Posted June 15, 200321 yr Tonight: TWO Bad Blood Quiz & Chat Quiz (hosted by HSM): 8pm - 9pm Chat: 9pm - 1am ------------------------------- TV Listings for Sky: 11pm - Velocity 12am - Heat International Edition 1am - Bad Blood ------------------------------- CARD World Title Match Hell In A Cell Guest Referee - Mick Foley HHH © vs. Kevin Nash Chris Jericho vs. Goldberg Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair WWE Intercontinental Title Match Christian © vs. Booker T World Tag Team Title Match (The Unlikely Duo of) Rob Van Dam & Kane © vs. La Resistance Winner Gets Stacy Keibler Scott Steiner vs. Test The Dudley Boyz vs. Chris Nowinski & Rodney Mack ------------------------------ Leave your thoughts on the show here. The results will also be in this thread, so don't come here if you don't want to know them! LEAVE YOUR PREDICTIONS HERE!!!! Edited June 15, 200321 yr by Chris2K
June 15, 200321 yr I cant say I'm hyped up at all. The only match that looks ok to me is Jericho/Goldberg, but we all know Goldberg will win. Although if Jericho wins I'll be very happy :D
June 15, 200321 yr Done the card picture style click here for results as and when they happen ! Bad Blood Results
June 15, 200321 yr if Jericho wins, i'll run outside nekkid and do DX style crotch chops in the middle of the street shouting "JERICHO WINS...OMG FREAKIN GOD JERICHO JUST BEAT WHISKER BISCUIT"
June 15, 200321 yr LOL, Hope u all like my lay out of ppv. If Y2J wins it would be with help from 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999 Other People + Yokozuna coming back from the grave to whooooop his big retarded Butt. Can u belive Y2J made him crazy not a good move lol. Think the tag title match will be best match of night with Kane doingsomething to help loose the titles maybe. Who thinks devon might back the mac and turn on his bro bubba ?
June 16, 200321 yr F View no need to link to another forum we will have the results in this thread. Well we won't get to see a nekkid Seabass :D Very average ppv, cant say i enjoyed it much at all. Match of the night either Flair/HBK or Y2J/Goldburg. Flair sold really well for HBK, and HBK did some decent moves. The table spot was pretty awesome! I had a feeling there would be some interference from someone at the end and i was right, typical heel Flair. Winner Flair. I didn't enjoy the Test/Steiner match at all. Nowinski actually got a win, will Dvon turn again? do we care? hmm, not much of a match either. Winner Steiner. Booker T/Christian was ok, pretty average match, Christian makes me laugh in his cowardly role. As much as i like Booker T i'm glad they're keeping the belt on Christian, i just wish the WWE would stop having him losing needlessely. Winner Booker by DQ. La Resistance/RVD & Kane i quite enjoyed this for some reason, i think this will see the start of a Kane/RVD split and maybe a push for one of them, its looking likely it will be Kane although i would prefer an RVD push myself. Winner La Resistence. Jericho started off getting hammered, i thought it was going to be a complete squash match but fortunately Goldburg did start to sell and it was a decent match. I knew what the outcome would be anyway, paving the way for HHH/Goldburg eventually. Winner Goldburg. I have to mention the Austin/Bischoff segments lol, will anybody be able to look at pie again without thinking of Mai Young? lol, that lady has some guts :P we've seen her boobs, butt etc, i dread to think whats next lol. Poor Bishoff what with that and the pig muck, one wanders if Vince is enjoying a bit of payback hehe. Winner Austin. Well the main event was exactly as i expected, no wrestling at all, just a blood bath. I cant say i enjoy these type of matches, but i did mark out for Mr.Socko w00t!! Eat that HHH!! I don't know if i've seen so much juice in one match. Again everyone knew who would win so the result was as i expected and HHH retains, again. Winner HHH. Hopefully the Smackdown PPV will be better, it certainly should wrestling wise anyway. :) Edited June 16, 200321 yr by Goldy
June 16, 200321 yr Bad memories always stay with you, no matter how much you try to forget them. So it saddens me to think that the image of Mae Youngs ass will haunt me for the rest of my days.....
