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In another thread, Rikidozan claimed that he magically foresaw the belt coming back to HHH again. Apart from that being completely obvious and applying to Rock, Angle, Lesnar etc, I thought I'd have a check and see WHY the title keeps coming back to him.


Is it because of Steph? Nope the answer is this:


Here are the Raw viewing figures for the last 12 weeks of HHH's reign before losing the title to Goldberg:


3.7, 3.6, 4.3, 4.2, 4.0, 3.9, 4.0, 4.2, 4.2, 3.8, 4.2, 3.6


Now check the 12 weeks of Goldberg's reign:


3.6, 3.4, 3.4, 3.6, 3.7, 3.4, 3.4, 3.7, 3.6, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8


HHH Avg: 3.975 Goldberg Avg: 3.575


So HHH's rating as champ is 11.2% higher than Goldbergs!! Thats means about 10% of the viewers stopped watching when HHH lost the title.


Not only that, but HHH's LOWEST figure is higher than all but THREE of Goldberg's weeks!


Is it any wonder then that:


a) they keep giving the title back to HHH?




b) that they don't try people like RVD or Booker T as champ - after all, if Goldberg can't draw as champ, what chance do they have?


So the only way that HHH having the title is to do with Steph, is if she turns on about 400,000 TV's whenever Hunter is champ! :lol



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I agree totally, even thou its not a opinion , its a fact.

Goldberg sucks, he looks like a old man, and he's so old school and he's not even a good brawler which is the oposite in most cases.


HHH has always been a good attraction ever since late 1999, i guess it's cause he's the popular heel, well from what ive seen over the years.



This is what I mean by you don't have a clue about the business. Goldberg can't draw because; A.) WWE f*cked up booking-wise, B.) because of A, HHH squashed him, and the fans didn't care about Goldberg anymore.


That applys to Jericho and Booker T as well, by the way. If you don't think HHH is the politician he's made out to be Ed, please inform the likes of Dave Meltzer, Wade Keller, Dave Schearer and Bruce Mitchell, who all have sources inside WWE. I find itbaffling , and slightly worrying, that you imply you know more than they about what HHH does in that company.

Originally posted by Rikidozan

This is what I mean by you don't have a clue about the business. Goldberg can't draw because; A.) WWE f*cked up booking-wise, B.) because of A, HHH squashed him, and the fans didn't care about Goldberg anymore.


It's just an excuse. [whiney voice]they didn't book Goldberg right [/whiney voice]. It's just a cop-out because HHH draws better.


Not that there's any point having a discussion with you because if you think HHH sqaushed Goldberg (when in reality it was the other way around), then you're obviously either lying to have an argument, or so completely deranged you wouldn't know what squashed is if an elephant fell on you.


The simple fact is HHH is the biggest draw they've got. HBK got the title - the ratings fell. HHH gets it back, they rise again.


Now are you going to tell me they didn't book HBK right either? :roll



I'm not going to argue the toss, but I'll try to be a Devil's advocaat (like an advocate, but more Christmassy). Could the ratings not show how excited people were by Goldberg's chasing the title, and really wanted it off of HHH. Once he had it everyone then knew that it was only a matter of time til it was back with the Nip-man.
Originally posted by AC1D CHR1ST

I'm not going to argue the toss, but I'll try to be a Devil's advocaat (like an advocate, but more Christmassy). Could the ratings not show how excited people were by Goldberg's chasing the title, and really wanted it off of HHH. Once he had it everyone then knew that it was only a matter of time til it was back with the Nip-man.


I think that sums it up better than Ed's opinion.


The way you're putting it Ed, you'd never like anyone to be Champion again other than Cripple H. RVD, Jericho and Booker T could all have made good champions given the chance, nope, Cripps stuffs them all and now they're stuck up a certain creek without a paddle.


My opinion, it's time for Christian to step up to the plate, he's entertaining, he's a good wrestler, he hasn't had his chance ruined yet and above all he's better than Cripple H

Just thought I'd point out that during Goldberg's reign, Monday Night Football was on at the same time as Raw, thus making your ratings completely useless.

