He talked about Mick Foley and started by saying that he is a guy who is very big on shaking hands with people and saying hello/goodbye and showing respect even to people that he doesn't like. "Mick Foley, for whatever reason, just kinda treated me as a bottomfeeder and it seemed like a little too much effort to go ahead and shake my hand. That kinda pissed me off because I try to treat people how I like to be treated no matter where they are in the business. And when they refer to Mick Foley as the greatest hardcore champion ever, no you're not the greatest hardcore champion ever. You're great at hardcore and you're great at bumping and selling, but Mick, you didn't get that belt over. This midget from California was one of the ones who got that Hardcore belt over. And I know that eats him alive and that's why I continue to jab that out there. I didn't have to fall off the top of a cage or fall through thumbtacks, I had to use comedy to get over. The only time Mick truly started to get over is when he pulled his sock out of his pants." Mikey said that he respects some of the things that Foley has done, but he said that Foley is the biggest self-promoter of himself. He offered his condolences to Foley for his latest book not making the top 50 on the best sellers list.
Taken from an Interview on http://xtreme.themayhem.com/ :
He talked about Mick Foley and started by saying that he is a guy who is very big on shaking hands with people and saying hello/goodbye and showing respect even to people that he doesn't like. "Mick Foley, for whatever reason, just kinda treated me as a bottomfeeder and it seemed like a little too much effort to go ahead and shake my hand. That kinda pissed me off because I try to treat people how I like to be treated no matter where they are in the business. And when they refer to Mick Foley as the greatest hardcore champion ever, no you're not the greatest hardcore champion ever. You're great at hardcore and you're great at bumping and selling, but Mick, you didn't get that belt over. This midget from California was one of the ones who got that Hardcore belt over. And I know that eats him alive and that's why I continue to jab that out there. I didn't have to fall off the top of a cage or fall through thumbtacks, I had to use comedy to get over. The only time Mick truly started to get over is when he pulled his sock out of his pants." Mikey said that he respects some of the things that Foley has done, but he said that Foley is the biggest self-promoter of himself. He offered his condolences to Foley for his latest book not making the top 50 on the best sellers list.