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Ok.... I was playing EWR the other day with me 2 brothers (do a class game of 3 roster splits as the WWE.... great fun) and I was taking a young worker called 'Carly Colon' out of development. Now at the time I was looking for maybe a fourth member of Evolution, and so I considered giving this young guy a monster push, turning him heel and giving him the 'Evolution' gimmick.


Then.... I noticed he was a 21 year old Mexican Lightweight. And his push was dropped quicker than Ultimo Dragon. And that got me thinking... do I book like Vince McMahon?


Hence why I thought I'd do a post finding out the different ways some of you guys book in the game... so here goes -



Do you -


- Not push workers to the top if they are cruiserweights, or even don't have a 'superstar look'?


- Continue attempting to push workers you like even if their pushes never go anywhere?


- Prefer booking wrestling based shows or a storyline driven shows?


- Always book in favour of established names over creating new stars?


- Use women much on your show as eye candy? Use Women at all?


- Use Gimmick matches constantly? Prefer High risk/Low risk?


- When pushing new talent, what do you look for?



Personally, I have the Vince McMahon thing of not giving cruiserweights pushes all the way to the top. Infact I'm scarily like McMahon in determining whether I'll give a guy the world title or not. I stop short of making sure they have the superstar look...


I constantly push guys I like and won't give up on them for ages, for instance I'm not giving up on Stevie Richards and Victoria... THEY WILL GO OVER!


I prefer booking shows which are storyline driven, so basically everything that happens on my shows tie into a storyline/feud. I don't book matches unless there is some storyline involved.


I'll admit I don't create too many new stars and prefer to stick with the established names, for instance if I need another face quickly I'd be more likely to go an sign someone like Road Dogg rather than build up a new guy in time. So sue me :P


I don't book women into my shows, although there is every now and then a womans title match on my show... just to get Victoria over. I don't use them as eye candy either, I ain't no Russo.


Not an overuser of gimmick matches, gimmicks at PPVs, the odd (and I mean odd) one on TV shows though. Prefer high-risk, preferably 85% for PPV. Love guys who take sick bumps. And finally when I'm pushing new talent, they HAVE to have a high level of charisma, and even if they can't wrestle for s*** I'll still slap a gimmick on them and hope they go over. Don't tend to push anyone new with lower than 75 charisma.



So there ya go.... how would you describe yourself as an EWR booker? :)

Featured Replies

I push Steve Corino all the way and give him titles and make him my man in my promotion! :)
Originally posted by Simon

Do you -


- Not push workers to the top if they are cruiserweights, or even don't have a 'superstar look'?


- Continue attempting to push workers you like even if their pushes never go anywhere?


- Prefer booking wrestling based shows or a storyline driven shows?


- Always book in favour of established names over creating new stars?


- Use women much on your show as eye candy? Use Women at all?


- Use Gimmick matches constantly? Prefer High risk/Low risk?


- When pushing new talent, what do you look for?


- AJ Styles, Taka, Paul London & Juvi Guerrera are all being pushed to the top in my reformed WCW promotion.


- Depends on the worker; if there worth it then yes


- Wrestle based, purely because the booking takes forever on EWR!


- Like to create new stars, hence the push of AJ Styles, Taka, Paul London & Juvi Guerrera


- Don't use women at al


- Gimmicks for PPV's













-Main Event Match


Simple as that :)

Ah Chris but would Mr. Mexican Cruiserweight have any chance of ever being your world champion? :P

It depends what fed I was using. If I was an up and coming fed like RoH, and he was over enough so that his reign wouldn't damage the belt's prestige, then he would. However, I normally play as WWE, and I tend to keep it realistic, sometimes to the extent of putting the real matches/angles/interviews into the game. So he wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in hell.


Hope that answers your question Paul :)

The only way I can play EWR now is by creating my own promotion in the pre-game file editor at Cult level, with an average amount of money, and build from scratch. Coming from a guy who plays Championship Manager, this might sound stupid, but I get bored taking over existing promotions, because it's just not realistic enough for an unknown guy to be made the top booker of a promotion right away.


Anyway, when it comes to booking, just call me Gabe. I find it easy to get workers over, so I only bring in good wrestlers, most of which happen to be cruiserweights. That makes all my promotions look like RoH rip offs, but I always do tend to bring in a few bigger guys like Masato Tanaka or Orange Crush.


I dread to think what I would do in a WWE game nowadays. I'd probably keep half of the roster without using them(I'm very finance driven, so releasing people on written contracts is a big no-no), and try to get Funaki over as a main eventer.

I do use the Cruiserweight title/lightheavyweight title/X division title in my promotion as quite a high class belt and try and get the champion and challengers over as an important part of my product.


I tend to hire established former big three names to my promotion who are either very over (Sid Vicious) or very talented (Psicosis)


I do hire talented indy scene workers and put them in development so they gain the rest of the fundamentals, I am currently developing Paul London, Jimmy Yang and Takao Omori at the moment. I believe I can turn Omori into a Main-event player.

Originally posted by Simon

Do you -


- Not push workers to the top if they are cruiserweights, or even don't have a 'superstar look'?


- Continue attempting to push workers you like even if their pushes never go anywhere?


- Prefer booking wrestling based shows or a storyline driven shows?


- Always book in favour of established names over creating new stars?


