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Being a 'Cube and PC gamer, September is going to suck the soul out of my bank account, what with Half Life 2, Soul Calibur II and WrestleMania X9 coming out, but there's one game that's sparked my curiousity, and I can find feck all out about it...True Crimes: Streets of LA....


Any opinoins? Is it shaping up well? Or is it going to be a sub standard Vice City clone? In the words of the black mugger in one of the Dirty Harry films;


"Man, I gots ta know"

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Problems answered, as another one begins...


Think, be excited because, I have all here...




Out - Nov 2003


From - Vigilante and Star Wars Demolition people.


Take a slice of Driver, GTA, Enter The Matrix, and put them together...


What do you have? True Crime: Streets Of L.A Of Course!!!


Promising to follow in VC's shoes, only, with a far more linear approach. Promising about 240 squarre miles of L.A coverage, you can;t go wrong as far as freedom is concerned, that is, if you have the right to free yourself.


It's basically a chinease game, well, it has a twist of it, but is more of a GTA3 and VC feel, though being samey to the Driver series.


You play a young chinease man called Nick Kang, and go around fighting gangs, and ending up in gang wars, I'll not go into great detail of the story, or it will mean copying word for word from source.


Basically, you get abit of each of the following:


Kung Fu Fighting

Sharp Shooting

Hard Driving


Skills And Statistics


It looks brilliant, and many say that this is the GTA beater we've been waiting for, the question is: is it?


The Graphics are stunning, even better so, that it makes GTA look flawed as far as real time graphics go, though, we can't forget how good GTA is still, because, it'll be damn hard to beat, but, if any game looks as though it's gonna do it, L.A.P.D Nick Kang's TC:SOL.A is the one battling for Christmas, and how convienient, as this was about the time GTA Vice City hit last year.


How will it compare? Only time will tell...





Are you sure its out in November CfB? Just one of me friends told me it was out towards the end of September. :?


Anyway I'm really looking forward to the actual game, it looks like an excellent mix of GTA and Driver, and it seems to edge GTA VC graphics wise. Hopefully it won't dissapoint, like The Getaway did.

i could give you a more in-depth info...but i'm not as motivated as Chris...:zzz:
By the looks of things True Crime is going to be a great game, however i think too much emphasis will be put on a comparison to Vice City. Its happened before where a game has been good but got lost behind a previous game that it got compared to. Lets just hope that True Crime can stand alone from the crowd.
Originally posted by Peter

Are you sure its out in November CfB? Just one of me friends told me it was out towards the end of September. :?


Anyway I'm really looking forward to the actual game, it looks like an excellent mix of GTA and Driver, and it seems to edge GTA VC graphics wise. Hopefully it won't dissapoint, like The Getaway did.


It was delayed - but you can play an demo by getting this month's Official Playstation 2 Magazine.

Cheers :xyx So will it be released in November?
Originally posted by Peter

Cheers :xyx So will it be released in November?


Unless the developers decides to go out skiving instead of working on the game code ;) - it'll be out on November - just in time for the Christmas rush!:xyx

Cheers :xyx While we are on the subject of games coming out for xmas, is the new GTA going to be out in time for crimbo this year?(a load of my friends swear it is, although I am reluctant to believe them :roll )



Probably not, I think GTA aren't gonna be too sturdy for the xmas rush, I bet Feb, in time for the "great year" of PS2 Gaming, lets just hope it's better than this year!!!

Well, all sounds good, and if it's half as cool as Dead to Rights (just bought yesterday! :) )then I WANT IT BAD!!


Can't get enough of that "Perfect 10" disarm...


Snap, crack, BOOM!

  • 2 weeks later...
I've played the review code (AKA the final BETA) of True Crime, and I can tell you that it is very good. Not enough to tear me away from GTA or Driver.. but fairly good all the same.
I watched a running version of True Crime on a demo disc, and one thing i noticed is that the car scenes look like they have been pulled from the old Chase arcade games. It looked very basic and poor. However i thought the footage of Nick Kang walking around and fighting was pretty good.
I've just played the OPS2 demo and I've got to say True Crime does indeed look very promising, the graphics are superb, and the fighting missions are pretty good too. I have noticed the controls are very fiddly though, as you have to use the analogue stick to move around as opposed to the direction buttons, and its an absolute bugger driving in the game with the analogue stick, that part of the game could do with some tweaking. Other than that, looks like its going to be a very good game overall, very similar to VC also, from what I played.

Cool as...


We're gonna have to wait and see how this one turns out, my bets:


Average game, and not enough of the GTA style freedom and mayhem we've come to know and love.


What do you all think?


What will you be buying?


Driver Or True Crime?

Re: Cool as...


Originally posted by ChrisfromBirtley

What will you be buying?


Driver Or True Crime?


Chris, you cant really ask that question. Mainly becuase true crime is out soon, and the next Driver will not be out till feb/mar next year.

Daft As...


Ok, Driver is supposed to be taking GTA on so to speak, but I dunno on this one, I have a funny feeling that the next Driver will stand nowhere even next to the great but dated GTA3!!!


What do u think?

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