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Everything posted by jack25

  1. The academy awards organizers asked him to either apologize or risk being removed as a host and I think he fell short of apologizing, instead saying that people make mistakes and it is part of maturing. I doubt if this will have any effect on his career and popularity.
  2. I now know what could be going wrong with me; I only turn the telly on after a hard day at work. It makes sense to watch a show when feeling productive. Now I have something to try and change in the coming year.
  3. I haven't had all the time with the festivities around the corner but I'm obsessed with Game of Thrones and Vikings (there is plenty to anticipate with the second half of season 5 premiering late last month). Yours is quite a list; where do you get the time to watch these shows? I need to borrow a leaf.
  4. Oh yes, I remember John Cena featuring in The Marine. Tyler Mane also had a role in X Men. It seems that WWE stars featuring in movies isn't a new thing but future stars could learn a thing or two from The Rock.
  5. Dwayne Johnson clearly carries the day because he has had a chance to prove himself. His capability to star in different roles has probably enabled him to be successful. Batista also stood out in Guardians of the Galaxy. Are there any other superstars out there that have starred in various roles before?
  6. Most of us have loved George RR Martin's creative tale of kings, queens and paupers and it is unfortunate that the eighth season will be the last. I loved the fact that the first six seasons had a consistency of 10 episodes each. The seventh only had 7 episodes and it is rumored that the eight will only have 6. Who else is (pensively) but sadly looking forward to 2019?
  7. This is hard to resist especially after it was confirmed that Tom Hiddleston was going play a major role. Just like @Evelyn I am also not ready to pay but perhaps I will have a change of mind then.
  8. I can imagine the kind of void that would come up, if the likes of JJ retired. Do we have upcoming producers and directors whose work we should start paying keen attention to? People regarded Lost to be a boring TV series but I'm glad I'm not the only one who loved it.
  9. Zootopia is such a nice film with undertones of important life lessons. I picked a lot from it and anyone who hasn't needs to watch it. I will have to also look for Big Hero 6.
  10. For me J.J Abrams takes it. Does anyone remember the TV series Lost? Unlike most of my friends that couldn't get past it's first season, I watched it for the entire 6 seasons and this is the first time I came across his work. I just came across information that he is involved in the production of Mission Impossible: 6 and I simply can't wait for the premier!
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