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Posts posted by Burakiosaurus

  1. Out of all the millions who watched the segment, how many would have known it was a dig at Meltzer? Not a great deal, Punk knows that and maybe that's why he chose to do it on RAW.


    He lashed out at Dave on a worldwide stage, he knew Dave would know he was getting at him, but also knew a huge percentage of people would have no idea. Good job Punk!


    The message board stuff is a direct consequence of the internet being what it is nowadays. Using it to better yourself as a heel, get more material for promos etc.. can only be a good thing. I'm really enjoying his work with Heyman, and knowing the history they have together makes it even more satisfying to me seeing them on the top segments.


    Saying that, I am a huge Punk mark, so I see nothing wrong with what he did and disagree with you totally, but that's why we have these boards right? To chew the proverbial fat and see/hear other people's points of view and disagree with them :D

  2. Punk's promo was great. Telling people to turn off was great, as he knew they wouldn't. It's like the ending to Ben Elton's Popcorn, where there is a hostage situation being broadcast live on TV and the kidnapper says he will let the hostages walk free if everyone turns off their TV. I'm Pro Punk though, so of course I'm going to be biased :)


    I loved that he called out Meltzer on his Twitter and has abused him before. Probably the reason why I love watching Zlatan Ibrahimovic.


    They are extremely talented at what they do, but they also lash out and do stupid things and it entertains me dammit :D

  3. You can find one individual interesting and follow them.


    Maybe when WWE was going through the Hogan/Bret/HBK/HHH phases there were also a bunch of disgruntled fans who grew up loving a different product, who then grew to dislike the eras I just mentioned.


    They just didn't have access to the wealth of information we have nowadays

  4. He was an average promo guy at best, but solid in the ring and his moves looked great when performed. Never got the chance to see much of Bret in WCW, but making him join NWO was just horrible.


    Now, Mr. Perfect was great at Promos and matched (if not bettered) Bret's in ring work. Their match at Summerslam is still one of my all time favourites.


    In fact, Curt Hennig should be on that list purely for 'Rap is Crap'

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