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Everything posted by etz

  1. Plus, bringing Brock in solves a number of Taker "problems". In as much as : doing the same match 2 years in a row again is more than a bit lame : Taker is going 20-0 this year so it'd be stupid to break the streak, especially if he's retiring soon : Does anyone really think Taker is going over HHH again? So, bumping HHH/Taker 2 until 2013 solves all those "problems", and gives them time to build a decent feud and a reason for HHH/Taker 2 to be a retirement match. Of course, they could always do HHH/Taker 2 this year, make it a no-DQ match, have Brock debut by interfering, costing HHH the match, leading to a Lesnar/HHH feud to carry Brock over until 2013 and a match that Taker is chasing to the point he offers the retirement stipulation. Then Lesnar retires Taker at 2013.
  2. As boring as I find Rey-Rey now, and as much as I liked LA Parka, it's clearly Rey-Rey. Colt is Colt, but I've never really seen him as Matt Classic, and besides, overall Rey is better anyway. So Rey.
  3. As boring as I find Rey-Rey now, and as much as I liked LA Parka, it's clearly Rey-Rey. Colt is Colt, but I've never really seen him as Matt Classic, and besides, overall Rey is better anyway. So Rey.
  4. Holy shit... Lesnar to win the Rumble and challenge Taker for the strap at WM.... Taker winning it at EC, of course. Ok, maybe Lesnar as surprise debut at EC in the chamber, then Taker beats Lesnar for the strap at WM. Either way, if WWE don't do Lesnar/Taker at WM, they're ****ing nuts, though maybe, just maybe, save it for 2013. Oh, if you haven't heard, Brock just quit MMA. Vince, I know you're addled and probably insane, but just get Brock. Give him 75% of his merch profits, pay him stupid money, whatever, it doesn't matter, just get him. Seriously.
  5. etz

    John Cena 2012

    Yeah, at this point Christian certainly isn't the guy to be the next John Cena, but he so easily could have been huge. He could have been the "next Rock" to Cena's "next Austin". I mean, not exactly that, but it conveys the idea.
  6. etz

    WWE Star out for 6 Months

    I think the Viper character could stand to be more cocky. Not outright arrogant, because that should only be heels, but certainly "I know I'm good because you all love me, I must be doing something right" kind of attitude.
  7. It's been proved over and over that a heel commentator can actually put everyone over and STILL look like a total dickhead heel. The most recent example being JBL. Why Cole has to be such a retard, I've never understood..
  8. etz

    Currently playing? 2011

    Mucking about on Just Cause 2 as a change of pace... the grappling hook is epic win. Is it just me, or are the helicopters really, really slow? Always find myself heading to the nearest airport and stealing a jet.
  9. etz

    Currently playing? 2011

    LA Noire, or "Spot the cameo" as I've come to think of it. Was that the red head from Stargate, the one one Eli had a thing with, as the Instaheat secretary? She was also that angel in Supernatural who was looking for her grace or something.
  10. I think Punk could click with that demographic but, as you say, WWE is aimed at kids now, so they keep chopping him off at the knees. It's really irritating, but it's not down to Punk, and it shouldn't be a surprise that ratings tank with Punk because he's not really a kid-friendly character.
  11. etz


    Alternatively, a towel and a hairdryer (on hottest setting) are enough to correct any dry joints or breaks if it won't turn on at all. Crappy hardware...
  12. They can easily do Bryan/Orton as a babyface match, especially if Orton wins the Rumble.
  13. Man, I couldn't disagree more. I love the spectacle of all those guys in the ring, people flying everywhere, the unlikely doubleteams etc.
  14. For some reason, I get the feeling this might be Taker's last mania, and though I can't see him loosing, it'd be great if he was facing someone like Barrett or Cody or Ziggler. They'd basically be cemented as a legit main eventer in a single match, even if they loose, assuming it was done right.
  15. At least with the evil mental bastard dead, this kinda rebalances out the good vs evil quotient in the world, what with Hitchens having died. Only problem is that there's another evil mental bastard waiting to take his place...
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