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Posts posted by JobberJoe

  1. Right guys, I'm here to shape the forum up cause to be honest, things have been getting pretty slack.


    Seriously though, it's an honour to be here and I'm super psyched about all the fun to come :D.


    EDIT: And now finally I can start fights with Reno and call him a c*nt all I like!!

  2. I'm going to start with the funniest Disney film ever for me; The Emperor's New Groove - it's just snappy, snappy, snappy humour all the way through with, quite ironically I feel for a Disney movie, no stand out musical number which stops it being perfect.


    Kids films generally?


    The Princess Bride is just a wonderful, wonderful movie which I didn't see as a child but so wished I had.

    In the same vein is Back to the Future - Marty McFly to any 8 year old boy would be the single most awesome guy in the world.


    Fantastic Mr Fox is probably one of my very favourite films ever!


    EDIT: Totoro is another amazing call. Nothing happens in it - and yet it's so... so... satisfying.


    In that same sort of area, Where the Wild Things Are is phenomenal but I don't know how much kids would 'get' it. I figure though, if they can get Totoro then they can get WTWTA.

  3. NO!




    If you went up to him and said "Oh Raven, I love you, you're awesome." and he said "Woah, calm down there kiddo - call me Scott, please."




    Quite brilliantly you've taken DC's quite correct point about context and twisted it to make it wrong.


    Like, amazing.

  4. Not really as me using your real name is merely to point out that it's your name, how can anyone get offended or disrespected by using someone real name. In the real world do you get offended when says Hi Henry, can you do this for me, or Hi Henry how are you? No, you wouldn't. And the Bottom is Henry is your name is not DC, Mark is the takers name, Dwayne is the Rocks name, if a fan says hi mark i really liked your work as the Taker that is not disrespectful at all as they are saying the value the performer.


    If you are offered a hand and you refuse to take it, that is disrespectful, not rooting someone out to shake someones had isn't


    It's etiquette though Jay.


    If I go into somebodies house and they ask me to take my shoes off and I ignore it then I am doing something wrong. Nothing illegal, but definitely something wrong because as far as my host is concerned the 'done thing' is to take my shoes off.


    In the exact same way, wrestlers have a stage name that they perform under - and the forum is the same with our usernames - that is the name the fans know them by, and it is the name they have chosen to be addressed by when anybody wants to talk to them in their capacity as a wrestler.


    So when you ignore etiquette it is rude and can be seen as disrespectful by the person who's desires are being overlooked.


    I will say though - if the person breaking etiquette has no knowledge of the 'done thing' then it's just rude, but not disrespectful. Just ignorant.


    However if it's like a wrestling fan trying to look smart (or yourself and DC) then it's disrespectful.

  5. I could never, ever hate Smackdown. The main event scene is awful right now, and there's no star power, sure, but whatever. Its my baby.


    ^ this.


    It was the programme I was shown by a pal when I was 10 years old and I realised that was the one reason I wanted Sky at all.


    It was the programme that was on Sky1 on Saturday mornings when I was a young teenager who didn't have to worry about homework and got to laze about for two hours and just get pulled into the action.


    It was the programme that kept me company when I didn't have Sky Sports and the wrestling channel was but a twinkle in everyone's eye.


    It was the programme that, every year, was 'ruined' by the draft and yet every time fought hard to be the better show every single week.


    It was the programme that dedicated time to matches, had wonderful feuds and spawned a lot of my favourite wrestlers over the many, many years.


    Smackdown; I have just the softest soft spot in the world for it.


    :') Getting a bit teary-eyed over it all.

  6. Good match but not the ***** everyone thought it was at the time. Kobashi's last ***** match was against Akiyama at the Dome back in 2004.


    THAT match is the one which put me onto Kobashi as totally legit and made me realise that Puro was worth looking into.


    Well personally, I thought Joe vs Kobashi was a really good match.....


    Of course y'did, sport.

  7. Disagree, Joe at his prime was a lot better


    I wasn't talking about Joe in his prime though so... 'cha know, no relevance.


    Talking about Joe in RoH, I've never thought the Joe/Kobashi match was as good as everybody else did. I saw it a few years later, was super psyched cause of how great everybody said it was... and then nothing really.


    I've re-watched it once or twice since and still just don't really get it, which I find heartbreaking cause I like both men a lot... but just THAT match, nah.

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