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I got the Multi Arcade Machine Emulator a while back and I've only just started getting ROMs for it. So this got me thinking about those great arcade games I used to play "down the mugs" and on the old Atari ST.


Apologies if this thread's been done before (or even to death!) but nostalgia's not what it used to be...


(in no particular order)





This I completed back in about '92 on the ST: totally addictive, simplistic gameplay, insanely catchy music (the "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" remix), bright colours - absolute classic.





I must've searched for weeks for this game - I was one googlin' mo'fo' - then, one day, moaning to my flatmate's girlfriend about the fact I couldn't find it I tapped it into Google and the very first link was the ROM! I couldn't believe it! Anyways, you should remember this game: you play a secret agent in red polo neck and black flares and you make your way right-to-left blasting these strange colourful KKK-looking alien ninjas. I had it on the Spectrum (and never passed the first level) and then my school (Princes Risborough - Kam should know of it :P ) got the arcade machine installed in the Fifth-form common room! Another classic!





I've not yet found this one for MAME yet, but I've read it's out there. I only ever played this once - on the Grand Pier in Weston. It's a fighter in the Double Dragon vein but the hero (as far as I could remember) was like a stuntman/Indiana Jones. An intelligent control system meant that daring leaps and set-pieces could be attempted. Classic moment: beating the crap out of bad guys while walking the wings of a bi-plane.



Please feel free to share you arcade memories (it might even give me some good ideas as to what MAME ROMs to look for:xyx )

Featured Replies

for some unknowd godly reason, i can't find a way to configure the controls on MAME:?

Do you mean for a control pad?


Let me have an investigate on this... it took me a while to work out how to get the thing to recognise my controller.


Just configuring the keyboard or whathaveyou is just a case of hitting [TAB] then selecting the second option, press [ENTER] on the control you want to change, then hit the button you want to change it to.

Originally posted by AC1D CHR1ST

Do you mean for a control pad?


Let me have an investigate on this... it took me a while to work out how to get the thing to recognise my controller.


Just configuring the keyboard or whathaveyou is just a case of hitting [TAB] then selecting the second option, press [ENTER] on the control you want to change, then hit the button you want to change it to.


no, no- i meant for keyboard, thanks, i try it a lilttle bit later

erm....i'll post my arcade memories as soon as i've gone through my rom list (need someway of remembering what games i played)

I just about remember playing Rainbow Island on my cousins Attari.
got any good Rom links Acid?!
Originally posted by Seabass

got any good Rom links Acid?!


I've got a couple of my fav's list at home: I'll post 'em up after work.


[edit] Sorry, I forgot last night! The one I got most of them from (apart from iMesh) is RomNation.net. It makes you vote for their site twice per d/l but as long as you've got a pop-up blocker running you just click on the two links (little colourful boxes with the number "50" on them) and then the download button beneath them.


I think they've got several hundred on there.



Edited by A.C.

might as well get this back on topic...oh and big thanks to Acid Christ, you've made me klike MAME and helped me assemble a good collection of roms (though still far from completeion).

oh and you don't need to click on those two links...it's just a con for the website to get higher in the top 50 rom chart



Outrun - three words: Magical Sound Shower! :D one of the best CG song in any game, it still sounds good to this day. As for the game, it's great with colurful graphics, simple but fun gameplay. also it has some replayablity if you want to see ala the fancy locations.


Afterburner- Also contains a great CG song (you here it in the first three stages and other stages). it's notable for being one krazy game trying to shoot down fighter jets while trying to dodge incoming fire. (if you were lucky, your local arcade had one of those cabnits that moved around as you moved the control stick). it's near impossible not to lose a life.


Air Gallet- okay not exactly a memory since i've been playing it for teh past two days :P, but still it has to be mentioned as it's a fantastic shooter with awesome 2d visuals (which put to shame shooters that came out after it), hectic gameplay (you have to have a thrid eye, lightning like reflexes and a laser beam like focus to aviod most of the 1000 bullets comming your way)...but for me, makes it so memorable is the title screen. insert a coin and it goes to the title screen, after a second it says "Air Gallet...blows your socks off"...i'll be dammed if that didn't make me laugh :lol

I just thought i'd point out that Emulators and ROMS are VERY illegal... not that you care i'm just warning you.



So, i'll just tell you I like to go here Wheever I want an emulator or a rom.


I know, "wasn't he just saying it's illegal". It is, but everyone does it. Beleive me, any other website, and this thread would have been deleted by now.

the legaility of roms is a tricky one
If you own the game, you are allowed the ROM....but then why would you want the ROM if you can just play the game?
Originally posted by Verb

If you own the game, you are allowed the ROM....but then why would you want the ROM if you can just play the game?


That's a very good point Verb! - but I think it's to do with the copyright from the creators - it's tricky - but I would need a lawyer to explain - when it comes to legal things and stuff like that - my knowledge of that equals to the opposite gender - absoultely NIL knowledge.


Thanks Meteora for the link - I have the MAME emulator and I couldn't find any games for it - tanks again.


BTW - is there anyone who recall playing on the Atari ST? - if so - I got a wicked emulator - brings back memories - the joys of playing Jocky Wilson Darts! :)

I have a GBA, but I only play it on holiday or when I'm not around my PC. I have ROMs of all my GBA games, so that I can play them on a bigger screen without wasting batteries or having to futter about with adapters and cables.
  • 3 weeks later...

Atari ST


HAH! The memories!


I had an Atari 2600 myself, but my cousin had an ST...Ikari Warriors? Bomb Jack? Space Harrier anyone?


*nostalgic tear* those were the days.... :P


Speaking of which, did anyone have a 2600?


And for arcade memories...Alien vs. Predator, my fave side scrolling beat em up EVER! Oh, and the Punisher.

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