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Everything posted by Crompy

  1. Oh great list. I like thecyberpen and thepenpusher the best. I say go with what you love. They are all pretty catchy. I'm sure you will catch someone's eye and get some business.
  2. Sarah is okay, I guess. I'm more of a non real name for pets though. You know like: Tag, Sparkle, fattycat, moomoo. It's up to you though!
  3. I saw that. Cool for him if that is what he wants to do. Loved Saving Private Ryan! I watched Castaway, it was okay. I loved Big too.
  4. Escape from Alcatraz and the Shawshank Redemption are two of my favorite old movies. I loved Bull Durham too. I have never heard of Honey. How old is that one?
  5. I played over the weekend and I'm about a million years away from going the professional league! Yeah, they do concentrate often. I wonder what they are thinking!
  6. Nothing I've seen and I'm waiting too. Maybe they won't ever show it. Maybe it will just be the beginning of the next season. I can't wait to see what happens now that Alpha is dead.
  7. Anyone watching any of these professional corn hole matches? I have played several times - I'm terrible! I didn't even know there were professional players! With the lack of live sports, I've been watching this.
  8. Joker, hands down won for me. 1917 was great, but I didn't see it until 2020. I'll watch it again for certain. My wife loved Little Women, I skipped that.
  9. The child should root for whoever the child wants to. Don't make every decision for your child! It makes it more fun if people in your family cheer for different teams!
  10. Crompy


    China spying on us through Zoom! Stranger things have happened. More and more evidence is coming out about the coronavirus and how China was hoping to spread it.
  11. Rectify sounds like my kind of show. I'm going to take a look. I watched Longmire and really enjoyed it. I didn't care for Hell on Wheels, only got through 6 episodes. I've been watching movies on Netflix. Some have been a horrible waste of time.
  12. Crompy


    How many people are tired of Zoom? What other ways are there for interacting through the computer (large groups)? I'm kind of new to the whole video chat thing.
  13. Nope. I was watching the President's speech tonight and I heard a reporter asking about giving him a pardon. I really know nothing about the guy. I might watch it, if I get real bored.
  14. I'm still working too. There are some people here that are not working. They are on stand by status and they are being paid as if they were working. I don't mind working because there are only about half of us. Other than work I only go to the grocery store.
  15. 2021 is what I heard! I'm glad too. I'm sure the U.S. would have pulled out, or at least I hope they would have. This is a scary virus. I really hope that they figure out a cure, and a vaccine soon.
  16. With all these schools closing, do you think more people will play on Xbox Live? It's a way to stay connected yet still social distance yourself. We just renewed our subscription.
  17. I have not heard much but I bet they will be changed. They start in July. President Trump said this could go on until August or September. I bet a lot of countries will ban their citizens from competing.
  18. Our schools are still feeding kids, breakfast and lunch. They are taking buses to multiple areas in the school district and handing out food for any child under 18. Just got notice that malls, amusement parks and bowling alleys must close tomorrow until further notice.
  19. Nineteen Minutes was a tough one to read. I love that the books are real. School shootings, Autistic kids, family drama, etc.. I haven't watched any of the movies. I am more of a book person.
  20. Interesting, I didn't know that any of Jodi Picoult's books were made into movies. I don't have a favorite, I have loved them all. They are so real. I haven't heard of Caroline Kepnes. I will look her up to see if I want to add her to the must-read list, thanks!
  21. The U.S. is going crazy with the fear of COVID-19. For the first time in my lifetime, almost all schools in our state are closing for a month. Kids will still go to daycares, older kids will still probably get together and hang out with friends. They are calling this "social distancing" to help stop the spread of the virus. Thoughts on if this will work?
  22. It's sure been a great season so far. I'm glad to see that Judith is having a bigger part. She is going to be a badass like Michonne. I hate the Negan storyline, with the Whisperers. Hopefully they put an end to that soon. A couple of episodes ago, where he was kissing (and more) Alpha with her skins on, nasty.
  23. Any avid readers? Which writer's do you like? What kind of books? I'm a Jodi Picoult fan. She writes very interesting, true story, tough topic books.
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