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Everything posted by Red05

  1. I found a decent article which briefly spans her career, from popstar to...um...crazy?
  2. http://media1.funnyjunk.com/pics/leetkeyboard.jpg
  3. The Crow and the Butterfly, by Shinedown. Just been searching around on YouTube and came across this acoustic version of one of Shinedown's new songs to be included on their upcoming album. Couple that with some roaring reviews by a fan who scored a dinner with the lead singer (Brent Smith, check my avatar) and was then played some final mixes of the new material...and I am STOKED for the new record.
  4. That looks pretty damn cool, so much so that I may have to look into buying it.
  5. I only spoke to him about it for a short while, but it seems to be more to do with people's reactions giving him the ammo to finally want out. That being something he's wanted to do for a while, actually.
  6. As far as I know, Mitch asked for his account to be banned. Something to do with the whole newsletter backlash, I think.
  7. It's okay, I'll do it: The Mitchell Jones Show.
  8. I was going to get a decent chain for Valentines which would have been the best thing. I say 'would' because the day before, I dumped her...
  9. Nice one, are you selling or modelling? ;)
  10. Welcome back, you git. :lol
  11. I just watched the majority of the Goonies downstairs, beginning my viewing with the wishing well scene. It's still really enjoyable, even now, after a million times.
  12. Red05

    Football News

    Mourinho managing Barce would be good, especially if they ended up drawing Chelsea in the Champions League. That would be a match and a half!
  13. They be cool band. In fact, you might know them as the guys who did the theme tune to WM XX (I think). I dare you to tell me to walk through fire, wear my soul and call me a liar? Ring any bells?
  14. I ordered some Shinedown gear a couple of weeks ago, and I've just come home from college to see a delivered parcel on my bed. The hoodie, tshirts and CD are all fine, but I got a completely different wristband which, although the smallest item, was one I was really looking forward to having. But the hoodie is pure class, and is really good quality!
  15. Again, man, it's being over done. Nobody got shot, just a bunch of petty and immature insults were thrown. Everyone has said how the insults were childish and such, so why can't they shrug them off? If there's a chapter to the story that I haven't read, then fair enough. But still, putting on a brave face? I can't help but feel that's comical, like it's now difficult for people to post here without crying or something. I don't know, maybe you care too much, maybe I don't care enough, maybe we're all morons and will wake up tommorrow thinking bloody hell, look at my posts there, ha! I'm done for the night.
  16. But you're defending to the death your friends over stupid comments made by a couple of goofs on an internet forum that means next to nothing in the big scheme of life. If you take a step back, doesn't that sound a tad silly? I'm not trying to be elitist and say that nothing on TWO can matter, I have no problem with people being royally pissed off in the context of the forum itself, but it seems that some people have really taken this stupid stuff to heart, and I just think it's overdone is all.
  17. He never said you didn't have the right, it's just the tone and manner in which you're doing it is a bit...ugh. I know that might sound funny after the content of the posts in question and such, but seriously. This is the internet, very few people should have been legitamately angered by the incident. The Probe and posts by Craig and Moobs contained lots of trendy TWO catchphrases, general LOLZ!!!111, exaggerated stereotypes and piss takes of popular perceptions. It was stupid and annoying, and should have been treated as such, not with serious outrage. Christof's reaction was spot on, laugh at the silly boys. No, he doesn't. Again, it's all about the manner and tone of your communication.
  18. Where exactly does he condone Omar's actions?
  19. This kind of post only prolongs the issue, Saz. And kind of moral guardian tone is cringeworthy, Kam's the boss, let him have the word. People are pissed off which is fair enough, but the whole scandal has been completely over amplified.
  20. I think this kind of backlash is stupid. Everyone should just forget, after forgiving if they can and want to. Omar was wrong, yes, but let's not poke him with comments all the time. Let's just move on...
  21. Even if the manner in which you beckoned her through the door was a bit patronising, this is completely over the top. What a stupid, horrible woman. It riles me up just reading that, I find that kind of attitude completely repugnant. Whenever I go through a door I always check if someone is behind me, and if they are, whether man or woman, I hold back the door so it doesn't slam back into them. If it's someone of advanced years, I tend to make extra sure. Usually this is greeted with a nod, smile or quiet thank you, which is the way it should be.
  22. Red05

    Saz beard contraversy

    I'm another in support of the beard, it makes you look younger.
  23. Quit yapping, number eight. :jump
  24. This whole episode hasn't had any effect on my reputation. Damn it, still top of the pile. ;) :lol I be joshing with you, good folks.
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