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I'm new to this site and am just wondering what you all really think of the hulkster?


Personally i hate him and have always disliked him since i was a kid as I am fan of wrestlers with strengh and talent and not slow, boring, gimmicks.


He has been voted the most abymsal wrestler of the year 4 or 5 times by power slam (a well respected british publicaton).


I am only asking this question because I wanna see the mentality of the people on this site, are you a wrestling fan who enjoys the sport for the flair, athletic ability, strengh and originality of the wrestlers, or, like the majority of WWE fans are you brought in by his legend status........even if he is and always has been awful?

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He's an embaressment.


When your average Joe hears "wrestling", they think Hulk Hogan. They think of a balding, sweaty man pretending to be hurt by the evil bad guy, then somehow managing to overcome the odds and send the crowd home happy.


That's not (entirely) what wrestling is about anymore, but thanks to Hogan, the majority thinks it is.


I'm sick to death of Hogan. I have been for years upon years upon years. His utterly awful in-ring product, the fact that he can barely walk, he earns more money in a year than most wrestlers will in their lives, and his massive ego.


Yet, he still appears on TV. WHY?? Is the Mr America angle meant to be entertaining??!! Were the fans meant to be furious when McMahon sent Hogan home to stay off TV?


The pops he gets on live shows mean nothing. It takes no effort to cheer someone who's stuck around for a long time, but it takes an awful lot of effort to pick up the phone and order a PPV.


As I've said for years, Hulk Hogan will never retire. There's no chance that one day he's just going to beat a big heel, then cut a promo saying "That's it, I'm done", and never return to our screens again. Hulk Hogan will die as an active wrestler. It might not be today, or tommorrow, but as long as Hogan can breathe for himself, Vince McMahon will still see him as a bigger attraction than anyone in the promotion who's not in his family.


I was fed up of Hogan's return before Backlash 2002. And still he continues to ruin WWE TV. But I can honestly say that wrestling as a whole will benefit so much when Hogan gets off our screens forever.

i liked Hogan as a kid do to the fact his character was a larger then life one. you see, when i was a kid i didn't know good wrestlers from bad ones (nor bad gimmicks from good ones). only when i grew up did i began to tell the difference.

anyway, fast forward a decade later, i began to hogan in a different light, the tales i began to hear and to a lesser extent- his matches, made me have a dislike for him and almost a hatred for him.

but when he cmae back to the WWE, i couldn't help but have a smile on my face. maybe it was the nostalgia, or teh fact it isn't just the same without hogan. regardless, i welcomed his return...and then (after his match with the Rock) wished he didn't come back :D


so what's my overall thought on hogan?...well i respect the guy thought what he's done..but i just wished he would retire

Edited by Seabass

OK, I know the guy is a legend an all but that does not stop the fact HE SUCKS BIG DONKEY BALLS. I too liked him when I was a kid. However, when I got into wrestling a few years ago it was because of thein ring work. The guy is just too bad to describe. Even The Great Muta couldn't have a good match with him! Thats the only match I've ever seen Hogan do more than 3 moves. The Mr America thing is lame beyond words. There is so much great talent on Smackdown but half an hour of the show is devoted to Vince/Hogan promos every week. He should have beat Vince at mania and ****ed of to a home for the elderly.


p.s. is it just me or has Hogan looked about 50 about 20 years?

I like Hogan. Always have, always will. To me, he is *the* Legend of wrestling. I'll be gutted when he retires.
good to see some ppl agreeing with me, thank gods its not all stupid kids on this site.
Originally posted by master_chief

good to see some ppl agreeing with me, thank gods its not all stupid kids on this site.


i'm sorry but what prompted you to say that?!

What do I think of Hulk Hogan?


Hes a slow, sluggish wrestler, with incredibly bland and repetitive interview skills, and takes up far too much time on Smackdown these days. The Mr America gimmick is not funny and just insulting to fans intelligence. Just get him off TV now, and let the people who actually can wrestle, wrestle. It is called World Wrestling Entertainment, and Hogan cannot wrestle, not is he entertaining.

Originally posted by Cactus Jack

I like Hogan. Always have, always will. To me, he is *the* Legend of wrestling. I'll be gutted when he retires.


Me too - I mark out for Hogan - has done in all my years of watching wrestling from a kid to present day (I'm now 18 years old).


Hogan = Legend.

The only real problem I have with Hogan is the excuse that he and his fans use.. he's a legend, therefore he deserves to be able to stink up weekly TV and overshadow the new guys. Bullsh*t. Hogan has NO right to do that, and if it wasn't for McMahon being firmly lodged up his ass, Hogan wouldn't be there.


I hated Hogan since day one. He has cut some good promos in his time but his wrestling never inspired me, and he just came off as one of those lame old grampas who try to act hip and young when they really aren't. At first it looks funny, then it becomes sad. Hogan has reached that stage.


Still, his name could be used in a positive way, if he is willing to put guys over. He did put Angle over at last years KOTR very well, and did a great job in making Brock Lesnar looking like a killer, so fair play. A win over Hulk Hogan, done right, can have huge effects on your career. But we know how big Bollea's ego is.. he won't do it often, and combined with Vince's ego, will have a dominant role inp lace of the new up and comers, and continue to fail to draw for WWE.



