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How are you supposed to get wrestler's morale up once it's low?


Rhyno was in a Stable, and being used reasonably regularly, but his morale fell to like 16, but then he asked to be pushed up the card.


So I pushed him up to main event level, and put him in a fued with Lesnar for the title, which has 100 heat. He is the 3rd top face in the company, and (although he hasn't won the title yet) he's appearing on every show for his Lesnar fued, and last week pinned Benoit in the main event on SD.


Now his morale is 3! :?


What am I supposed to do with him to get it up?


I've got a few more people with low morale too, what's the best thing to do?



Featured Replies

If you're using a roster split, then they are losing morale because they only appear on a maximum of 2 shows a week, and for a Main Eventer that's pretty bad news.


The best way to raise it is to:


- Make them win a lot

- Make sure they appear 2-3 times a show

- Cheat using the Arsenic Editor ;)

Hire all their friends, or alternatively just fire them and hire someone else. :xyx
Hire their friends on an open contract, when you make them win pick "Put <Low Morale Wrestler> Over" and morale rises when romantic angles are used if the female has the "Diva" stat, because the wrestler is happy to be working with a sexy lady...or that's what I get from it. Give him a female manager and try to implement lots of romantic stuff to make him all happy and stuff.
Originally posted by Chris2K

If you're using a roster split, then they are losing morale because they only appear on a maximum of 2 shows a week, and for a Main Eventer that's pretty bad news.


The best way to raise it is to:


- Make them win a lot

- Make sure they appear 2-3 times a show

- Cheat using the Arsenic Editor ;)


May I ask what the Arsenic Editor is?

As opposed to the normal editor that edits stats before a game, the Arsenic Editor allows you to edit your workers stats during the game. This may be very useful for injuries and morale, as well as making your wrestlers superstars. Of course, you'll need to have the guts to cheat ;)


You can find it somewhere around http://www.ewessentials.com

I got it on my own accord man this is tidy lol love the charity bit 5 million for 10,000 well cant go wrong
The best way to raise his morale would be to go to the independants and sign a guy named Kriss Sprules. Have Rhyno job to him ever week before ending the feud and putting Kriss into a romantic angle with Lita:devil
  • 2 months later...
dude the simplest thing to do is push them down the card so they lose morale do this till they are jobbers then push them up to main event morale is up and everone is happy keep doing it and it will work

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