Let's not forget that Monday Night Football runs from September (and occasionally late August) through to December


So, since all of Big Bill's reign was within the range of the Football Season, and only a few weeks of the 12 weeks of HHH's reign that you used, then they can't be compared!

seems to me that either Ed is HHH!!!!, or he just dreams about him. not just in this thread but everyone bout triple h. has he ever won cleanly? no, cos he mainly loses by dq
Originally posted by Ed_666

In another thread, Rikidozan claimed that he magically foresaw the belt coming back to HHH again. Apart from that being completely obvious and applying to Rock, Angle, Lesnar etc, I thought I'd have a check and see WHY the title keeps coming back to him.


Is it because of Steph? Nope the answer is this:


Here are the Raw viewing figures for the last 12 weeks of HHH's reign before losing the title to Goldberg:


3.7, 3.6, 4.3, 4.2, 4.0, 3.9, 4.0, 4.2, 4.2, 3.8, 4.2, 3.6


Now check the 12 weeks of Goldberg's reign:


3.6, 3.4, 3.4, 3.6, 3.7, 3.4, 3.4, 3.7, 3.6, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8


HHH Avg: 3.975 Goldberg Avg: 3.575


So HHH's rating as champ is 11.2% higher than Goldbergs!! Thats means about 10% of the viewers stopped watching when HHH lost the title.


Not only that, but HHH's LOWEST figure is higher than all but THREE of Goldberg's weeks!


Is it any wonder then that:


a) they keep giving the title back to HHH?




b) that they don't try people like RVD or Booker T as champ - after all, if Goldberg can't draw as champ, what chance do they have?


So the only way that HHH having the title is to do with Steph, is if she turns on about 400,000 TV's whenever Hunter is champ! :lol




And an average rating of 3.975 is something for WWE and Triple H to be proud of?


You can compare it all you like to Goldberg, Because lets face it, Nobody is going to argue that Goldberg is any better than HHH. WWE have tried to change the Goldberg charecter and no matter how much you blatantly deny that and tell us it's a "Cop Out" it's true.


Goldberg has been made out to be much less of a threat in WWE than he was in WCW, Simple as that, Which in turn has affected his image in the eyes of the casual fan, He get a lot of heel heat FFS and he is supposed to be a face...Of course he is not gonna be a drawing champion.


3.975 is an abysmal rating for Raw when compared to what they were getting a couple of years ago...


Triple H is NOT a Draw anymore...Get over it.

Without taking sides, fact is fact. Be fair, if it was the other way around, would you let HHH have the excuse that NFL was on the screens?


Many a time has fact always been taken above opinion, so, if you like, "you can't play the game and then change the rules".

Re: Re: Why the belt comes back to HHH


Originally posted by c0ma

Triple H is NOT a Draw anymore...Get over it.

Actually, you'd be more correct to say "WWE is NOT a Draw anymore"
Originally posted by MrFill

Actually, you'd be more correct to say "WWE is NOT a Draw anymore"


Which would still mean my original statement is true.


For WWE to be able to draw they need to book wrestlers the public want to see in high profile matches, WWE are booking Triple H in high profile matches consistently yet still they aren't doing good business at all...Triple H is not a draw, The state of the WWE proves that.


Matter of fact you could argue nobody in WWE is drawing now...What does that tell you?


New superstars need to be created, Younger guys need to be given the chance to run with the ball...WWE simply aren't doing that. By giving Triple H the title every other month what good is it doing? Ratings aren't improving, Attendances aren't improving. Therefore it's obvious something is wrong, What's the point in doing the exact same thing over and over again if it's not working?.


Triple H is the World Champion on Raw....Therefore he takes more responsibility for the poor ratings more so than anyone on the actual talent roster, Because people should be watching to see him and they aren't. The Booking team take more responsibility granted, But Triple H is person they put their focus on. The same can be said of Smackdown, Brock Lesnar has been getting his fair share of criticism over the past few months also, Which as far as I'm concerned is justified.


The WWE has probably has better roster now than it ever has done before, In terms of talent each worker has...So why constantly put Triple H in the title picture? Have him go through all your top faces? When it's doing nothing worthwhile for your promotion.


I've said this before, If WWE wants to get out of this rut they've gotten themselves into, They need to change things, Here's an idea, How about taking a few chances, The WWE took a chance on Stone Cold Steve Austin a few years ago, Look what that did for them. They took a chance on DX, Again this worked.


