Hey there!
Let's talk about our OS.
I'm currently using Windows 11 on a decent desktop pc, the experience is good enough. I liked 10 and 7, and my best memories are with XP. I do like some Linux distributions, and I used some of them a bit back when the only computer I had was an old laptop that couldn't run Windows. I'm not an expert but I like experimenting with my pc stuff. My objective is to have a separate laptop and only use Linux with it. I'm not moving out of Windows, yet, beca
A contradictory character to say the least, as the WWE have managed to mess up his history so much, as is shown...
Kane was meant to be a mute, who had to be dependent on a little vocal amplifier, but now he talkes perfectly. Did we miss something here? I don't think mutes can gain a perfect voice.
Also, he was meant to be hideously scarred (As was pointed out by J.R. on Raw, 3 weeks ago). When his mask was taken off, it turned out he was more of an angry coal miner than an evil hideously scarred monster. Shame.
Kane was introduced as the undertaker's brother, correct? So why has the undertaker not got anything to do with Kane at all now? Just because they are on different shows it doesnt mean that they cannot cross paths.
Also, concerning the undertaker, he isn't the undertaker anymore, so why call him that? They might as well change his characters name to the biker or something.
The WWE exploited a great character in Kane so much that they have ruined the whole story around him and he has dropped back to the days of Isaac Yankem.
Sad days for the WWE.