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Posts posted by JobberJoe

  1. I really, really, REALLY enjoyed this show.


    I loved that all the way through the show there were loads of teases to spots you've come to expect and then they'd throw you a curve ball. Just great.


    Christian winning was pretty wonderful - you could really tell it meant a lot to him and it makes ALL the difference. Really chuffed for him.


    Only major problem I have was Cole going over. Just moronic.


    Even up to that point though I'd been having loads of fun with that match, so it's a shame they killed it completely with the decision.


    Even the tag title match which was pointless was short enough, along with Big Show's impressive big bump, to make me not hate it. I spent ages trying to work out who all the lumberjacks were and genuinely couldn't name most of them... oh dear me.


    As somebody else said, it was a great "oh look, we actually have a whole bunch of pretty f*cking talented young guys in the company".


    The video to Rhodes/Mysterio was amazing to - got me soooooooo psyched for it :).


    Very glad I went for it, yeah.

  2. The way I fiddled the Rumble was to have Edward (the winner) face Deadman for the Triple Crown title at the 'middle PPV' so Eddie was still given his 'Nova main event'... just not at 'Nova.


    And then he lost :P.


    So, nah, he won't be much good there - plus he's not the easiest guy to just throw in there for people to get behind, but I won't go into that too much :lol.


    Thank you to y'all :).


    We did come up with an idea to 'solve' the belts problem but it's something I'd rather not go into. Really, I just wanted to see what people would think going into 'Nova cause, up to the match, that's all you'd know. I wouldn't want to announce about what was happening to the belts before 'Nova cause otherwise that'd take even more attention off of the match.

  3. After asking Darky if this was okay, I'd like to get some opinions of other mods about a booking idea we had for TWOstars going into 'Nova VII. I'll offer a tiny bit of background set up for you - for any of the non-TWOstars folk who'd like to comment (specifically Jimmy, since she's still a big ol' wrasslin' fan and I think Jack could offer an interesting look on things :lol). What I'll stress is that it doesn't offer any spoilers as the idea has been scrapped, so don't be worried about reading on any roster members :).


    WrestleNova VII is our 'Mania - and it's going to be our biggest show ever.

    The show after our Royal Rumble - so way back in February - we announced that the main event of WN was going to be a unification match between our two biggest titles; the Triple Crown championship and the Extreme Revolution title.

    The catch here is that ERE (Ex-Rev) was another e-fed that ran years ago and, a few years ago, tried to take over TWOstars. After it failed TWOstars kept it's reinstated world title about as a sign of respect - but had finally decided that we were going to unify the two companies officially and forever at the biggest show ever.

    So, this was announced 3 months in advance - and in turn it meant that the winner of our Royal Rumble this year WASN'T going to main event WN. Instead the people who held the Ex-Rev and Triple Crown belts were (obviously).

    With one PPV between the Royal Rumble and WN, the entire build of it centred around who was walking out Triple Crown and Ex-Rev champion.

    In the end - Deadman walked out as Triple Crown champion and Evil Gringo walked out as Ex-Rev.

    Deadman ran the e-fed Extreme Revolution. He was the man in charge of the company that tried to run TWOstars out of business, and is now walking into our biggest show ever holding TWOstars biggest belt.

    Meanwhile, Evil Gringo is the poster child of TWOstars. He is "Mr TWOstars", generally considered the greatest ever and is walking into the biggest show ever holding the belt of HIS companies biggest enemy.

    Each man is going into this match holding the other's belt - it has been 7 years since they last crossed paths in a one-on-one contest and it's to decide who is going to be the first EVER unified champion, who really is best, TWOstars or Ex-Rev...


    The idea that was proposed was installing a ban, as these stories often go, that Gringo and DM can't touch each other or else the title match will be dropped. Then, the week before or at WN itself, things get so heated that they finally start beating on each other. This leads to, either the week before or on the show, the General Manager announcing that due to the contract being broken the match at WrestleNova will no longer be for the belts. The two men will still fight to see who's best, but what happens with the new belt will be decided after WN.


    That's really all you need to know - I don't want to give too much about who came up with it, who pushed for it or why it was dropped - but I'm interested to know how you'd feel if things went down like that.


    As I said at the start, it's been dropped and won't be going ahead so there's no spoilers, but yeah, I'm interested in your thoughts.


    Thanks :).


    EDIT: I'd like to say, also, this is like a special exception - I'm not intending to start offering up booking ideas every few weeks. Just... it's caused a lot of debate... to say the least.

  4. I genuinely actually have one or two small problems - about the way he books and him in general but I'm struggling to put it into a lovely big rant like yours, or even something more constructive.


    Just, a lot of the time he really puts my back up - and I dislike how seriously he takes it. I get that he cares about it, hell I care about it as much as he does but... you don't have to start screaming and shouting at everybody all the time. I mean, everybody who's a part of the fed a) has done it long enough to know the drill and b) is an adult...

  5. Hey a'body - just wanted to mention that my exams are coming up, so I might not be kicking about as much as usual in the next few weeks due to immense studying.


    I'll be finishing on the 19th May, and due to my TWOstars commitments I won't disappear completely.


    Just, it'll be minimal online time.


    Thought I best warn you in case you all start worrying :lol.

  6. Yeah, that's exactly what I thought.


    They complained that he didn't show anything but, like, if some punk ass kid came along and was like "Yaaaawn, why we doing basic bumps when I do can do...?"


    You'd smack the little b*tch about for being too big for his britches.

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