They need to try something differant in terms of the RAW Title scene and fast, Because clearly, Triple H is not doing the business WWE needs. Although saying that, it's not just the title scene, Everything pretty much needs to change.

I think HHH is the only raw superstar who deserves to be the champion so long. I hate Goldberg and Shawn Micheals who would really be the only other contendors, but i would get bored of anyone else being champion for so long. raw is built around HHH.
Originally posted by Foley=Coward

I think HHH is the only raw superstar who deserves to be the champion so long. I hate Goldberg and Shawn Micheals who would really be the only other contendors, but i would get bored of anyone else being champion for so long. raw is built around HHH.


Ill agree with the fact you like HHH as champion but what I dont agree with is that you don't like HBK who is just as good.


P.S. What's up with your name kid? :evil don't make me start a poll on that, just to make make you look stupid!

Forgive me for being a cynic, but I don't see the significance of being a 'draw' anymore. Like MrFill said, the WWE isn't a draw these days, so if someone can draw 0.1 more than someone else on a certain day, who gives a crap.


Looking into ratings these days has also lost its significance these days, and this theory about why HHH keeps getting the belt is about as useful as my theory about why a banana is yellow.


And that's not very useful.


My theory on why HHH keeps getting the belt... because he's well positioned in the company perhaps? Married to Stephanie or not, he's got power backstage and in 85% of situations that tends to mean they get the title sooner or later. It's the same reason that Austin can come back as General Manager, Sherrif, Procurator Fiscal or whatever the hell he wants since he's got Vince in his pocket, or that the Rock could come back at Wrestlemania on an agreement that he wouldn't have to job.


Whether there's a 3.2 or a 2.5 involved, I dispute the relevance.

We're essentially having the same conversation in three topics guys. These Triple H discussions get really frustrating sometimes.
Originally posted by The Crippler

We're essentially having the same conversation in three topics guys. These Triple H discussions get really frustrating sometimes.


I'm glad I'm not the only one with that opinion :xyx

Originally posted by MrFill

Let's not forget that Monday Night Football runs from September (and occasionally late August) through to December


So, since all of Big Bill's reign was within the range of the Football Season, and only a few weeks of the 12 weeks of HHH's reign that you used, then they can't be compared!


Sorry Fill, but the ratings have risen again since HHH got the belt back. :P



Didn't you read the post that you quoted?


Let's not forget that Monday Night Football runs from September (and occasionally late August) through to December


That means it's FINISHED. Hence the ratings have gone back UP.

Re: Re: Why the belt comes back to HHH


Originally posted by c0ma

And an average rating of 3.975 is something for WWE and Triple H to be proud of?


Well if it's higher than anyone else can get, then yes.


Originally posted by c0ma

You can compare it all you like to Goldberg, Because lets face it, Nobody is going to argue that Goldberg is any better than HHH. WWE have tried to change the Goldberg charecter and no matter how much you blatantly deny that and tell us it's a "Cop Out" it's true.


Goldberg has been made out to be much less of a threat in WWE than he was in WCW, Simple as that, Which in turn has affected his image in the eyes of the casual fan, He get a lot of heel heat FFS and he is supposed to be a face...Of course he is not gonna be a drawing champion.


To paraphrase you: Goldberg is NOT a draw any more.... get over it! :P


Saying they watered him down is just a poor excuse. Goldberg couldn't have looked any more dominating against HHH unless he'd squashed him in 2 mins, which would have been stupid.


It's strange how on one hand people complain that Benoit is a much better wrestler than HHH, yet Goldberg (a much worse wrestler than HHH) would also be much better than HHH if it wasn't for WWE! :roll Make your mind up.


Originally posted by c0ma

3.975 is an abysmal rating for Raw when compared to what they were getting a couple of years ago...


If you check your facts, you'll find that 2 years ago the rating at the same time of year was fluctuating between 4.8 and 3.9, probably averaging about 4.4 or so.


Now if you think 4 is abysmal compared to 4.4, then you've obviously got a different rating system to me.


Originally posted by c0ma

Triple H is NOT a Draw anymore...Get over it.


He might not be, but he's still the BEST draw they've got, and that's the reason why the title's around his waste.



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