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RetroIC Gaming

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Everything posted by RetroIC Gaming

  1. And how many WWE teams get pushed the current Raw champions at is it, So just because a journalist said something its right, Ask anyone journalists will make stuff up just to sell, So i dont think thats enough prove, You maybe right and so may he but, I live in England so i know not to listen to them sorry
  2. dont you go to WWE.com ????? it was on there
  3. Not me but other people it might, Its not something you want to see on this forums, But at least your fine with that :thumbsup
  4. Like Val Venis really isn't it lol but TNA now have the better commentary team now JR is gone
  5. :bawl im not the muffin man But it could be a good gimmick better then some of WWE's ideas lol
  6. :P But given time 1PW will beat them all :P
  7. Ok remember when Jarrett was in WWE, I know he took a big pay cheque, But didnt he JOB to CHYNA (a women) TNA has better tag teams eg AMW, Team 3D, Team Canada to name afew But who does the WWE have ? Murdock and Cade WOW, the super heros WOW High spots, The crowd doesnt care ? What are you know about the crowd doesnt care about cruiserweights because the WWE only gives them about 3 minutes, if lucky, TNA i have seen X-Division matches go for 10/15 minutes
  8. Raven - I have seen live, And was better then watching him in WWE, TNA are using him better Sabu - Hoping to see live soon, But matches i have seen are good, But have seen better Brother Ray - Yes very good tag team wrestler, Maybe as good as the old LOD Brother Devon - Same as above Jeff Hardy - Very over rated Ron Killings - TNA are using him better then WWE did Konnan - Needs a new tag team partner Lance Hoyt - Seen a couple of his matches, And from what i have seen is better then half WWE "superstars" Apollo - WHO ??? (sorry) Rhino - Missed used by WWE, Could shine if TNA use him better James Storm - Seens a good wrestler Monty Brown - WOULD main event wrestlemania, He's that good Kip James/B.G James - As a team who is better, No one in WWE thats for sure Abyss - Sorry but i have seen him live and if people dont like this tough, But he is BETTER then Kane, But i would love to see Abyss V Kane Shark Boy - A silly gimmick really but you always need one :) SO at the moment i would want to see TNA and not WWE (Yes i would swap my Raw tickets to see TNA, And TNA is a change from watching the same thing each week)
  9. Im a witness RM and i had a feeling when she put her arm around JR's arm she was going to do it, But though i could mark out that Shane O'Mac was coming but he didnt :(
  10. Carry on if you want, But its you whos making this worst, I told you why i kicked you so end of but if you dont want to thats up to you carry on get banned but im not answering any more
  11. I dont hate anyone here on TWO not even the annoying guests lol remember just the other day i came in when you posted someone was starting and i did you same thing when you didnt say anything about that but only this time i was logged in without my mod name coz i was looking for someone
  12. just one last thing i ONLY kicked him never banned him because he came back in said a few things then left i DONT have a problem with him but he wanted to know why i did it and i have told him so thats it finished for me, would have get screen caps but that half of keyboard dont work getting new one in the morning
  13. say what you want you know the truth if you cant accept why i kicked you so be it but remember the rules all kicks/bans are final
  14. did i here you say guess no but i saw you being racist about Jewish people
  15. I kicked you because you was being mouthy to me and some others and just so you know i was in as someone else when you was being racist but when I came on as TGO you wasnt at your PC so i though i would wait you came back and started on people again i said you shut up you did so i kicked you
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