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600 posts so I had to think of something kind of thought provoking.


How would your life be different? Would it affect the time you spend online, and if so, what would you be doing instead?


Speaking for myself, I would probably have joined another forum but then soon got cheesed off at the lack of a sense of community (I've only really seen this place and the bigger boards), then I think I would have left by now. I might have done more work for my degree at the time, but I think I would have been bored a lot as I used to come on to TWO a lot during the day if I was at work. Plus, there are a lot of people who I've 'met' online here who whether consciously or not have influenced my views on certain issues (in agreement or otherwise) or opened my eyes to stuff I didn't really think about before joining. Although I don't think not having TWO would have meant my life being totally different, I do think it would be significant, plus it is a nice escape to come here if everyday stuff in the 'real' world gets a bit tedious.


How would it affect you had there been no TWO?

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I wouldn't know my best mate. I wouldn't know the very very very small amount of nice people I know. Other than that, I would have a life.

I'd be doing everything I do now, just more often.


Although, I wouldn't have met Jackie, who wouldn't have asked me to join an e-fed, which wouldn't have introduced me to Sara, who became my best internet friend ever. So I have a lot to be thankful for.


Also wouldn't have had my thing with Goldy which taught me how age has more an effect than anything on a girl, and they are liars if they deny it. And I wouldn't have had fun with the guys I know now.


But besides that, I'd have no job, no Sara, and I'd have more spare time.

Edited by DraVen

eh, i would have just joined another wrestling forum
I would be one of the people I hate right now. I would be stupid, I wouldn't like rock music, and I'd be a close-minded twat. Thank you people of TWO for making me slightly better than I used to be. :P
I probably wouldn't have done as badly in my first year at Uni as I have. I'd also have been pretty bored some of the time.
Originally posted by PeteR Richards

I would be one of the people I hate right now. I would be stupid, I wouldn't like rock music, and I'd be a close-minded twat. Thank you people of TWO for making me slightly better than I used to be. :P


Maybe a hint of hypocrisy in that post there or is it just me?

I wouldn't be bashing marks on a regular basis....geez, i'd have gone insane by now had it not been for TWO allowing me an outlet of my aggression;)
Originally posted by The Vulcanized One

Maybe a hint of hypocrisy in that post there or is it just me?


Er, dunno, that's probably a good insult though. Nice one.

I would be richer, have loads more free time, would have done better at university...


hmmmmm :)

I'd have posted mainly on the UK Fan Forum and probably enjoyed my online time a lot more...a lot less hackers, ass clowns, idiots, cliques, clubs and school kids on the UK Fan Forum.


Some of my old school rants on here were just to get it right up some people...a lot easier and a lot more productive than flaming kids.


Oh, plus loads of you wouldn't have been sat at a PC going "How dare he tell me to actually watch the WWE, it's brain candy, you switch off...if he doesn't like it, he shouldn't watch it." Before logging into chat and going on about how sad The Hardys or whomever are, thus forgetting that "it's brain candy", certainly not "just watching it" and totally ignoring their gospel "if you don't like it, don't watch it".


So yeah...less idiots, less people who preach one thing and then do another. Basically TWO has boiled down to "boo hooo, don't you say that...but hey, the guy you like sucks and because I'm so damned self important i'm going to slag him off then take a pop at you if you slag off anything I like."


It's sad, because TWO does genuinely offer the best UK scene coverage online today.



If TWO never exsisted i probably would have never stayed online. It was only for the chat room that i stayed online, shame i never go in no more. But now i have one person who i talk to online also which is cool and talked to her online for a year and a half now, so thankyou TWO for making my internet good for a while until i met her :D whooo.


But like if TWO was never here, i would not of met her, and prob would never come online no more :D even though i dont post much no more.





Ahh... doesn't Tsu's post just cheer you up? :P


If TWO didn't exist then I doubt I'd be discussing wrestling online, instead just discussing it with people I know offline. Just TWO got me hooked, and let me become basically a moany old smark. Don't really know who Tsu is on about in particular (paranoia will end up being the death of me I swear), but I suppose TWO has become a nice bitching forum when it comes to discussing the WWE.


In my opinion it's just a sign that everyones just getting pissed off with the current product to such an extent where they just have to rant.


But I'm happy :)

:( If TWO didnt exist I'd be sooo gutted, I've met some very good friends here, Met my boyf here too :bg Though Id still be all innocent if it wasnt for him :P hehe but I love him to bits, I also met my husband here too which was fun,

Some of you guys have been there for me when I went through a tough time too so thanks :) Im just glad TWO did become as it was somewhere I could go and talk to others when I had problems, and helped me escape from the outside world.

I think similar to Chy. I wouldnt have a pc if it wasnt for TWO, i wouldn't of met some of the fantastic people i have online. It's been great fun getting to know all the different personalities, obviously some are harder work than others etc, but the majority are really nice people and very good friends now. :) Through some members ive met a whole other circle of friends to which again if it wasnt for TWO wouldnt of come about. Thats good too and just the whole feeling of being part of a community. Also if it wasnt for TWO indirectly i would have more sleep :D and probably more of a life, but it's been fun.
Originally posted by PeteR Richards

Er, dunno, that's probably a good insult though. Nice one.


Wasn't meant as an insult.

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