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Posts posted by RandyW

  1. Football, 100%. Followed by baseball. I love watching sports but those are my two favorites. I play slow pitch softball and football from time to time. Heck I even play Horse or Pig with the kids.
  2. I have a fair few favourites in each genre. I do make it a point to watch flicks that star certain people, especially when the film has two or more actors that play off each other well. Pairs like Jack Lemmon with Walter Matthau, with Matthew McConaughey, Kate Hudson, and Owen Wilson with Vince Vaughn make my must-see list for the most part.


    @RandyW, Nicholas Cage is so hit-or-miss that it's unreal. I've never seen him give a mediocre performance. What's the best character you've seen him portray?

    Castor Troy in Face/Off! My favorite Cage movie. I mean, there are so many to choose from. I loved Conair, The Rock and many more. I chose Face/Off because I love John Travolta too. The two together was a great movie.

  3. Who is your favorite actor? Will you watch a movie just because they are in it?


    I've always loved Nicolas Cage and Adam Sandler. I think I've watched every movie they have been on. A lot of disappointments for sure.


    Who do you like? I'm looking for some new movies.

  4. I'm wondering who is working and who is on lock down, or social distancing. Here where I live, our Governor has said 100% non-essential workers must stay home. I'm essential though, lineman, so I'm working.
  5. Very interesting! I have to admit that he literally drove me crazy! He was such a hot head. I can't imagine him going back to the WWE. I've got to say though that stranger things have happened.
  6. I think I've read most of her books too. I watched My Sister's Keeper, I loved it. It was very sad but a great movie. Nineteen Minutes was probably the saddest one I read. It took me at least 3 times to finish it. I kept putting it down and read something else in between.
  7. Same here, closing schools for a month. I think it's smart. Kids can carry the virus home to their parents or to elderly people. They want to "social distance" people! Makes sense, not overreacting at all.
  8. Any other Walking Dead fans? What did you think of last night's episode?


    What do you think about this Stephanie that Eugene is talking to?


    I can't figure Negan out but it was horrible seeing him in the skins.


    It was a great show. The last two episodes were. I think they were better than last night's. Beta's scene were 100% badass! It was great that Lydia came back. I was glad to see her.

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