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The Icon

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Everything posted by The Icon

  1. It was yes. The year before the rumble was for the title. Then from 93 on it was for a world title shot.
  2. Yokozuna, by dumping first Backlund then Randy Savage. The savage spot was funny as he tried to pin him. Intentional or blown spot?
  3. Royal rumble 1993. Some say it's a lesser rumble but I love it. Highlights are Backlunds long stay, and getting the crowd on his side since at first they didn't care And Flair vs Perfect spot.
  4. I think he will be booked as a strong face sooner or later.
  5. How about no? Well Taker OK I can give you. But not because of anything to do with size. Only because of how his character works is that he is unstoppable, and everybody he faces is an underdog. People half his size have often beaten Show. So nobody would take Langston serious as an underdog vs him.
  6. Nice speech. Pointless though as he does not look small next to any of those men. Nor should a man of his size ever be portrayed as an underdog.
  7. Dazed and confused. We could play this game all night. Like any actor he has had good roles and bad.
  8. Yeah but in no way is Langston a small man, no matter who you compare him too.
  9. I would like to see that, but not now. I would like to see it when Henry is heel and Big e turns good. I suspect Langston could be an enjoyable fan fav.
  10. I am with you with all the rest. But Big E a small man? Are you extracting the urine?
  11. Not in 20 years will hhh do this. He should mind.
  12. I see more Zayn v Bourne, Kingston and such. Also new big statement Kofi Kingston is turning heel for a push in the next 90 days.
  13. Yes he is. Which is why WWE seem to have stopped pushing him.
  14. I dont see it myself. I think they wont fight on the main roster.
  15. I was just about to mention him above. Then I thought is he over enough for fans to care right now. Also his contract runs out soon. I have a feeling WWE may future endeavour him.
  16. It could be worse, Clooney and the bat nipples could have returned.
  17. This may get me flack here, but the abomination above aside, Affleck is a good enough actor that as I said I will watch the film before I make judgement.
  18. Ben Affleck? Well no worse than Val Kilmer or George Clooney neither of which suited the role. So I will give the lad a chance. After all back in 1987 people thought Keaton was a horrible choice but he nailed the role. Affleck could be good or bad, but I will say it is an odd choice.
  19. Ok so who in WWE is the, as you put it, perfect little man to stand up to him. No name springs instantly to mind.
  20. I prefer the leave idea. Give people a reason to tune into raw on monday after.
  21. Bryan vs Shamus is second shortest. Kane vs Chavo is shortest. Well if you trust info from WWE. Com.
  22. oh i fully expect this. I think they will do the we have all the champions bit.
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