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Everything posted by Jordaci

  1. We have had a very hot summer (short though). It's a high of 68 today and back into 80 degree days next week. It's just silly. Global warming or not. Although I don't think global warming has anything to do with the odd snow and cold we had.
  2. Wait, the games aren't the same depending on where you live? I didn't know that. It's kind of crazy if you ask me. I thought the Switch was the same regardless of where you live.
  3. I watched Longmire recently. I thought it was pretty good. I watched Outer Banks because everyone said it was great, it was okay. Watched another good series but can't remember the name. Next time I log in, I'll check.
  4. $57.99 for the boards or to watch? I've played and I suck! Watching these pros "airmail" has me in awe. Watching some of their shots is cool too. When I play, I just try to get it on the board! The pros actually play defense and try to go in front of the hole (to block others). I'm crazy enough to say that we actually have a couple sets of boards and bags!
  5. I stopped buying the WWE games a few years back, just for that reason. It does not surprise me that they are releasing every couple of years.
  6. I wonder if Mother Nature has some kind of PMS. Seriously, it's almost May and we have had snow at least one day every week for the whole month of April. It was sunny and 60 yesterday and today it's 40 and nothing but rain. It's supposed to snow again tomorrow!
  7. Jordaci

    Xbox Live

    I agree that it's not good to worry all the time. We have Xbox Live here. I think it's great that we can play with others. I bet a lot of people are doing this now.
  8. Same things happening here. Schools are closing, bars and restaurants closed (only take out). Our schools are still feeding kids too. The only thing that the schools didn't do is ser up online learning.
  9. I don't think Negan will have any problem killing someone from Hilltop, as long as it isn't Judith, Carol or Darryl. I think that Stephanie is not going to be a good thing. I really think that Judith called Michonne and Michonne and the other people are going to come help fight the Whisperers. Thoughts on that?
  10. I just watched all episodes of Dare Me. I'm not a Breaking Bad fan. Last year I binge watched several seasons of The Walking Dead. That's probably my favorite binge to date.
  11. Man... did you watch last nights? Lydia is back! I knew she wouldn't kill her mother but I was hoping she would. Daryl took a beating for sure! Glad Lydia saved him! I was really not sure what they were going to do with Gamma. Beta coming underground to get her. That whole scene had me on the edge of my seat. Judith was a badass, just like Michonne!
  12. Jordaci


    Watched it in the theater and thought it was great. Saddened when it went from 2 heroes to one. I loved the scene where he found the woman and orphan, very touching. At times, it was unrealistic but still great.
  13. Anyone watch last nights episode? I thought it was pretty slow at times. There were some great scenes though. What's up with Negan and Alpha.. I puked in my mouth a little with their scene. I really hope that Negan becomes a badass again, and kills off Alpha. Carol is starting to irritate me too. I get it, they beheaded Henry - she is putting everyone else in danger. I was hoping to see Lydia. Any thoughts on the episode?
  14. I love to read and I love to be social. I have not joined a book club yet but I would if there was one in my area. I'm pretty particular with what I read so I'm not sure I would like someone picking the book that I had to read.
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