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Fidel Cashflow

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Everything posted by Fidel Cashflow

  1. all those guys you named are big and need to make up in their lack of speed or high flying ability with submissions. The day a cruiserweight match looks like Rock-Undertaker i'll rip my eyes and abort wrestling forever. So you consider wrestling suplexs and holds. I consider that a style of performing in the ring. So to me, when you say RVD and Rey can't wrestle, it makes me think that you are comparing them to Bob Holly and Billy Gunn. When really, you mean that they don't wrestle the kind of match you enjoy. They can, but what is the point cruiserweight division if they do the same style that the big guys do? So please, from now on, don't say that they can't wrestle because that is not correct. Simply say that their styles don't entertain you. Tap Out
  2. all you do is let crap fly. RVD can't wrestle? Rey Mysterio isn't Lucha Libre? Are you on drugs. Just because he doesn't do suplex's doen't mean he can't wrestle. So your saying that Hardcore Holly is a great wrestle because he does alot of suplex's. Tell me some one in the entire WWE that sells moves as good as he does. Why is the piledriver that Tommy Dreamer performed on him so highly regarded, because RVD took an umbelievible bump. Even while performing such a high impact move, 5*, he doesn't hurt anyone with it. Can Eddie Gurrreo say the same. His style and move set is original, and just trying to be original he moves his body mid air during the five star. He invented a move in the split-legged moonsault. Rey Mysterio is a high-flyer. No he isn't as technical as Chavo, but he macks up with it by keeping a high paced match. And what IS your definition of wrestling. Mine is being able to put on a convincing mirage of violence without really inflicting pain on the opponent. Also, being able to smartly call spots while the match is in progress. Last time i checked RVD and Rey can do that very well.
  3. Chritian could pull off a much better heel run the Layfeild, no doubt about it. even though i have to admit that his "I'm fighting Shannon Moore at Summerslam" was funny.
  4. hey, christian is a better wrestler than edge but he is not the getting the pushes. When he gets back his feud with Jericho should continue.
  5. i think he got your words confused. i think he thought you were talking about upper-mid carders.
  6. yeah, HBK still has the goods. Mark Jindrak could be another person to win the rumble.
  7. i know that it already happened, i watched. i just saying it would be a proper end for the dead man. he and michaels have a classic feud and i wouldn't feel right seeing anyone else go over him in his last match.
  8. AJ Styles was a popular heel but he still got heat because he was with Russo.
  9. i would like to see a buried alive match between HBK and Taker. Taker lights a casket on fire but HBK SCMs him into the grave.
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