I don't know about the rest of you, but I've been waiting since early of 2002 for a reason, even a half decent one, to continue following the WWE. I can honestly tell you right now I have forgotten what it is to come off the back of a Smackdown or Raw and actually being interested in what is going to happen next.
Now with the roster split, and other changes here and there in the company I was willing to stick with the WWE, since I just assumed they'd realise where the problems lay and that they'd fix them since they were so obvious. The evil promoter thing was wearing thin, nostalgia became nausea and McMahons on TV = bad TV.
Instead of fixing these problems though, the WWE seem determined to continue churning out a product so mediocre it would have got people scrambling for their remotes to switch to Nitro in the old days. I'm getting bored of it, and only really watch now to get my weekly fix of wrestling. And when it comes to Raw, you don't even get that. I can't actually watch Raw without flicking the channel at least once every 15 minutes now.
Where am I going with this... Oh yeah, the alternative to the WWE.
I recently watched NWA-TNA for the first time... and loved it. Like I said I'd forgotten what it was like to be a proper wrestling fan, to watch a show and actually either want to see more straight away or simply look forward to the next one.
Outstanding talent, entertaining matches (almost every match in TNA actually has a point to it) and entertaining storylines (although from the results I've read recently Russo is having more bad 'good ideas'. Locking wrestlers in cages... no Vince, NO!) all make TNA a far more entertaining product than the WWE in my opinion. And by the way, to people who are already TNA fans, AJ Styles and AMW are overrated, and Kid Kash is the man :P
If you've never seen an NWA-TNA show, and if you aren't entertained by a main event of Stephanie McMahon v A-Train, then there is no excuse for you not even trying the alternative to the WWE. I honestly believe most of the people on this forum would enjoy TNA (I mean you know you would if you are sick and tired of the WWE) and so I urge you to get yourself a TNA tape, only £6 per tape (2 two hour shows per tape, £20 for 4 tapes) at http://www.Simania.co.uk. Easy, quick and At least try it.
Finally to the point though. If you have seen TNA though, what are your thoughts on it? Like it? Don't like it?
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My new article on the site: WWE vs TNA
I don't know about the rest of you, but I've been waiting since early of 2002 for a reason, even a half decent one, to continue following the WWE. I can honestly tell you right now I have forgotten what it is to come off the back of a Smackdown or Raw and actually being interested in what is going to happen next.
Now with the roster split, and other changes here and there in the company I was willing to stick with the WWE, since I just assumed they'd realise where the problems lay and that they'd fix them since they were so obvious. The evil promoter thing was wearing thin, nostalgia became nausea and McMahons on TV = bad TV.
Instead of fixing these problems though, the WWE seem determined to continue churning out a product so mediocre it would have got people scrambling for their remotes to switch to Nitro in the old days. I'm getting bored of it, and only really watch now to get my weekly fix of wrestling. And when it comes to Raw, you don't even get that. I can't actually watch Raw without flicking the channel at least once every 15 minutes now.
Where am I going with this... Oh yeah, the alternative to the WWE.
I recently watched NWA-TNA for the first time... and loved it. Like I said I'd forgotten what it was like to be a proper wrestling fan, to watch a show and actually either want to see more straight away or simply look forward to the next one.
Outstanding talent, entertaining matches (almost every match in TNA actually has a point to it) and entertaining storylines (although from the results I've read recently Russo is having more bad 'good ideas'. Locking wrestlers in cages... no Vince, NO!) all make TNA a far more entertaining product than the WWE in my opinion. And by the way, to people who are already TNA fans, AJ Styles and AMW are overrated, and Kid Kash is the man :P
If you've never seen an NWA-TNA show, and if you aren't entertained by a main event of Stephanie McMahon v A-Train, then there is no excuse for you not even trying the alternative to the WWE. I honestly believe most of the people on this forum would enjoy TNA (I mean you know you would if you are sick and tired of the WWE) and so I urge you to get yourself a TNA tape, only £6 per tape (2 two hour shows per tape, £20 for 4 tapes) at http://www.Simania.co.uk. Easy, quick and At least try it.
Finally to the point though. If you have seen TNA though, what are your thoughts on it? Like it? Don't like it?