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In your opinion, which is the greatest television programme to grace our screens? Is it a Soap? Comedy? Drama? Sci-Fi? Sport? or anything else. Tell us what it is and why you think it is.



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because simply, it's so damn funny and always brings a smile to my face and also it's so damn clever. The characters are crafted superbly throughout ALL the series and it's just a truly wonderful TV show. I know the legend tag is over used (mainly by me and PK!) but Jerry Seinfeld DESERVES the legend tag. :)

here's my top 3:


3 - the sopranos

2 - twin peaks

1 - seinfeld

Top 2 would be:


- Futurama - Its just such an intelligent show, it has many different layers and was the first and only animated cartoon to break the genres of animation, having you care about the characters as if they were real.


- Frasier - Another great show, its ran for 9 seaons and is still as funny as the day it began, while friends grew stale after 5 seasons Fraiser has always stayed fresh, and also keeps thing real, there is very rarely a gag in Fraiser that doesn't make sense or that is out of character for the character.


Others that could be considored would be the Simpsons, Cheers, Star Trek IMO

Red Dwarf is the best ever. It has the right mix of comedy and sci-fi, has an excellent cast, well written scripts and it keeps you entertained throughout.
Originally posted by AlanJP

Red Dwarf is the best ever. It has the right mix of comedy and sci-fi, has an excellent cast, well written scripts and it keeps you entertained throughout.


True, but the last few series have been horrible, bad jokes, no direction or originality. They should have ended it on season 6, or at least hae come back with the movie instead of the crap they tried to pass off.

Originally posted by Walshyboy

True, but the last few series have been horrible, bad jokes, no direction or originality. They should have ended it on season 6, or at least hae come back with the movie instead of the crap they tried to pass off.


Ok, i shall rethink and rephrase. From series 2 up to series 5 were the best in my view. Series one seemed to test the water so to speak, and i think any program no matter how good shouldn't go past 5 or 6 seasons otherwise it is overkill and they use the same old stuff over and over again.

the emohawk rules!!!!!

-- The Simpsons

-- Only Fools & Horses

-- Soccer AM





Quite simply because, its had 9 series.. each consisting of 23 episodes, maybe the odd one more... and not one, not one, has been bad!!! I dont think any other program can go this long and have me saying the same thing. Series 10 is out next year, and ill be gutted as its the last one.

Farscape!! :xyx
Isnt that a show on one of those silly sky programs like sky one plus or sumthing that nobody watches? :P
Originally posted by Vampiro



Quite simply because, its had 9 series.. each consisting of 23 episodes, maybe the odd one more... and not one, not one, has been bad!!! I dont think any other program can go this long and have me saying the same thing. Series 10 is out next year, and ill be gutted as its the last one.


You have very different standards to every other friends fan i have ever met! Everyone that I have spoken to has said that they can't stand to watch it anymore, after season 6 the whole series just fell to bits, in fact I don't know anyone who still watches it.


I feel that their big mistake was they they didn't change the writing team, the producers, and writers mostly stayed the same throughout the series, this means that there were no new ideas. Look at Frasier, they change their writing team all the time, so the result is that ever series is fresh because there's a fresh new approach being given to it.

But didnt Frasiers ratings dramatically drop? i heard they did... Friends' ratings never have.


Because the small amount of people u have asked dont like it, doesnt mean millions of other people dont. I still think its the best! and thats all that matters in this post :)

The best show ever made, ironically, was called Mr. Show. By far one of the funniest sketch comedies ever produced. Had WAY too short of run. The seasons are out on DVD now. I strongly suggest the movies Run Ronnie Run. Frigging classic.


The best dram on television is one I watched every Friday as a child and it was Miami Vice. AT the age I was, I thought Crockett and Tubbs were so cool, and the shows were always very intriguing.


There's my Canadian penny.

The Office - Brent, Tim, Gareth, Dawn, and etc... - classic viewing - I've only seen the first series (Will get Series Two on DVD soon) and my favourite show has to be Eposide 3 - Tim's birthday and the 7th Annual Wernham Hogg Quiz Night. - that's classic with the last show coming a close second.


Diagnosis Murder - Dr Mark Sloan, the greatest detective EVER in history of TV, don't ask me why I love that - it happened I was watching a show 3 years ago and just fell in love and has got some of the eposides on tape including the 4 greatest shows ever, the 4-part series in which Community General gets blown up and re-builded as Mark Sloan recovers and investigates.

Originally posted by Kam

Farscape!! :xyx


I thought Coupling was your favourite:D

Just Shoot Me, on Paramount, is top draw, but it just gets beaten to top spot, in my opinion, by Becker. Funniest show ever. And that includes Seinfeld.

Smallville - I am totally hooked on it. Season 3 just started.


The Simpsons - Can't wait to see the one with Tony Blair in it. I think it is on this friday.


Sex and the city - Hilarious :thumbsup

sweet cream


Sweet cream on an ice cream sandwitch in dee blue hell u talking about. Everyone knows Peter k is right its The Office

  • 3 weeks later...

the simpsons: quite possibly the best thing on american television currently


monty python's flying circus: one of the best shows ever!! what they did was original when they did it and everyone else has copied them after the fact!


mr. show: bob and dave are 2 of the most underrated comics out there in my opinion


futurama: 2nd best animated series ever in my opinion .. some of the best lines in a cartoon


whose line is it anyway: from the early years in britian to the most recent incarnation over here in the states, this show has always made me laugh

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