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Everything posted by etz

  1. etz

    Problems at TNA?

    It's weird, Max isn't really a director, more a writer. Oh, and if you've not seen it, do yourself a favor and watch this
  2. etz

    Problems at TNA?

    Yeah, that was genuinely funny. First time in a long time that I've actually found any of the comedy in wrestling funny. The rest of it was pretty terrible.
  3. etz

    General Politics thread

    I am using Resurrect! Ok, so, Cameron and BoJo are out, and Corbyn is fighting for his life. Theresa May seems to be the front runner for leader of the Conservative party. It may well end up that 2 non-Brexitiers are put to the party. Whoever wins that fight, it's expected they'll call a general election. If they do, it seems quite likely that all parties will be campaigning on a non-brexit platform and almost unthinkable that the Conservatives will maintain their majority without Boris and Dave. So, following the week of folly and broken promises (which were outright lies in the first place), how likely do we think it is the nation will go the other way this time?
  4. Steam sale is now on, baby. Lord of the Realm FTW! No, but seriously, it's £3.39 for the Lords of the Realm Complete bundle, way worth it if strategy is your bag and you're not that bothered about graphics or 3d isometric. Also, Total War is tres cheap, mon cher Also, The Banner Saga is ridiculous cheap considering all I've heard about it.
  5. Indeed, the thing people haven't considered is that the money which we were paying to the EU, we were getting a lot of it back and it was in a ring-fenced way, a lot of which was the arts and universities. Now, we've got to count on a much more right wing than it was yesterday Conservative government to fund those things instead of giving their mates tax breaks.... the statistical probability of that is approaching zero. On the plus side, I do think that the remain campaign was over-stating the doom and gloom. We survived the 2008 recession, we can survive this. It's hardly going to come to the point of post WWII rationing. Thank God I just remortgaged though.
  6. Oh, and how fast did brexit backpedal on that £350 million a week for the NHS they trumpeted so hard during the campaign, once they won? People voted out because, as Farage says " they're sick of the status quo and they want change".... deeply ironic then that what they'll get is more of the same.... lying, right wing millionaires looking out for themselves. It'll be piss funny when the EU trade deal requires free movement and settlement (both Switzerland and Norway's trade deals do), meaning it'll be costing us more to trade with Europe and we'll still have unlimited European immigration. Fucking nonces. And, like Nigel Farage had the vote been the other way, I want a second referendum. And to allow 16 and 17 year olds to vote. And to ban 65 + year olds from voting... because, if you're going to decide the future of a country, you should have to live with that future. And a legal requirement that all redundancies resulting from the economic decline should impact brexiters first. Because if you're going to ruin the economy, you should pay for it.
  7. Wait, if they were both arrested, then couldn't she be the doer?
  8. Yeah, or if you want to go old school, Lords of the Realm (2, if I remember correctly.) Is it just me, or are strategy games in the shitter the last few years? OK, they don't work too well on console, but then isometric 3d is fine, so they can run fine on a shitty old pc anyway.
  9. You're right, you don't. But, I'm not jumping down your throat, I'd really like to know the actual reasons that we might be better off out of the EU. But your response is pretty much exactly what every other person I know who is voting out says too. That, or some scaremongering bullshit that is poked full of holes in a nanosecond (though both sides are equally guilty of that). Not a single one of them can actually make a proper argument for why we should leave. The entirety of my argument for staying is basically better the devil you know. That's not a position I'm comfortable defending because it's frigging weak-ass, but I've not seen an argument for leave that even comes close to trumping it. The most common argument is too many immigrants, and it is an interesting one. First off, the number of people who confuse immigration with asylum seekers is just hilarious, especially since they're usually bigoted old farts, only one or two years away from needing a Polish or Latvian immigrant as a carer. The one positive if we do leave is that it'll be justice when the old arsewipes who vote for it die, alone, in a pile of their own shite, because there were no immigrants to clean up after them. That'll put a smile on my face every single time it happens. Also, if we closed the borders to Europe tomorrow, we'd still be accepting asylum seekers. That has sweet fuck all to do with being in Europe. And for reference, the top 5 countries we are receiving the most people from are India (11.9%), Pakistan (5.8%) , Poland (5.4%), Australia (5.2%) and China (5.2%) ... notably that's a third of all immigrants, and only 1 EU country is represented. But, you know, clearly immigration from the EU is the main problem.... even though immigration isn't a problem and a stagnant society is an economically dead society. For evidence of that, just look at the last time the UK had net migration anywhere near the government targets. That's right, girls and boys, weren't 3 day weeks and miners strikes and IRA bombings just SO much fun! And, yes, now I am being sarcastic, because anyone who really thinks EU immigration is actually a big problem that deserves to be on the agenda is clearly a dribbling neophyte at anything approaching critical thinking.
  10. What, allegedly increased sovereignty (in reality that's code for the death of workers rights) in exchange for it costing more than it does now, as well as most, if not all, of the downsides if we hope to still trade with Europe? Norway is the perfect example of why we should be in, since it's an example of what a good out result looks like and it would be horrendous if we landed up like them, because we just don't have the natural resources they do.
  11. I'm going retro at the moment, the original Final Fantasy 7.
  12. In a similar vein, with a overall view of total spending, from http://www.economicshelp.org/blog/142/economics/what-does-the-government-spend-its-money-on/ http://www.economicshelp.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Screen-Shot-2014-11-25-at-08.34.32-600x326.png
  13. etz


