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Everything posted by GENE

  1. A big pile of shit just like all of Stings matches these days!
  2. Yeah i think 2005 and 2006 were the companies best years, i seem to remember the build up to BFG both years being particularly good. I missed almost all of wrestling in 2010 and early 2011 so i would have to say the worst year was 2007.
  3. Just out of curiosity with all the talk previous of giving TNA a chance etc, what does everyone think were TNA's worst and best years of television?
  4. I'm not going to sit and defend TNA, i mean they managed to make Jeff Hardy one of the top three most over active wrestlers six months prior to joining the company into just another guy and the same applies to Angle. Lets not forget ruining Samoa Joe, and pushing guys way way way past there prime. The fact both of you go online to discuss wrestling means you aren't a casual fan or a WWE fan it makes you a smark so you don't fall into either of those category's. I have about a dozen wrestling fan friends who don't go online, don't read spoilers don't care about insider news they are the casual/WWE fans i was referring to, out of a dozen i only have one friend who has watched or even given TNA a chance. I asked them why they don't watch or give it a chance, the answers i got were along the lines of, "it's shit" "they just copy the WWE" "i dont see the appeal" the causal fan wont give it a chance because its not the WWE.
  5. Mainstream wrestling in America is knackerd as the WWE fan and casual fan will not give anything else a chance.
  6. I recognize The Bellas and Lita, who are the other two?
  7. Does RVD look in shape? Or is he still a fat lazy slob like he was in TNA?
  8. The best thing he ever did was ask for his release!
  9. Who was eligable for food stamps?
  10. I liked York he was the best out of all the Gut Check guys.
  11. This isn't news but I couldn't find a random comments thread so I'm gonna ask it here. Has anyone else seen the WCW film Ready To Rumble? I only ask as I'm going to a DDP signing tommorow and I'm gonna try and get him to sign mine!!
  12. Alberto Del Rio has to be the most uninteresting main eventer in the WWE for a long long long time. Or is it just me?
  13. How many times did he say dude? Or words that rhymed with dude?
  14. GENE

    Football Manager

    I've bought it/Championship every year since about 1998. Ever year I go Hearts and play it for about ten seasons,pretty sure I have a total play time of like 170 hours for this years. Yeah Ryan what are you on about? Chris I agree 97/98 was the best with great players like Denilson,Erik Nevland and Ibrahim Bakiyoko who were excellent in the game but amounted to nothing in real life.
  15. What do you need to participate? Just a microphone and Skype?
  16. I've been listening to the pre Wrestlemania episode,and someone mentions it might be good to have an 80's themed episode? i'd like to see that happen.
  17. Yeah i watch that match quite alot, also its unreal how much weight Heyman has put on.
  18. What ROH shows are those from Frank?
  19. I just finished watching WWE vintage collection, and again i will stand by my previous statement that this is the best wrestling show on tv.The best match on this episode was from Raw in July 2002 and had The Undertaker and Brock against RVD and Ric Flair. Its weird that back in 2002 we kind of thought wrestling was in a poor state, but by god i'd give my right arm to have a non fat and lazy RVD,a mobile and not broken down Undertaker, a full time Brock and a not so saggy Flair in 2013. Anyway the match had pretty good action with the highlight for me being when RVD had a pin on Brock and Taker came and dropped a pretty sick looking leg drop on the back of RVD's head. Other maches on the show were DDP and Bam Bam vs Saturn and kanyon ,Flair vs Sting , Piper vs Orndorf from an early Saturday Nights Main event and Nikolia Volkoff and The Iron Sheik against Andre and Sgt Slaughter.
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