- Use women much on your show as eye candy? Use Women at all?


- Use Gimmick matches constantly? Prefer High risk/Low risk?


- When pushing new talent, what do you look for?


Superstar looks or not - I push workers which I feel who can be a good champion and someone worthy enough to work a feud with my main man Steve Corino


I totally push workers on a random level - just whoever I fancy pushing even though if it's already failed :)


Mixture of storylines and wrestling shows - Need the storylines to build the feuds without having to use the cheap "run-ins" - I deeply hate run-ins to build the feuds.


Both use established and create new stars.


No women at all with the exception of Steve Corino's girlfriend Simply Lusicious (Just to please him - morale was low then hiring her and morale skyrocketed faster than Portsmouth's rise!).


High Risk all the way! :xyx


Again, looking for new talent is a random process - I just pick one and the rest is history :)

having been a bit bored with being WWE (i could play as the other feds, but with only a decent amount of knowledge of WWE, i'd be at a disadvantage). i decided to make my own federation up called King of fighters- it has characters from beat em ups in it (yes, i painstanigly made 50+ other wrestlers)

But, realising i'm lacking wrestlers in some areas, i decided to hire some guys. most notable our Jerry Lynn, Billy Kidman, Pschosis, CM Punk and Spanky (Spanky is getting a decent push)


anyway, with that story outta the way, i can answer the questions :D


"Not push workers to the top if they are cruiserweights, or even don't have a 'superstar look'?"


The 50+ superstars i created have superstar look...so not too many worries there.


"Continue attempting to push workers you like even if their pushes never go anywhere?"


haven't been playing long so i can't say


"Prefer booking wrestling based shows or a storyline driven shows?"

my style leans more towards storyline driven shows


"Always book in favour of established names over creating new stars"

while i'm usuing established names more, i am in the process of creating a new stars


Use women much on your show as eye candy? Use Women at all?

don't use woman, but i plan to make a fed with females only (from fighting games of course :D)


"Use Gimmick matches constantly? Prefer High risk/Low risk?"

mines Medium-high risk, i use gimmick matches if i want to make a fued intresting or make a repeated encounter less boring


"When pushing new talent, what do you look for?"

i like to enviosion them in possible sceanrios...but really all i look for is decent enough skills.

Originally posted by Simon

I considered giving this young guy a monster push, turning him heel and giving him the 'Evolution' gimmick.


Interesting EWR factoid... The evolution gimmick was put in because Adam wanted to putme in the game, but had no gimmick in the database to remotely fix mine. Notice in the info on the gimmicks it says e.g. Kriss Sprules... Yep, that's me... Not relevant in anyway, but Ithought you might be interested to know that.

Tres interessant indeed!


So what in your words would the 'Evolution' gimmick really be? I had a sneaking suspicion it wouldn't really fit in with the Evolution stable since it was slightly different from the WWE's "Evolution" nonsense...


Do tell Mr. Sprules! Plus whats your feelings on your stats in the game? :P

The evolution gimmick is basically myself playing slightly beyond your usual arrogant chris Jericho type. In fact, imagine Jericho with about 90x the ego, 20x the sarcasm, and a hugely bad temper mixed in with non-stop hard-hitting moves. Were I to be in character right now, I'd have to say that there is nobdy on my level.. nobody advanced enough to defeat me.. and there never will be, because I just keep on evolving.


My stats in the game, however, are perfect, because I advised Adam on them myself.

Cheers for that :)


Remind me to sign you in EWR and repackage you as Kriss Sprules... the EVIL POSTMAN FROM HELL! :P

Evil postman from hell? Sounds like my uncle...

Damn my natural showmanship, i was playing EWR just now, and i had a feud going Walshyboy V AJ Styles, now my states where very impressive (90 Brawl, 95 Speed and 94 Tech with 95 Charisma), the feud had gone well, so well in fact that it became the main event at Summerslam!! In a Hell In A Cell match!! Now me not being the egotistical decided to put AJ Styles over by doing a huge bump, which worked fine as i put him over ended the feud and we are both on 100 over, problem is my character sustained and injury, my stats are down to around 55 for each and i am out for 16 months!!!


Anyway, on EWR, i have made a good selection of main eventers, AJ Styles, Benoit, Rhyno, Rey Mysterio, Sean O'Haire, Eddie G, I mainly push talent that can wrestle and have pushed the crusierweights non stop!! strangely enough my reputation is 100 and we have always made a profit!

Tell me about it!


I jobbed to Zach Gowen at No Mercy in a barbed wire match and came out with a broken knee for 16 months too :(


So obviously I'll have to destroy Gowen when I return in 10 months time :D


I still want to know though if new worker relationships get formed or not.. nobodys been able to give me a straight answer so far...

Yes, new relationships do get formed. One of mine pissed me off... Friendship with Buff Bagwell, completely random. I hate the guy! Only wrestler on Earth I have legitimate heat with.
Originally posted by WEW

Yes, new relationships do get formed. One of mine pissed me off... Friendship with Buff Bagwell, completely random. I hate the guy! Only wrestler on Earth I have legitimate heat with.


Tell me about it, sometimes the relationships just throw me off, for example, i made my best friend, called him suarvo edwardo and made us a tag team, and suddenly after 2 weeks, we hate each other :? strange

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