June 16, 200321 yr This is a joke! Now i know most of us hate Triple H but i'll admit the hell in the cell was a great match. But who the hell is HHH screwing to be able to keep the belt for this long. Its a damn joke.
June 16, 200321 yr Heres what I thought of the PPV Dudleys Vs Nowinski/Mack - Pretty average match seemed more like a Raw match rather than a PPV woo hoo Nowinski got the win 5/10 Scott Steiner Vs Test - One of Steiner's better WWE matchs that Test carried IMO Test was great in his heel role a couple of messed up by Steiner spoiled an otherwise good match 6/10 Booker T Vs Christian - Good match here Booker got a huge pop in his home I was hoping WWE would give them 20 minutes or so the only thing I hated about this match was the crap D.Q ending 7/10 Kane/RVD Vs La Resistnace - Enjoyed this match La Resistance really showed what they can do here and the idea of Kane turning made the match interesting 6.5/10 Goldberg Vs Jericho - Suprsingly not a squash here Jericho managed to get as much offence as Goldberg which I'm happy a very good carried by Jericho easily Goldberg's best WWE match 8/10 HBK Vs Flair - I was expecting a lot from this but all I really wanted was an old fashioned clean wrestling match and I was really dissapointed don't get me wrong it wasnt a bad match just it could have been so much more 7/10 HHH Vs Nash - A lot better than I first thought it would be it wasnt a wrestling just a dam good brawl both men did well not the best Cell match I seen but certainly not the worst 7.5/10 Overall - Well I was pretty dissapointed only the Goldberg/Jericho and the HHH/Nash matchs were good like I said HBK vs Flair wasn't bad just it could have been so much more lets hope Smackdown do better next month 6/10
June 16, 200321 yr I should stop trying to be a mod and allow Chris2K to show his evilness by bossing people around :) Edited June 16, 200321 yr by Chris2K
June 16, 200321 yr my thoughts on the PPV Dudleys Vs Nowinski/Mack- Not bad, quite an average Tag Team match with the neat exceptions of D'Von hesatating to get the table and Nowinski getting the win- 2.5/5 Scott Steiner Vs Test - my, my how this didn't end up being a stinker i don't know. nevertheless, it was a good match. test has gained more respect from me as he was playing the heel role brillantly, and stacy just puts other diva's to shame and manage to carry Steiner. also i think being this match being second on the card helped as there was less expectation from people of a good match. 3/5 Booker T Vs Christian - Good match, maybe not the blockbuster i was expecting, but i still enjoyed it. really it looked like a Booker squash with christian getting some good offense in. i was not surprised with the DQ (hmmm....couldn't be to do with my prediction :D), as WWE wanted Booker to win in his home town, but want Chistian to continue his push as IC champ- 3.5/5 Kane/RVD Vs La Resistnace -a good tag team match, La Resistance seem less green then when they first came to the WWE, and look to be capaable tag team champs. still need to improve in the promo department but hey- they are young- 3/10 Goldberg Vs Jericho- OMG! whisker Biscuit doing a convincing job of selling...for Chris Jericho...well somebody better call the doctorrrrrrr! seriously Jericho once again manages to make someone look good at the expense of looking at the stars. kudos to Jericho and Whsiker Biscuit for avioding a botched Lionsault counter. - 4/5 HBK vs Flair- not the classic we were all hoping for, but still it was good and had some unique spots like HBK's 180' slash on Ric flair who's on a table. didn't mind the randy orton interfernce finish as it sets for a HBK vs Orton match which should be nice to watch- 4/5 HHH Vs Nash - quite a good HIAC. while it certainly dosen't eclipse any of the previous HIAC matches. it was still good to watch. some weapons i've never seen in a HIAC match was a nice touch as well as foley's interaction. don't think anyone was surprised not to see HHH and Nash go outside or ontop of the cage match.- 3.5/5 overall- not anything exceptional. but it wasn't a disaster, in fact i would have to say i enjoyed the PPV, a success in my opinion and as a result a step in the right direction for the WWE
