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Joey Asbo

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Posts posted by Joey Asbo


    don't have to be i just need to out run the listed guys which i wager i could do


    Please, PLEASE, as part of the 10th anniversary celebrations can we arrange this?


    Kam, its on you man!


    I'd stick a tenner in a pot, and i recken other people would aswell just to see the TWO 100m challenge.

  2. You should take the beating Jay, after all who'd know the difference when they saw your face the next day?


    Yeah and no offence Jay but you dont look the athletic type either you know? You dont look like no Linford Christie anyways.

  3. Yeah, totally true. Thought they may deny it, I dont think they want their cover blown.


    Haha, I am also a computer literate baby kangaroo, who has been a menace to my local neighbourhood and has been reprimanded by the authorities.


    But in all seriousnous, Jimmy's name aside, i really dont know if male or female!


    (I apologise to Jimmy unreservedly if i have offended him/shim)

  4. Jimmy Redman as she is Australian.


    Now i'm confused again.. Is Jimmy a man or woman?!


    As for the thread title.. I really cant answer the question. I dont know anyone on TWO that well, and i definitely know whether they can fight.


    Therefore based on my limited knowledge i will pick JC because everyone i know from Belfast are fiery motherf*ckers. Reno, because anyone who likes the Cribs i dont mind fighting for, and SHL because i hope he lives up to his name.


    EDIT - Y2James aswell, because, well shucks that guy picked me!

  5. I'm glad they got rid. I prefer a traditional 4 sided ring. There was something about the 6 sided ring that made it look small, i dont know whether it was smaller in area than the four sided ring they use, but it just appeared that way to me.


    I think TNA should concentrate (which i guess they have been) on making better TV, having bigger stars, fresher look and better business decisions to improve business, not the shape of the ring.

  6. Mine is definatly Owen Hart. I was always a big Hart Foundation fan. And even though i as only like 10 years old when they tagged, Bulldog and Owen were my favourite team.


    I had also just seen a WWF show like the month before he died, where he teamed with Jarrett against Edge and Gangrel i think..


    But yeah, i was young. By the time Benoit had his way, i was at a point with wrestling scandals and deaths that as much as it caught me off guard and it did obviously suprise me, it didnt shock me that much

  7. I've always found that turn of phrase quite odd, like when a doctor says he "practices" medicine. I don't want him to practice, I want him to do it for real.


    You're one to talk DC :lol


    Yeah i guess having BTLS at least stirs up discussion if nothing else. Put it this way, as much as a douch as Bubba is, he at least gets people talking.

  8. Revisiting some albums from my teens. My favourite album for many years was Alkaline Trio - From Here to Infirmary, got that on now.


    I've also went through Rival Schools - United By Fate, Billy Talents first self titled album, and Jimmy Eat World.


    I might sample some Fenix TX later.

  9. You know, i can only assume i wasn't old enough to enjoy RTC back in the day because i dont remember them with any great deal of fondness, but people are raving about them on here.


    Maybe i need to get a hold of some old promos and angles they were involved in back in the day and review my opinion of them.


    Having said that my vote would have gone to the Heenen Family

  10. Exactly. I mean if they've got Charlie Haas and Shane Helms debuting (I don't think they do, but for example's sake) then they should be unadvertised surprises.


    But RVD's somebody who might mean something.


    It's like if they got Brock Lesnar they'd reveal him in a random segment rather than announcing and promoting it in the first place.


    Yeah like when they had Kendrick debut, its fair enough, he's a talent but he's not a big name. RVD whether you like his matches or not, is a big enough name to draw in a fan or two if advertised correctly.

  11. I wonder was Hogan aware that he was being filmed when he did the RVD sign to Jimmy Hart.


    I'm sure he would have. Hogans no dumbass, he knew what he was doing, and as has been said, was right to do it.


    Suprises are good, but TNA are not in a position to be giving things away at the minute.

  12. I think its a decent signing. He's a big enough name, a former WWE champion, should have enough potential match ups that a large enough percentage of wrestling fans will want to see, that he should be value for TNA (depending on what he's paid of course)


    Id certainly look forward to matches with Angle, AJ, Joe, Wolfe to name a few.

  13. Doesn't feel like it's been six years..and that's the point. Nobody wants to see it.


    I feel like its been ages since i saw a heel HHH.. So yeah, i think it's been long enough.


    As far as done to death, they've had 5 1 vs 1 matches again, 6 YEARS AGO.


    Thats the same amount or less than Jericho and Michaels, Undertaker and Batista, Randy Orton and John Cena, and probably a few others have had in far more recent memory.

  14. There's an expiring carton of apple juice in my fridge that has more importance than DX.


    I'm not saying WWE wouldn't pull it off (although I think even for them it sounds too lame) but if it leads to another series of HHH/HBK matches some wrestling fans might actually top themselves.


    Didnt stop WWE for booking DX to be all over Raw for the whole of 2009 though did it? Im guessing Vince didnt check your fridge before giving the OK for Raw each week.


    I really dont see what the problem with a HHH/HBK fued would be if done right. They fueded in what..6 years?

  15. Just a thought but.. Could end up with HHH assisting Taker in the win?


    HHH turns on Shawn for thinking beating Taker is more import than DX, thus turning HHH heel. Taker is pissed because of this and has a series with HHH.


    Throughout the series HHH says Taker would have lost had it not been for him, and that he and NOT Taker retired HBK. This ends after Summerslam, where Taker, so fed up with HHH's insults, tears up the contract and brings back Shawn.


    Shawn attacks and has a series with HHH, with the Undertaker involved in Michaels getting the upper hand over HHH.


    As that series finishes, around the start of 2011, Shawn Michaels thanks Undertaker, but says they have unfinished business. And at Wrestlemania XXVII they have HBK vs. Taker 3, with both going in the Hall of Fame.

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