If he decides to put his selfishness aside and put over the new generation, then fair play, and he deserves a spot on the roster. But if he continues his ways, not to mention with his boring, predictable matches, then I will be hugely upset with him and WWE> I couldn't give a shit if he created sports-entertainment back in the 1800s or whenever... if he is ruining buisness right now, then he has NO right whatsoever to be in WWE and Vince should seemingly know this.. but obviously not.

Originally posted by master_chief

good to see some ppl agreeing with me, thank gods its not all stupid kids on this site.


master_chief, please don't call people "stupid kids". Everyone is entitled to an opinion on this forum. You can challenge it, but do not insult or berate it. You have been warned.

I respect what he has done in the past, he pulled many many fans into wrestling, but now his style just does not fit in anymore.

Smackdown use to be a really strong show until this Mr. America thing started.

A couple of weeks ago when Hardy and Rey were main event, that was the best Smackdown in a long time, because (in my opinion) hogan only had about 10 minutes of tv time and not seen again. It just seems to me that he holds people back by being on tv way to much. Hopfully the whole Mr. America thing will be over at the next PPV, but some fans still like him and as long as he brings in money WWE will repackage him as many times as they can.




Hulkamania, The Hulkster.


Without Hulk Hogan wrestling today would be a very different thing indeed. It is doubtful firstly if Vince McMahon could have continued financing the WWF/E without the drawing power and marketing potential of the Hulkster. When Vince took the WWF to a National level he risked EVERYTHING to make the World Wrestling Federation the ONLY Federation on the planet worth watching and without Hulk Hogan bringing in the cash (Regardless of how ABYSMAL the guy is in the ring) the WWF would have died. Hulk Hogan was to the 80s what Stonecold was to the late 90s.


Now Hulk Hogan as a Wrestler? Hulk Hogan is not a Wrestler, he is a man who has mastered a routine in the Wrestling Ring very little or NO actual wrestling is performed. I get no pleasure in watching Hulk Hogan matches yet without him I would not be watching the WWF today because I truley beleive it would exist as we know it.


Maybe you can work this one out for me though because I can't? Hulk Hogan matches suck, he has no wrestling ability at all BUT when I watch 80s wrestling and REAL AMERICAN music hits the arena it is still SPECIAL!


It's got me beat.


My conclusion HOGAN = MONEY however badly he sux!

Hogan is a riot to laugh at, but let me educate some people first...


Has anyone heard of Billy Graham?, well, if you haven't, he was Vince McMahon Sr's. top draw in the mid-late 1970's, and Hogan blatantly stole everything about him; the blonde hair, the body, the gimmick, the persona etc etc.

Hogan is, without a doubt, THE cancer of the entire industry in it's 90+ year modern history. Hogan has ruined so many careers, killed an international promotion (not by himself granted) that he shouldn't be employed by any promoter. As far as drawing money in the 1980's, don't be fooled, while he did draw big, he didn't draw bigger than Flair and Antonio Inoki (both together and single). The WM 3 was 73,000, not 93,000 as the WWF said at the time, and Inoki drew 50-60,000 on a regular basis in Japan. Is Hogan a legend?, maybe so. Is he the greatest ever?....complete pish, absolutley not.

Hogan should've retired an era ago, but some mindless promoters still think he can draw, which he hasn't since 1997 with Sting (although that was 99% Sting)


The reason why Hogan fans like the guy is because they can't see Hogan for what he is in the industry. That doesn't mean to say they don't like the guy, i'm sure they do, and think of him as the greatest ever, but i've already covered why he isn't.


At the end of the day, Hogan is always out for No.1, and there's a reason why he decided to put over Angle, Lesnar and Rock.

ppl have said alot of things i agree with, hogan was never great but he knows how to work the crowd and he did draw well in the 80's but now he is too old and the Mr. America thing is stupid and using him to bring in zack gowan, who i have heard is a good wrestler, is not good as even on one good leg he looks like he could do better matches than hogan.
i've seen some pictures of billy graham, and when i first saw them i thought to myself sweet jesus is that hulk hogans grandad. The funny thing is that they both still wrestle. Or try to.
Originally posted by BRM

i've seen some pictures of billy graham, and when i first saw them i thought to myself sweet jesus is that hulk hogans grandad. The funny thing is that they both still wrestle. Or try to.


You're wrong.


Superstar Billy Graham, a former WWWF World Champion - was retired for quite some time and recently had health problems - no word is on how he is going.


The only thing you're was right is that Hogan still wrestles - whilst Graham is retired.

Originally posted by Tajiri_san

ppl have said alot of things i agree with, hogan was never great but he knows how to work the crowd and he did draw well in the 80's but now he is too old and the Mr. America thing is stupid and using him to bring in zack gowan, who i have heard is a good wrestler, is not good as even on one good leg he looks like he could do better matches than hogan.



I can tell you Zach Gowen is one excellent worker! - all you have to do is to hunt down some NWA-TNA tapes and watch him wrestle - he is truly amazing and phoemonal.

Hogan sucks as a face...



Hollywood rocks!!!!

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