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Captain Johnathan M. Quirk

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Captain Johnathan M. Quirk last won the day on September 22 2023

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  1. Actually, only two other team members are furries, and I don't really trust the advice of one of them. Still, they also know quite a bit about character design and Natalya should be able to do some sketches so we should have a decent idea before I try and model it... EDIT: I just caught the italic on "non-furs," sorry if that somehow offended you...
  2. Fair enough. I joke that you can do anything with a fursona because once you're dealing with anthropomorphic animals, you're already giving reality the finger, so you might as well just go all-out with it. Still, I want to try and keep things faithful... You know what, I'll probably get the advice of the other people on my team, as opposed to the random non-furs on the internet.
  3. Well, see, the purple socks part in particular comes from this art from Steam's 20th anniversary.
  4. Okay are yall ignoring this intentionally? Yeah, no, wouldn't be surprised
  5. Should me and my team incorporate the G-Man's now purple socks into the wolf gman we're doing? We are changing quite a lot of his design (we realized we couldn't really keep the emaciated look, so we're doing more of a strong, cocky aura. Thank god GoldSRC is so limited or this would be soo much harder), but the outfit is remaining mostly the same. I was just wondering if we should keep the outfit faithful to HL1 or follow the retcons? (Speaking of which, I just got the idea to do a mod of HL1 that incorporates all the series retcons...)
  6. They should create something along the lines of the Valve Fan Complete Bundle, which would include stuff like Sven and GMod
  7. I think as long as it's SFW it should be fine... And besides, I'm trying not to have the project public pre-release. We wanted to release it in a very "This exists now, deal with it" kind of way. We were gonna create the ModDB page with the download publicly available and just, have it exist one day. And now our evil plot is publicly available... Thank god this community is miniscule
  8. Love the quote, most people wouldn't recognize it And yes, in all seriousness, the project is literally called Half-Life: Furry Edition, although we have another lower-priority project called Half-Life: Just Another Meme Mod And yes, I am a furry. Deal.
  9. Sorry, but our current project is highly classified. Oh uhh, what are your guys' opinions on furries? I swear this is important
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