them as of late, and I didn't think I would but I have. So it's all cool.
Looks like there album is going in at number 2 in the album charts.
Hell yeah! The Darkness are the future of Rock from where I'm sitting!
Yup, I like them too. :xyx :)
Has anyone seen the thing about the making of the video on Scuzz? The way he says ooooooooh lady makes me laugh every bloody time. Bloody legendary. Must get the album as well.

I've been listening to the album every day for the past week or so. It's pretty cool in a "cheesy hair metal" kind of way, but it's not really any different to the stuff that Rainbow used to do back in the 80's.


The album would make a great party soundtrack!

I haven't heard all of the album, just the single Growing On Me, which I must admit I quite liked. I'm reserving judgement on them though until I've heard and seen more, I think humour in music is good but I'd want to see them continue to bring out good tunes with guitar solos like Growing On Me, and if they carry on in that fashion they could do well.


I just hope they don't go the way of other ultra-hyped bands and turn out to be one of the NME brigade like The Datsuns, The Hives, The White Stripes, The Strokes, The Vines and so on and fall into that bracket, which they could do. I would absolutely love to see the full-on return of 'hair-metal', if that's what we're going to call it, but I just hope they don't try and be a 'hilarious' band with their videos like Electric Six, Tenacious D or those sorts of bands. By all means have comedy videos, and I do actually genuinely like the Growing On Me video, but make good tunes first and foremost.


El Selecta is dead right. Too many bands are trying to be 'cool and alternative', and for me they only come across as being tossers who are right up themselves. Anyway, so far so good with The Darkness, just keep it going and don't lose the plot. I'll reserve judgement for now but so far they look promising.

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