June 16, 200321 yr DAMNIT, WHY WAS IT SO BAD? I can't believe I stayed up for it and was actually looking forward to it. Could it have been any worse? Goldberg v Jericho was a disaster, I really was worried for Jericho at one point when Goldberg looked stiff as hell. Who in their right mind would actually want to work with that guy? Plus the match did nothing for either worker in my opinion. If Goldberg ends up getting the Raw title it'll be as much of a joke as Nash or HHH holding it, but worse. For the love of God, please don't give him the belt... can't you hear Vince... they ARE BOOING HIM... THEY DON'T LIKE HIM. Flair v HBK was ok, a bit of a let down, but in my opinion it wasn't their fault, more the fault of that CRAP houston crowd. Could they have been any less enthusiastic about the event? I hate it when US wrestling crowds take what they have forgranted. Still, enjoyed the match anyway, glad HBK jobbed... if slightly unclean :P I WISH MAE YOUNG WOULD JUST.... well you get the point. I wish I could meet the genius backstage who always books her into a segment... so I could kill him. What a joke, that whole redneck triathlon thing managed to be as bad as it possibly could have been. Just think how much of the PPV it actually took up... and then cry. HHH v Nash... the less said the better. Absolutely diabolical. What was the point in having the hell in a cell there... it was just a confined streetfight. OH NO BUT WAIT. They did rub each others face against the cage... always entertaining. I can't believe Nash did the humiliating J-O-B. It really is getting to be a joke on Raw. Infact screw it, that was the last straw. It's such a shame, because Raw did seem to have a glimmer of hope recently. After that show, its confirmed that its going nowhere though. I just don't think I can bring myself to watch Raw anymore, I'll just have to pick up the highlight reel on Bottom Line or something. VINCE I HATE YOU SO MUCH. What a farce.
June 16, 200321 yr Sorry to be predictable people, but this was bad. So bad, in fact, it sent be to sleep, literally. Why the hell was Booker/Christian on third from curtain-jerker?. They were in Houston for feck sake, Booker's home state, well, I guess that's what you get for having 'writers' instead of bookers. The 'Redneck Challenge' skits were the worst i've ever seen in this industry, and anyone who knows the worst skits ever should know that covers ALOT of ground. No flyers on this show really shone through, if they're smart (and we know they're not) they'll bring some over from SD. This IS WCW
June 16, 200321 yr I actually enjoyed this event. Part being I was watching it live, second that my Dad came down to watch it with me, which ended up trying to explain how WCW folded due to politics. Very hard to get across! I like the Triathlon; Bischoff was hilarious! If the is the end of the HHH/Nash fued, then a bad ending. If ti carries on, then just wait and see. I thought the HIAC was better than expected.
June 16, 200321 yr God im so bloody angry!!!!!! Yeah im a Nash fan so point and laugh I dont care but the fact is i am so very SICK of HHH constantly being rammed down our throats. Now I know all of you hate or ridicule Nash but there are a few things you have to agree on with me here. First of all Nash was pushed damn hard as a legitimate rival to HHH he was made to look very strong so much so that HHH appeared intimidated by him. The build up to the match was actually pretty good for the first time in a long while they built a feud around the World Title that had some history around it and a build up which had lasted for over a couple of months. After all that what do they do? They let HHH kick out of Nashes Finisher and yet again he finishes him off with just ONE single pedigree. After so much strong build up they bury nash completely. Now im sure most of you will say Nash didnt deserve to be the Number 1 contender in the first place and ill admit your right. But if thats the case then they shouldnt have pushed him so damn hard and made him look so damn strong to have him job so completely. Im am totally fed up of seeing everybody get built up as a contender to HHH only to have him totally bury them when a PPV comes round. The RAW roster is becoming a joke and its all down to HHH. He has decimated the entire roster in the past 7 months with his ego and his constant destorying of anyone who appears to be getting a push. Im not normally one to join in with the HHH bashing but after watching that match i felt i just had to rant. For gods sake Vince wake up and realise people are sick of seeing your future son in law run rough shod over every face on the roster. Its boring, its predictable and its terrible for business. And the worst thing of all is he will probably drop the belt to the one person who matches him in the ego department. That self obssesed 'only in it for the money' no talent waster known as Goldberg. Although the way things are going expect Goldberg to win it and then the following month to lose it back to HHH after Trips kicks out of the spear and the Jackhammer and puts him away clean with one solitary pedigree. This mark boy has now lost all entusiasm for the RAW brand of wrestling and will not be watching the HHH show for a long time. Oh and as for the 'Pie Eating' contest, all I will say is that kind of crap shouldnt even be allowed in hardcore porn fetish videos. It was plain sick and has no place on any kind of Wrestling show. Ok, Rant over sorry if ive offended but i had to vent
