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Posts posted by TynBox

  1. The article writer basically assesses each wrestler and decides which ice cream flavour they'd be. It's clear that the writer put a lot of consideration into it


    The things people do in isolation. LOL. I think it's neat. A little light-hearted escape in tough times.


    Has a wrestler ever came out to dispute the flavor choices yet?

  2. Hello Hendo. You forgot about Carl Sagan. :) I know he wasn't a science fiction writer in the traditional sense, but he helped open minds to outer space which can lead to an interest in Sci-Fi.


    Welcome aboard fellow nerd. :)

  3. Blade Runner is still one of my favorites. It might be the only movie I have seen, with the exception of "The Wrestler" with Mickey Rourke, where the scenery is just as important as the dialogue.


    Best B R scene:


  4. For every concern there is a preventative measure.


    I'm concerned for the younger generation and how they will hold up to all the changes taking place. There is just something about the speed at which technology advances and peoples' ability to comprehend how that changes us that is concerning to me.

  5. I think you're right. The hyperbole is getting out of hand. There is the cyber threat though because they were able to take Turkey off the grid for about 12 hours months and months ago.
  6. "You can't swing a dead cat without hitting a _______" Fill in the blank. Meant to imply that there is too much of something around in close proximity than there should be.. It's more weird than annoying, but still. I guess it's the imagery.
  7. Just goes to show that if you get the attention of the public, television will find a place for you. I have no problem with that, but that's why I don't watch a lot of television. I stay close to quality and you don't find a lot that anymore.
  8. I wasn't bothered by it, I was just wondering why an in-shape woman needs one. She doesn't have a gym membership? If people have that kind of money to spend, more power to 'em.
  9. ……... the smell of coffee and bacon always gets me going in the morning.


    From Wikipedia: "Aromatherapy is a pseudoscience based on the usage of aromatic materials, including essential oils, and other aroma compounds, with claims for improving psychological or physical well-being."


    So if you want to get technical, the smell of coffee in the morning is a form of aromatherapy. The psychological well-being aspect being that you're feeling better knowing the coffee is on the way.


    That being the case, yes, I practice aromatherapy every morning.

  10. Maybe if I stay out of it for a while things will seem better.


    That's the way it goes, isn't it? A drink tastes better when you haven't drank in a long time.


    But no, I'm not putting out money for this for awhile, if ever. They bill it as some sort of championship, but it really isn't.

  11. One person can only do so much. But if 1 billion people, individually, each do something then it's a collective.


    So if one billion people individually do something and then say "It's not enough", they are discounting all the others and what they do.


    I think we need to stop thinking that our efforts are not enough. If I were the only one planting a tree, sure, that wouldn't be enough. But I have to stop and realize that i million other people are doing the same thing.

  12. It is like looking at a CCTV without a camera and using only the brain power to capture the images.


    I don't know if I would call that "psychic" or not. I always thought of that term in regards to a time-line. Like seeing into the past or future. "Remote viewing" infers locations.

  13. If I could change anything it would be Johnny Depp starring in The Butterfly Effect instead of Ashton Kurchner. Just to see what kind of butterfly effect that would have.


    Interesting. Remember that scene where that one girl is walking home from work with him, she turns around and asks him "If you cared for me so much, why did you leave me here to rot?" To me, that was a powerful scene, but it might have actually done better with Depp. He just has that "look", you know?

  14. They say those 3 wins were as an amateur. That would help explain no footage to be found. Lucky for the losers I guess.


    But yeah.....he wasn't throwing punches as much as he was just flailing his arms. That's what it looked like to me.

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