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I managed to get my hands on an Xbox pod in my local Virgin Megastore.


My those controllers are chunky barstewards ! Amped was pretty cool, I liked Fusion Frenzy - Their souped up version of "Snake" (lazer snare) got me hooked !


PG racing was abosolute pants !

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Yeah those controller's are huge. But the rest of the machine is tight don't you think?


Were those the only two demo's they had running? You have got to try Bloodwake, it's amazing.

I've pre-ordered the X-Box and payed off 100 pound for it. There's this superhero game(forgotten the name) which is coming out when the X-Box does so i'm buying that and Jet Set Radio Future. Have you two already got the X-Box?
Nah they had amped going, which was pretty cool, and I did get to play Bloodwake, misleading title, I was expecting swords and vampires, but got gunships instead. Good game though.
My brother said "Amped" is good but I don't know. I know "Jet Set Radio Future" is good. "Raw" is also coming out on the Xbox and i've pre-ordered and payed for the Xbox so it's waiting for me, YAY!:xyx
I'm still unsure about it, I think I might get it when the price comes down a bit, and after I get my GameCube :D
What about Halo? That is supposed to be THE game to get for the X box
Originally posted by Latino Reheat

I'm still unsure about it, I think I might get it when the price comes down a bit, and after I get my GameCube :D


Got my GameCube months ago, ordered from the net. I ordered it from http://www.liksang.com. It arrived on time. Along with Luigi's Mansion, WaveRace and 1 controller. I'm waiting for it to come out here with all those games so I can get the wrestling game.

Raw iwill be cool but is there a story mode?
I think so, it wouldn't seem right without one. :evil
in my opinion, the look of the machine stinks. i played a demo at electronic beutiques, and the pad is far the chunky, and the console it's self is very big, and doesnt look good. ill be getting a game cube instead :D
I've got a GameCube and I think the X-Box will kill the GameCube when all those games come out! Of course it could be a disastrous failure like the Sega's Sega Saturn was.

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