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Everything posted by dsrchris

  1. If Cena did bring the "If Cena wins we riot" sign into the ring after they went off air last night, then he's actually gone up in my estimation a bit. Having rewatched this PPV it's still horrible, but I can kinda see why it went the way it did for the most part. The worst thing is I'm gonna get sucked into watching Unforgiven simply because I wanna see if Cena makes it to a year with the title. Dammit.
  2. I'm done with WWE. That's it. The end of a 21 year relationship, but I've had all I can stand of this samey tired rubbish. The booking was awful, the roster has gone to hell, and I'm not parting with anymore of my money to make them think they're doing a good job. Sorry folks, this is one WWE fan who is now officially an EX-WWE fan. *sigh*
  3. This was awesome. The rest of the show could have been crap and i wouldn't have cared just because of this spot. Oh wait, the rest of it WAS crap. I loved the way Orton opened the chair out really slow and methodically. I mean it's blatantly because the hinges were loosened so he didn't want it to fall apart, but the whole spot was great. I must've rewound, replayed, and slow-moed that bit at least 20 times. And it just got better everytime. 10 out of 10 to Cena for making it look good too. It's one of those spots that can go so very wrong, but Orton and Cena showed you how to make it look great.
  4. Yeah but he proper fluffed his lines this week, didn't he?
  5. Speaking of young Mr Puder, who enjoyed this as much as I did? http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=GIdK2Pbxiyc
  6. I'm loving "Dr Nash", but then I was a real sucker for the paparazzi idol skits with the creation of Black Machismo. Nash can do no wrong at the minute in these eyes. The guy could be a real star for TNA if they get the two hour timeslot.
  7. Are you seriously suggeting Pacman gets a title in his first match? The only thing I hope he gets is a concussion. Or a severe ass kicking.
  8. I'd love to see a huge Cena heel turn. I mean HUGE. The kind of thing to leave kids sobbing into their chain gang shirts. It's just not gonna happen though is it?
  9. I wanna see a Cena heel run, if only to watch the little kids in their chain gang shirts and their "Why John, Why?" signs bawling their eyes out. Is that mean?
  10. Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that. Just goes to show how much of an impression THAT had on me :sleep_1: Oh Nick, what have they done to you?
  11. I've just caught up on my Impact viewing and I'm so chuffed! After the long months of waiting I've finally seen a Canadian Destroyer from Petey Williams! Woo! How long's that been? On the subject of moves I haven't seen on TV for a while, Styles Clash and Gringo Killer anyone?
  12. I can't believe no-one thought of Regal being GM before? When he stood in for Coach a couple of weeks ago I was thinking how suited he was for the role. At least there are some steps in the right direction...
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