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Everything posted by headrush

  1. Comedian Louis CK comes to mind. He was hailed as edgy and insightful, and then the harassment allegations came. He is trying to get back through smaller venues and his website. Not sure if he will ever get other gigs.
  2. I just scroll through whatever the YouTube algorithm picks. The one channel I follow most regularly is Insider and its sub-channels like Food Insider. I agree that the platform has a lot of sameness to it. Other times, you hit pure gold with random searches.
  3. headrush


    Zoom is better than Skype or Google Hangouts for larger groups. Microsoft Teams is supposed to be pretty good, too, especially if you already use Office 365. Not tired of Zoom yet. Mandatory sheltering, yes.
  4. My current favorites are Tom Hanks, Keanu Reeves, and Florence Pugh. I also like Brad Pitt and Gemma Chan. However, I will skip movies with them if the plots just look too cheesy or dull!
  5. I tried watching the first episode. Seeing people raise big cats like pets makes me a little bit uncomfortable. But wow — looks like this series has been quite the sensation!
  6. Such a great movie with an interesting mix of actors: Bruce Willis, Brad Pitt, Christopher Plummer, Christopher Meloni, among others. The ending really hits you.
  7. Canada and Australia have pulled out of the games. Both are asking for postponement – until 2021. Makes me wonder who else will join them.
  8. Quite a number of schools and universities are done for the academic year in May. Now is a good time for those campuses to shut down and get deep cleaned for however long is needed.
  9. Now on the fourth season of Better Call Saul. These episodes are going really fast! The more I watch it, the more I enjoy it.
  10. I like going out for birthday lunches or dinners with family. Like others mentioned, I also keep it low-key. If I were really rich, though, I would host an occasional big party at a restaurant.
  11. headrush


    I would definitely recommend 1917, but not sure if I would rewatch it. The intensity I feel the first time I see a war story wears off the second time.
  12. I hate watching dirty dishes pile up, but once I start washing them I kind of like the soap smell and feeling the warm water.
  13. @coleman I would have just believed the original charges, sad to say! Weird to think about, but other actors that were up for the Andy role were Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise, Nicholas Cage, and Johnny Depp.
  14. @coleman The story is loosely based on a real prison escape in the 1950s. The guy was on the run for 50+ years before getting caught. I loved how the director showed the prisoners making their own community, but it was also really sad seeing the older ones struggling to adjust once they got back into the "real" world. I connected to that sadness of starting new in a new place, missing friends you saw regularly.
  15. I re-watched Shawshank Redemption a number of times. That might be the only one I would sit all the way through again, start to finish.
  16. Definitely one of the better recent SNLs. Murphy's Gumby and Velvet Jones skits were weaker than his others in this episode, though. Good opening monologue!
  17. Parasite just won a SAG for best ensemble and steadily gathered nominations for other awards. Maybe it will get an Oscar and/or a BAFTA for best film or picture?
  18. 1917 was powerful, but so was Parasite in a different way. I would say those two are now top of the 2019 list for me. Still want to see Little Women, though, and keep comparing.
  19. Hmm. I think I prefer having four distinct seasons, at least until or if climate change does away with that. The Seattle coffee scene sounds great, but it seems easier than ever to find a decent cup in many places.
  20. headrush


    Nice seeing Phoenix win Best Actor at the Golden Globes. On a side note, wonder why Beyonce remained seated during the standing ovation for him.
  21. I recently binged The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story (stayed up past 2 a.m. to finish) and started the second season of Better Call Saul. Both are great. BCS keeps getting better.
  22. I feel emo listening to Elton John. I always loved the combo of melancholy voice plus piano, so big personal bias. The Who is fun, but I lose interest in their songs quicker in comparison.
  23. Probably Parasite and Joker. Fighting with My Family was a really pleasant surprise, and I would put it among the best of 2019. Hoping to see Knives Out soon and decide how it stacks up.
  24. Agreed. I think what makes people give up so soon is thinking too black and white. If a health or financial number is not an exact or "better" number by one date, often before spring, then out goes the resolution.
  25. I can entertain myself easily at home, thanks to the glories of the internet. Sometimes I feel a little guilty about how much I like staying in, even on clear sunny weekends. I like traveling but can wait long periods before the next trip. Do you consider yourself a homebody?
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