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Everything posted by wyndorf

  1. I'm going to win. HA! You won't even remember I've posted this if I don't - which I will. Losers.
  2. What an odd way to sell a match. Are they gonna write all of that on the graphic? Edge lost at Wrestlemania - Get over it!
  3. I think I remember it being on Box Office and coming in at £9.95.
  4. wyndorf

    Is PS3 worth it?

    I only want to play games on a games console. Just think how cheap a PS3 should technically be if they took away the option of watching films, listening to music, uploading photo's, surfing the internet and all that other guff. I'm still not inclined to get a PS3. Whilst I don't think the price is that bad nowadays, the sheer lack of games is frustrating.
  5. I believe the correct description is; Broken Frikkin' Leg!
  6. I've just been playing the original uncut Wii version. Whilst I really don't understand what would be so offensive about the PS2 version, it really is brutal when you're actually making a swinging motion as you crush a gimp's head in with a sledgehammer. Really awesome stuff. Sure, without the gore it'd be pretty dull and I'm 99% sure the storyline will eventually do a Fight Club on me, but I like Fight Club and gore is glorious.
  7. What he said ^ The 'Arcade' version comes without a hard-drive. You do get a memory card, but quite frankly, you're gonna need a hard-drive. I'm pretty sure the 'pro' is the new name for the 'premium'. Probably your best bet, you'll get a hard-drive and a head-set and you're bound to be able to buy a bundle with a couple of games. You don't have to, but it'd be wise to pick up a plug and play kit at the same time as your console. It's basically a rechagable battery and usb charger (so you and play whilst your joypad is charging). There about £15 but will have paid for itself in about 4 days due to not having to buy batteries. Also, I insist you pick up Call of Duty 4 and hook yourself up to Xbox LIVE. We have a nice little group going on who'll only be too happy to hurl abuse at you........;)
  8. REPO MAN! Triple H Lita's ass Bart Gunn Sunny Evolution Everything else
  9. Personally, I wouldn't have Triple H turn heel. I'm of course not the booker, but even Helen Keller can see and hear that Triple H, is at this time, the most over star on the roster. You'd have thought Jericho just had sh*tty luck with bad crowds since his return, but those same crowds have gone ape for The Game. The best way to use your most popular star - have him win the Rumble and the Wrestlemania main event. Of course there will always be the party poopers who'll say; "Triple H only wins because he books himself too".......that's dumb. Like I said, he's the most over star they have.
  10. I reckon Jim Duggan would say "Hoooooooooo!" and Ron Simmons would say "Damn!"
  11. It's funny. In the actual printed article after it says "Her favourite fighters were ROB VAN DAM and CHRIS JERICHO" the writer of said article breaks the golden rule of reporting facts - he offers his opinion. His opinion being "Big Daddy and Giant Haystacks were much better"
  12. Ummmm.......NO, they didn't. Unless you're counting having them in the same menu but unable to play both modes at once, using one save device because, they're actually seperate game modes that apart from a few extra options, are the same as last years un-combined game modes - as being combined.
  13. See, this is the most likely thing. I'd like to add, that before the slapping, Big Dave would also wipe his ass on a teddy bear named Muhammed whilst going on a middle eastern veil swiping rampage. All of this - after another one of his high school shooting spree's.
  14. It's kinda funny how in the end, Yukes didn't combine them.
  15. I touched upon this in a thread earlier.... Hogan/Warrior first ever face off; http://youtube.com/watch?v=Syk-76hsaYM
  16. Wrestling fans can see Sting every week on TV, but not a great deal of them choose to. I certainly don't think he'd make any kind of major impact at Wrestlemania. Sure, he might recieve a nice pop, but not as big as the Undertaker or Triple H and not even in the same league as Hogan or The Rock. Yes, I know I could watch Triple H vs Cena on tape, but here in the year 2007, I'd rather opt for a DVD....heh....I understand your point, but your point is pointless. Just because a match has happened before, it doesn't mean it won't draw big money if it happens again. I personally think Batista vs John Cena would be a great match and would draw big. Both guys are mega over in the most popular wrestling company in the world - you may not rate their wrestling skills, but the masses love both of these guys. When they were the final 2 in the Rumble a few years back - the crowd were going "Hulk Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior - ONE on ONE! [/quote=Jesse Ventura] crazy. As for your list of WCW guys who made it big in the WWE.......well no, not really. Ric Flair had a mediocre run in the Early 90's - haven't seen any records which prove he drew huge money. Since his return, he's done nothing. Sure the fans love him, but he's not selling ppv's. Booker T had a World title run about 4 years after he debuted in the WWE so much like Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio, was a WWE guy when he had major success. Of course, none of these guys have ever really sold massive ppv's, so it's all a mute point.
  17. What the hell is all this Sting nonsense? Batista, Triple H, both Hardy's, Rey Mysterio, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels........are all bigger stars than Sting and can put on better matches. Sting is a WCW guy, he'd bomb in the WWE. As of right now, without Cena, you're choice for big money matches is limited. With Cena? Batista vs Cena and Triple H vs Cena are matches I'd chew my left arm off to see and I'm sure the ppv buying public would too.....if booked in a sensible manner.
  18. One of mine has been doing that for the last 8 months. It's annoying, but once it does boot up, it's fine. How long have you been getting the red lights?
  19. Yeah....."Host Disconnected" is an often occurence in Call of Duty 4. Also, Reno, why are you not playing COD4 with us?
  20. It damn well better. If there's one person I've missed hurling abuse at - it's you.
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