    I think Civil War worked because most of the characters were well known already or were given fundamentally understandable motivation. If Civil War had come as the third film in the series (instead of Iron Man 2), introducing everyone from Thor and Cap to Ant Man, it would have had similar problems. I'm discounting the previous x-men films here, because while they're kind of linked, First Class was basically a reboot.
  14. Worked, past tense. Besides, if you think any normal person under 40 now is ever going on pension, you're overly optimistic.
  15. You don't need to euthanise them, you just need to not spend hundreds of thousands of pounds to extend their lives by six or seven months. No one over 65 should have a heart transplant or receive advanced cancer intervention treatments, it's a spectacular waste of resources. Automatic DNR over 70 is something else we should be doing. I say all of this in the realistic expectation that I'm not reaching 65, since my heart will likely fail before that (family history on both sides), and my next of kin are aware of my wishes in regards to resuscitation and life support (basically, don't bother.)
  16. We absolutely can manage our own benefits system however we like, but what we can't do is discriminate between British Citizens and EU citizens directly, but that's because no other EU country can either. Our government just isn't smart enough. For instance, to qualify for national benefits (tax credits, income support etc) you could have a residency requirement of, say, 15 years. For local benefits, such as council housing, you have to prove residence in the area for say, 2 years (or be transferred from another local council). That applies to everyone equally, while still favouring British nationals. It's really not that hard, but no government will do it because it'll alienate the foreign electorate, who, along with older people, form a disproportionate part of people who actually vote. Also, without in work benefits, there would be no people to do the actual work, like cleaning or sweeping or electrical maintenance or building works or warehousing in London because only bankers and their ilk could afford to live there. While we're mentioning it, you know, basically all those jobs certain British people think they're too good for, while sitting on their hands, like my cousins layabout, "depressed" wife, who has SO much anxiety that her oldest child is her carer. No surprise, benefits claiming is basically her family profession. Me, I'm all for work or die. Oh, you can't afford kids without benefits? Well, you shouldn't have fucking had them then, should you, you fucking parasite?
  17. I think free movement of citizens needs to be subject to a minimum term of citizenship, at least, so newly minted German, UK or Greek citizens, for example, aren't able to immediately live and work in any other EU country. We tend to assume this is all one way traffic, but I know a number of people who are/were in the UK with the sole intent of becoming a British citizen so they could move to Spain, Portugal etc. We also need to rework the benefits system. Basically, the "problem" (it's actually not really a problem at all) is that any EU citizen can move here and immediately claim benefits, but only because any British citizen can do the same. A minimum residency term requirement, or minimum in-work qualifying period for everyone would sort that out. Similarly, a work-for-benefits scheme would also help.
  18. Words that spring to mind Mhe pedestrian
  19. Yeah, I don't get the whole "OMG, the Euro is going to fail, it's the end of the world if we're in the EU when it does!" How, exactly? In or out, the EU is our biggest trading partner, so if they're fucked, we're fucked. Only, if we're out, they're more likely to look further afield for trading partners who will give them better deals, especially if they're up shit creek. Also, the UK leaving could well destabilise both the pound and the Euro, and bring about that exact scenario, since currency value is largely based on perception and trust. Globally, who in their right fucking mind is going to invest in either the UK or the EU if the UK leaves? No one, and his mentally deficient brother, Nobody, that's who. Oh, and the best is the ones who come out with the Norway argument. Yeah.... overall, it costs Norway more per capita to be in the common market than the it costs the UK to be in the EU, so well done there. You're arguing for an effective increase in cost to participate in our biggest market in exchange for "increased sovereignty"... which is code for the government being able to bury the last of our few remaining rights in a shallow grave and engaging in a full on Big Brother monitoring campaign. This is hyperbole, though hardly as ridiculous as one would hope, but how long before the "re-education" or "adjustment" camps follow?
  20. There are issues with the EU, but then a lot of the supposed issues are actually nothing to do with being in the EU. For instance, the refugee crisis, non-EU immigration, our courts ridiculous interpretation of the human rights act, our stupid benefits system which will pay layabout wankers who've never worked a day in their lives (regardless of where they are from). Being out of the EU doesn't solve any of those things. Ultimately, being in the EU is a known quantity and we've only just recovered from the blackest economic crisis since the Great Depression. Better the devil you know.