June 16, 200321 yr Originally posted by HSM God im so bloody angry!!!!!! Yeah im a Nash fan so point and laugh I dont care but the fact is i am so very SICK of HHH constantly being rammed down our throats. Now I know all of you hate or ridicule Nash but there are a few things you have to agree on with me here. First of all Nash was pushed damn hard as a legitimate rival to HHH he was made to look very strong so much so that HHH appeared intimidated by him. The build up to the match was actually pretty good for the first time in a long while they built a feud around the World Title that had some history around it and a build up which had lasted for over a couple of months. After all that what do they do? They let HHH kick out of Nashes Finisher and yet again he finishes him off with just ONE single pedigree. After so much strong build up they bury nash completely. Now im sure most of you will say Nash didnt deserve to be the Number 1 contender in the first place and ill admit your right. But if thats the case then they shouldnt have pushed him so damn hard and made him look so damn strong to have him job so completely. Im am totally fed up of seeing everybody get built up as a contender to HHH only to have him totally bury them when a PPV comes round. The RAW roster is becoming a joke and its all down to HHH. He has decimated the entire roster in the past 7 months with his ego and his constant destorying of anyone who appears to be getting a push. Im not normally one to join in with the HHH bashing but after watching that match i felt i just had to rant. For gods sake Vince wake up and realise people are sick of seeing your future son in law run rough shod over every face on the roster. Its boring, its predictable and its terrible for business. And the worst thing of all is he will probably drop the belt to the one person who matches him in the ego department. That self obssesed 'only in it for the money' no talent waster known as Goldberg. Although the way things are going expect Goldberg to win it and then the following month to lose it back to HHH after Trips kicks out of the spear and the Jackhammer and puts him away clean with one solitary pedigree. re-edit a little bit and you would have got what i felt after Booker T jobbed to HHH
June 17, 200321 yr Originally posted by HSM God im so bloody angry!!!!!! Yeah im a Nash fan so point and laugh I dont care but the fact is i am so very SICK of HHH constantly being rammed down our throats. Now I know all of you hate or ridicule Nash but there are a few things you have to agree on with me here. First of all Nash was pushed damn hard as a legitimate rival to HHH he was made to look very strong so much so that HHH appeared intimidated by him. The build up to the match was actually pretty good for the first time in a long while they built a feud around the World Title that had some history around it and a build up which had lasted for over a couple of months. After all that what do they do? They let HHH kick out of Nashes Finisher and yet again he finishes him off with just ONE single pedigree. After so much strong build up they bury nash completely. Now im sure most of you will say Nash didnt deserve to be the Number 1 contender in the first place and ill admit your right. But if thats the case then they shouldnt have pushed him so damn hard and made him look so damn strong to have him job so completely. Im am totally fed up of seeing everybody get built up as a contender to HHH only to have him totally bury them when a PPV comes round. The RAW roster is becoming a joke and its all down to HHH. He has decimated the entire roster in the past 7 months with his ego and his constant destorying of anyone who appears to be getting a push. Im not normally one to join in with the HHH bashing but after watching that match i felt i just had to rant. For gods sake Vince wake up and realise people are sick of seeing your future son in law run rough shod over every face on the roster. Its boring, its predictable and its terrible for business. And the worst thing of all is he will probably drop the belt to the one person who matches him in the ego department. That self obssesed 'only in it for the money' no talent waster known as Goldberg. Although the way things are going expect Goldberg to win it and then the following month to lose it back to HHH after Trips kicks out of the spear and the Jackhammer and puts him away clean with one solitary pedigree. This mark boy has now lost all entusiasm for the RAW brand of wrestling and will not be watching the HHH show for a long time. Oh and as for the 'Pie Eating' contest, all I will say is that kind of crap shouldnt even be allowed in hardcore porn fetish videos. It was plain sick and has no place on any kind of Wrestling show. Ok, Rant over sorry if ive offended but i had to vent HSM, I was gutted NAsh didn't win. BUT, if the fued carries on past Badd Blood just think it will have an extra two months till the PPV, and I'm sure he'll drop the belt then.
