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New thread for 2015 guys :xyx

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  • And plenty of time to catch up before then! I'm so glad they found their identity again with Doom 2016. I enjoyed Doom 3, but it didn't feel like aΒ DoomΒ game. But it found its roots and is as good as

  • Doom 3 gained a spot in my heart as the years went by, it feels like a classic now, a different point of view of the Mars incident. Things happened just as the gamer gods intended.

  • pixelpixeleer7

    Skyrim at the moment. This is the first time I've been playing an Elder Scrolls game since Oblivion. I hope I could get the time to finish the game, I seemed to like it so far.

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Finished the main storyline of stick of truth, good fun for 8 quid but I think I'd be a bit naffed off if I had bought it full price.
It is a wee bit short, I blasted it in a weekend so I was glad I got it as a rental but I had a real lot of fun when I did play it through. Good game but yeah, Β£45 would have been a bit much at launch for the length of it.
I paid Β£25 for it from Tesco when it was released, so I was quite pleased with it.
Was that console or PC? The PC port controls were pretty annoying..
Console, I've got the 360 version. I need to go back through it actually and clear up the last few achievements.
PC version gave me wrist ache from constantly holding down the AWSD and Shift keys to run everywhere. I did enjoy it though.

Rayman Legends which is a cracking good little platform and free as well on Gold at the moment, I have done the second episode of Game of Thrones which was belting and will get the third episode of it next month, I still have the entire second season of the Walking Dead to do as well.


I bought the Handsome Jack Collection (Borderlands 2 & Pre-Sequel re-mastered together) and have done a little bit of Borders 2 but I am waiting for it to reinstall on my 360 as you need to have the old 360 games and the latest patch to upload your character so it can be ported to the new generation version. This is also the same with the PS3 so they can move to the PS4 but if your new to the game or not fussed you can also start from scratch.


Finally I have Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham and The Wolf Amongst Us on the way from Boomerang as well. So plenty to keep my company when Becki is at work and I am off over Easter (from yesterday to next Tuesday).

Games I am currently playing or have still to play...


Rayman Legends (free on Gold)

Pool VX (free on Gold)

Child of Light (free on Gold)

Neverwinter (free on Gold

Borderlands 2 & Pre-Sequel

The Wolf Amongst Us

Walking Dead Season 2

Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham


I may have a gaming addiction.

Also you can get Forza Horizon 2 Presents: Fast and the Furious for free until the 10th of April on X-Box Live Gold. It is pretty much a smaller version of Horizon for free that you don't need Horizon to play, it is completely stand alone.


It is also one of the easiest 1000 Gamerscore games I have ever played, all you have to do is just play the game really, took me two hours or so. Fun little blast though, highly recommended for Forza or diving game fans.

AC: Black Flag. The best AC i've played!


Dying Light

Dark Souls 1

The Uncharted Series

Shadow of Mordor


I have around 100-150 games I need to play and finish, I blame steam sales and being a League of Legends and CS:GO addict for 2 years from keeping me playing these games.

  • 2 months later...
LEGO Jurassic World. If you like LEGO games, you'll love it. I think its the best one so far.
Back to playing Minecraft now I've found some decent servers with grief protection on them. mixed in with some Hearthstone still and the odd bit of Gemcraft which I bought on steam.
I finished The Evil Within, so am currently working through a New Game+ to collect the things I've missed. Then it'll be Metal Gear Solid V : Ground Zeroes (free on PS+ this month) to take me up until Batman: Arkham Knight is released.
  • 2 weeks later...
I have been dividing my time between Final Fantasy A Realm Reborn and classic Kingdon Hearts 1. Brought myself an old PS2 and making my way through all the Final Fantasy games starting with KH 1 and 2.
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm hopelessly addicted to "Shoot the Moon" on my iPhone. There's something about smacking a singing moon in the face with rockets as he slowly gets more and more angry that's kinda awesome:


  • 3 weeks later...
Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes, picked it up for a tenner last week. Really enjoyed it, its probably not worth more than a tenner as its very short but its a nice little prologue to The Phantom Pain. I've been meaning to give it a go for months but I'm glad I left it so late now, its only about 5 weeks till TPP is released.
Finished AC Unity (first game I ever got the platinum trophy for), now playing The Walking Dead. Holy crap, how good is that game!
Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes, picked it up for a tenner last week. Really enjoyed it, its probably not worth more than a tenner as its very short but its a nice little prologue to The Phantom Pain. I've been meaning to give it a go for months but I'm glad I left it so late now, its only about 5 weeks till TPP is released.


If anyone else (with an Xbox) fancies a go at Ground Zeroes, it's on the Games with Gold this month.

Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes, picked it up for a tenner last week. Really enjoyed it, its probably not worth more than a tenner as its very short but its a nice little prologue to The Phantom Pain. I've been meaning to give it a go for months but I'm glad I left it so late now, its only about 5 weeks till TPP is released.
I hope it wasn't on the PS4 because it was free on Playstation Plus not too long ago.

If anyone else (with an Xbox) fancies a go at Ground Zeroes, it's on the Games with Gold this month.
It's pretty good, with five fun (but short) missions.

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