  21. Apples are not oranges.The key difference is that a gun in an inanimate object, whereas Tony Stank knew full well he was playing with an unknown alien sentience when he awoke/created Ultron. Look at it this way, if Stank released a basket of random snakes onto Widow while she was asleep, is it his fault if one of them is poisonous and bites her? Because that's what he was doing, kicking a basket of snakes when he knew nothing about what was in it. Also, a better analogy would be: Is the man who built Skynet responsible for it's actions? And the answer, in both cases, is, rather obviously, yes.
  22. Ok, first, this is a great movie. Second, the problem, as I suspected it would be, is the premise. Tony Stank is easily the most guilty of causing death through unthinking idiocy (really, after creating Ultron, how was he not in prison when this started?), and is the cause of most of the shit going wrong in the MCU so far. That woman was right to blame him for her sons death, because Sokovia was his fault. Not the Avengers, not SHIELDs, not HYDRAs, Tony Fucking Stanks'. See my post before this one. Anyhow, the entire point of the Avengers is to tackle things no one else can. The idea that they'd be deployed by a UN committee is so fucking stupid, it barely warrants consideration by anyone with a brain. Apply that stupidity to the examples sighted in the movie. Earth would be ruled by Loki and Chitauri (Avengers, New York). Or Hydra (CA2:WS, Washington). Or be a wasteland (Ultron, Sokovia). In every case, their inaction would have resulted in worse outcomes, and so called "oversight" wouldn't have made one damn bit of difference, except maybe to delay deployment and cost more lives. Fucking genius plan. [spoiler=Spoilers, duh.] Shithead in charge makes a comment about misplacing 2 30k ton nukes at one point, referring to Thor and Hulk. That attitude of seeing them as simply weapons and not people who have the right to make their own choices is exactly the problem with so-called "oversight". Thor, in particular, would not be bound by earth law. He's a god, for fucksakes, I'm sure he's going to sit around and wait for permission to smash Loki's plans with his magic hammer which none of the assholes making these decisions could lift with all the strength in their unworthy bodies. I mean, he will right?.... And he'll totally be down for saving humanity next time we need his help if we tried to arrest him. And then we get to Bucky. Cap isn't blinded by his friendship with Bucky. The guy was fucking brainwashed ala Manchurian Candidate. He's as guilty for his actions as Stank would have been if Ultron had hacked his suit while he was piloting it and murdered people with it. Which is to say, not guilty at all. Oh, wait, only Stank made Ultron, so he actually is guilty. Also, Bucky's being framed for the thing they're hunting him for. So, of course, the first thing the throbbing dickhead in charge of enforcing these Accords does is issue a shoot to kill order on the guy being framed. Yes, Stank, this was such a good idea, you fetid whores not-washed-for-a-year minge. I could go on and on, but I won't, except to say Vision accidentally blasting War Machine was deeply ironic, given Stanks sides position and all. Someone definitely needs more control... TLDR, or want to remain unspoilered, the Accords premise sucks, and the people wanting them, and their reasons are stupid. The problems with the premise of the Accords aside, this is actually a really good movie. Plenty of action, but it's very much not a dumb action movie. There's a lot there story-wise for almost all the characters and it's well handled and balanced. Also, Black Panther kicks ass, and Spidey rocks. I hope their solo movies aren't too sidetracked by fallout from this, but let's face it, with no more of the major players involved here having their own films until at least after Infinity War, they're going to get some use, though Thor 3 could also have some use.
  23. IMAX is 1) too far and 2) not worth it. The only thing worth seeing at the cinema are spectacle movies, like Marvel/DC/Bond and some horror movies. Going to see a romantic comedy, noir thriller or period drama is just pointless. So, basically, it's worth it if you pick what you see. Personally, I go with VIP seats and only go maybe four or five times a year (this year will be more, because Deadpool, Xmen and DC films on top of the usual Marvel). Also, with the amount of money I've spent on unplayed or barely played games over the years, I can't complain cinema is expensive.
  24. etz

    Big NXT news!!!

    No, RoH made him, TNA wasted and demoralised him, at which point he stopped giving a shit. He wasn't being lazy, he just realised that putting in 5 times the work when you're never going to be rewarded for it, is fucking dumb. Given some hope for progression, he's suddenly motivated again. Wow, what a shocker....
  25. etz

    Chyna Passed Away

    At least it seems like she found some happiness towards the end. RIP Chyna.
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