June 17, 200321 yr It's HHH v Goldberg at Summerslam apparently, so I'd rule out Nash v HHH. Other than the fact that they're friends, why were they given two months? They have little chemistry, and the match was built more around Foley v HHH than HHH v Nash.. wow, that sounds familiar *cough*WM18*cough*HHH v Jericho*cough*. I'll admit that Nash wasn't half as bad as I expected in the feud (bar half his promos), but the feud was still an unmitigated disaster. As for the PPV itself, I was optimistic at first. A crowd who pops huge for an Ivory win on Heat gets my vote. And Dudleyz/Mack and Nowinski was not too bad, although Nowinski still looks very green. Nice to see a Dudleyz match with no tables too. But why have all the D-von shit happen, and then as soon as the match is over, cut to JR and king. Wheres the argument or dirty looks? Steiner/Test was very good. Test carried Steiner better than HHH ever could, and in his defense, Steiner actually looked better in this match than his previous efforts. Not to mention Stacy looked damn hot. Surprised to see Steiner win and it looked like Stacy hurt her buttock :), but still, good match. Christian v Booker was a disappointment in my book. The ending was an insult to both men and the crowd. Christian is not being pushed effectively at all. You don't gain heel heat by that kind of ending. Sympathy is more what he's getting, for being lumbered with asswipe bookers. Still.. not a bad match, if a bit slow. RVD/Kane v La Resistance was ok. Nothing special. This Kane thing is way too predictable.. it's almost boring. Just get it over with. We all know Kane v RVD is coming at Summerslam, so build it now. Nice to see the rookies win too. At least some new blood is getting pushed. Goldberg v Jericho was another disappointment from a smart pov... but I liked it more because of being a Jericho mark and knowing the history of the two more in depth. Goldberg sold pretty well, which was good for him, but he's less popular and was carried. It hurt the match a lot, not to mention it was predictable, and more fans are starting to cheer Jericho anyway. Flair v Michaels was an ok match. Flair did look tonnes better than most of his latest outings, and Michaels was great as usual. Should have been a bit longer, but it wasn't too bad, especially with the table spot AND Ortons interferance (which actually added to the whole match). So not really many complaints there. The redneck triathalon was the BIGGEST pile of sh*t I've seen in a long time. Vince needs to pull his head out of his ass and realise that just because he was the enemy for so long, doesn't mean we want Bischoff to be humiliated. To his credit, Bischoff played his role marvellously, and carried the whole thing, but it shouldn't have happened at all. An embarrasement to the whole company. Foley v HHH w/ Nash as the side attraction wasn't that bad, but could have been tonnes better. It didn't hold a candle to any previous HIAC classics and I doubt it would have been worthwhile had it not been for good ol' Mick. Glad to see Nash isn't champion, but HHH as champion is still just as bad, if not worse. Overall, disappiointed. And I'm not the only one. Pretty much every wrestler backstage hated it in one way or another, and McMahon isn't paying a blind bit of notice. More fool him when his talent start not to care anymore... almost like the majority of WWE fans. There's a message in this somewhere.
June 17, 200321 yr Not agreeing with the ending, but I like Christians apparant gimmick of getting DQ'd to keep his belt, and I think if any one can do it, Christian can. I've wanted for ages a gimmick like this to be pushed.
Tonight: TWO Bad Blood Quiz & Chat
Quiz (hosted by HSM): 8pm - 9pm
Chat: 9pm - 1am
TV Listings for Sky:
11pm - Velocity
12am - Heat International Edition
1am - Bad Blood
World Title Match
Hell In A Cell
Guest Referee - Mick Foley
HHH © vs. Kevin Nash
Chris Jericho vs. Goldberg
Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair
WWE Intercontinental Title Match
Christian © vs. Booker T
World Tag Team Title Match
(The Unlikely Duo of) Rob Van Dam & Kane © vs. La Resistance
Winner Gets Stacy Keibler
Scott Steiner vs. Test
The Dudley Boyz vs. Chris Nowinski & Rodney Mack
Leave your thoughts on the show here. The results will also be in this thread, so don't come here if you don't want to know them!
Edited by Chris2K