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RetroIC Gaming

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Everything posted by RetroIC Gaming

  1. Finlay is the man all that needs saying "The Hangman" Draven Cage
  2. Funny and a great wrestling again WWE miss uses a great wrestler V Benoit on Heat anyone ? Matt Bentley
  3. Great arounder, Smackdown really need him to return asap. Colt Cabana
  4. Why do you watch it again ? And people moan at Mr Perfect for moaning about TNA all the time.
  5. I live about 30 minutes away from the store (1upgames) so if you need anything let me know.
  6. Why? Samoa Joe, Christian Cage, Christopher Daniels, AJ Styles to name afew stars have done it so why not Kurt Angle.
  7. I hope he doesn't rush back but I also hope he can be booked for 1PW so we can meet him, but I hope it's not yet so he can rest, spend time with his kids at home and get better.
  8. I was going to ask why ban him instead of kicking so no point now :P If you don't care why ask, why break rules in first place and I guess BC banned you?
  9. It was Henry O Godwinn. Remember its HOG not HIG :P
  10. If you want to see "fit" women watch the playboy channel we want WRESTLING
  11. That is correct TPIB Great start to show...........Not. The crew in the truck are having a great show though screwing up the D-X music :P
  12. Not the point its against the rules so he is cooled off. Rules are there for a reason.
  13. 10 PMs later and your still on about it. I have told you why and I have told you too stop PMing me.
  14. Big Craig and myself did tell you that last night.
  15. And remember to taped it up or you may break your thumb :xyx
  16. Wasn't that her finisher on the Smackdown games? This is why debates get closed. The only reason it could hurt is that fact its wrapped with tape.
  17. Why do I think it's going to become King Booker V Rey V Batista ?
  18. Two weeks Foley V Flair 2 out of 3 falls in a WRESTLING match
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