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Everything posted by Red05

  1. All going well, I should be off too. At this moment in time the plan is to book a hotel for the night, attend the gig at Birmingham Barfly and then shop around the city the following day before heading home. Should be a good do.
  2. I've just backed Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio for 500 a piece. Come on lads, don't let me down.
  3. Red05


    We do recycle, yes. We'll be doing it in stages though, because there are a lot of prospectuses! And I am really eager to get responses. Fingers crossed I'll hear something in the next fortnight or so.
  4. The Tripper, which turned out to be a decent watch. If you don't know anything about it, it's written and directed by David Arquette (yup, that one), and features Ronald Reagan killing lots and lots of hippies. No, seriously. It scores major points for featuring Jason Mewes who, as per usual, brings the profanity and laughs.
  5. Today I have done plenty of shopping for Christmas, and have worked out that I have so far (and will ultimately) complete everything well within my planned budget. Still looking for a few bits and bobs, but I'm largely finished now. It's a relief to have the bulk of it bought and wrapped.
  6. Reading of this exchange almost brought tears to my eyes. I support this documentry because as long as it is an articulate, educational piece, it should greatly inform people of the mindset of those desiring assisted suicide.
  7. Today at college we're filming all the live studio segments for the first magazine show. I will be presenting alongside another girl from the group, and am looking forward to it. Time to shine... oh God, I sound like Mitchell saying that.
  8. Red05


    I have now applied for university. :) Now, I can get rid of all those prospectuses I have laying around the place...
  9. Red05


    Yeah I've heard people are experiencing different response times. And some, like myself, have yet to submit their application. But it's okay, the final date is in January. I'll be fine... Yeah Winchester sounds (and looks, from what I've seen) like a really nice place. Rural and homely, which is a little closer to my heart than. But, in the end, I have to be strict and go for the best course and curriculum. However, I still intend to check out Winchester, it's my insurance choice. :) Cheers for the information, Omega (I think that's you, yeah?)
  10. Red05


    I haven't been to see Winchester yet, no, but I want to. In terms of Cardiff, I haven't mentioned it simply because I don't want to go to a uni in Wales or Scotland etc...
  11. Red05


    Hey folks, how's it going? I have updates on my university stuffs. I've picked my final five and will be sending off my application this week. Has anybody here already sent stuff off (a lot from my college have - some even had offers already!), had interviews or offers etc? Come on, I know I'm not the only one going to uni next year.
  12. You probably made it worse, you jerk.
  13. Could be worse, I could look like Bill Bailey - eh Inno? ;)
  14. The alterations in Photoshop darkened the colouring around, well, everywhere, but it did kind of blend the shades/brows into one, yeah. Go figure.
  15. When you mix me, boredom, a camera and Photoshop; you get this... http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/9749/homoposinglolselfdepractq8.jpg
  16. I haven't watched an ounce of X Factor this year, so now after watching a bunch of videos of some of the people you're talking about, I bring to you some objective, untainted views... Diana is exactly what Simon once said - "the most relavent person on the show". She fits in very well with what's in right now, from the sexy-meets-scabby look to the fashionably out of tune singing. I don't care for her, how young she is, or care about her voice troubles. Back when they did Pop Idol they kicked off that fat f*cker who had the same illness and brought in Darius as a replacement. They daren't have done it to her though, she's too trendy and appealing to the audience. Pretty surprised Naitch likes her so much, in truth. Eoghan is what just about every talent show has - the young, pretty damn bland, in no way special but loved the by the females type of contestant. Isnt he cute? No, not really, and he's not that good of a singer either. If X Factor wants to produce a lasting star, my initial opinion is that this kid isn't it. He'll follow Ray Quinn right down to...umm...where did he go? JLS...there's not much to say really. A "boy band"...that's about it. Ruth was someone originally brought to my attention by DraVen (something about wanting to plug her back passage or something), and I trashed her for being a bit boring and predictable, which I stand by. However, in comparison, vocally and pretty much all around, she was better than the others I've seen. And in closing, not a single one of them is anywhere CLOSE to Leona Lewis.
  17. Whilst going out and having a good time is a good idea in some respects, I would say you don't have to do all the flirting business and try to pull a guy so soon. Don't put that needless pressure on yourself, Nic. Perhaps some time single could be beneficial to you? You can concentrate on yourself for a change, eh?
  18. Free speech only exists within the rules that society has defined. In other countries, some things we deem illegal and totally WRONG are looked upon more favourably. So, really, we've decided what's right and wrong, what can and can't be done, thought, said... Members of the BNP are expressing their beliefs no more so than members of the Conservative party do; Scientology, Sikhs, it's all the same. Only, we've decided they're taking things a little too far, so they're not allowed their beliefs. Because we don't like them, basically.
  19. Without knowing too much about the BNP's supposed hypocrisy here, I think it sucks a giant d*ck that people are losing their jobs over their party allegiance which is, basically, their beliefs. Those beliefs may be a bit radical when compared what "society" has decided is proper, but still, what about other people, eh? Muslims, they're a wacky hot-topic bunch, let's fire them. Vegans, they're just stupid, not eating anything that's touched oxygen or whatever - them next. The BNP are a popular public punching bag which, seemingly, makes this okay. Any other party/religion, and there'd be hell to pay. Hypocrisy all around...
  20. Red05

    Look at me!

    Sweet, I'm a real eCelebrity.
  21. It's always a kick in the balls to see someone younger than you earning more money...but Mitchell! That lazy, do-nothing arm sock wearing teen? Yikes! I feel for you, dude. Also, well done Kanenite!! Really happy for you, man, I know the feeling! In personal news, I just got off work and cooked myself some chips and meatballs. I cooked, like, really! And you know, they do taste that little bit better...
  22. Red05

    Look at me!

    I hacked the system, baby. Tapped into Kam's account, then smuggled some green.
  23. Red05

    Look at me!

    To hell with you, Redman! Who needs honour and integrity when you can be rich! RICH I tells ya!
  24. Red05

    Look at me!

    Can't right now, I'm a little strapped for cash...
  25. Red05

    Look at me!

    Hey now - I didn't cheat. And if you turn that frown upside down you could join my all new, ultra rich cyber entourage. Interested, little Australian lady? ;)
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