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Everything posted by etz

  1. The prequels had some shaky performances, it's true, mostly Anakin. But Mcgregor was good as ObiWan, the guy playing the Emperor was good, Liam Neeson and Christopher Lee were good. I think the real thing the RLM highlights is that it's not really the performances that are the problem, it's a deeper problem that people didn't really connect to the characters like they did in the original trilogy. Plus, most people knew Anakin was becoming Vader, which made it even harder to get invested because we already know how his story ends. In fact we knew how pretty much all of their stories ended.
  2. I watched the prequel trilogy this weekend. They're nowhere near as bad as I remember them being, but they are drawn out for the sake of it. Each could easily have been 30 - 45 minutes shorter. There are some pointless bits, like the pod race, and uber-cheese bit's, like Luke's Aunt and Uncle looking at the double sunset. The Phantom Menace could have been a good film if it had stuck to ObiWan and Padme as the lead characters, cut JarJar or made him less offensively stupid, and trimmed the edges (ok, vast sections). It's basically the story of a planet being unjustly invaded, and saved by a beautiful kickass Queen with the help of 2 dudes with magic powers and laser swords. How you make that boring is a charge George Lucas really does need to answer.
  3. I'm seeing it on the 17th at lunchtime. What have I done, that cinema is going to be rammed with kids...
  4. You know D-Day was a mass invasion of ground troops right? Plus, the Blitz and the Battle of Britain, BOTH bombing campaigns and BOTH failed to win the war for Hitler. Pick better examples.... Um, we didn't win that one, it was a draw. That's why that crazy dictator still has the remnants of a country. Last I checked, that was American boots on the ground. It really isn't. As you can see from the above. It probably has, because Iraq has at least some sort of coherent military, and it's not being pulled in a billion directions at once. Syria doesn't because this whole thing started as a revolution, so you've got many factions, all fighting each other. Plus, we want to topple the Syrian Government, so where exactly are the ground troops going to come from then? Answer, there aren't any capable of taking on ISIS. So take a guess, go on, I dare you. Yep, we'll be in yet another ground war we'll never win. Trump: Hey, let's just load up crop dusters with Zyklon B and fly them over ISIS held territory... and mosques here in the good ol' USA too.. Donald, do the world a favour and give your shotgun a hummer. What a piece of human shaped shit.
  5. Except Iraq is where we're already fighting ISIS. And before them, insurgents. Since virtually day 1. In a war we supposedly won. And those air strikes proved so effective that ISIS basically secured half the country for themselves while we were supposedly using effective air strikes to knock them back. And air dominance totally won the Vietnam war. Actually, technically, we didn't invade Afghanistan, we rendered assistance to the government. Also, what Gringo said.
  6. Gotta be honest, the more I see, the less impressed I am. Still gonna see it, obviously, but expectations are about on a level with the new Star Wars.... ie. pretty damn low.
  7. That I'll agree with. This is where we disagree. Until we actually have a significant, Middle Eastern and South Asian force ready and willing to fight ISIS on the ground, bombing them will do fuck all good.
  8. Oh, I don't know. Afghanistan and Iraq? Since,you know, we've hardly eradicated the Taliban from Afghanistan. And the situation in Syria and Iraq speaks for itself, if you're not a retard warmonger. Oh, and all the western advisor's who've said that airstrikes alone won't be enough to defeat ISIS. So, basically, you're backdooring another ground war.... which we'll ultimately loose, just like we did in Afghanistan and Iraq. In fact, the losing of it will be the exact thing which is the genesis of the next, even worse version of middle eastern terror against the west.
  9. You realise the Brimstone had laser guidance added as a result of the War on Terror in Afghanistan, right? It's a dual guidance mode missile intended for precision elimination of enemy armor. Laser guidance only works with a spotter. FYI, a spotter is a boots on the ground person pointing a infra-red (typically, though other frequencies are used) laser at a target. Since we have no boots on the ground, it's fairly safe to assume that any Brimstone missiles we use will be using the far less accurate wave radar guidance. All of which is wonderful and good , genius.... except, we're not using Brimstone missiles , we're using Paveway III and IV's. Which both the Saudi's and the Americans have access to.`
  10. I call bullshit, the British military largely uses American made weapons systems. Each of those Paveways costs £800k. I can think of a few better uses for that money.Our bombing costs a fortune and to little to no effect. Because our bombs are going to make all the difference, I'm sure.... For a start, they've not attacked our shores. Every single act of terrorism in the UK has been domestic. For a second, not bombing them doesn't mean doing nothing. We should be using that money to support and grow the ground forces in the region, so local people can defeat ISIS. Speaking of force in the region, where, exactly, are all of our so called regional allies? Oh, where they always are in these situations, standing back and doing nothing while we stick our noses where they don't belong, pandering to them and their interests. If you think we're targeting oil fields just to cut off ISIS funding, you've got rocks in your head. We're bombing oil fields because it suits our glorious allies in the region who are narked off at ISIS taking business away from them. For a third, only actual retards believe that western military intervention in the middle east is any kind of solution. I mean, it's worked SO well in the past...seriously, you'd have to be almost literally brainless at this point to believe it'll make shit-all difference.
  11. I thought her alcoholism was pretty well portrayed, it's an obvious result of what Kilgrave did to her and her terror at the idea of falling under his control again. She couldn't really try to clean herself up with that hanging over her head. I expect she'll become a recovering alcoholic if this gets a second season. All the stuff you're calling filler is pretty clearly set up for stories into a second season too. For instance, if, as seems likely, IGH created Jessica Jones by accident, then it's likely Simpson's drug regime is an experiment to attempt to replicate what happened to Jessica. So why does it send him off the rails, but Jessica wasn't affected? Also, we've already seen she holds herself responsible for things beyond her control, so how will she deal with the guilt of being the root cause of the ruination of many good people at the hands of these experimental drugs?
  12. Dude, you're so wrong even the CIA disagrees with you. They (and the US State Department, and members of Al Qaeda) have all said 911 was retaliation for American aggressive foreign policy. Specifically, placing military bases in Saudi Arabia at the end of the first gulf war and propping up their apostate dictatorship friends, like Jordan, Saudi, Egypt etc, not to mention their long standing material support of Israel. Yes, and like the jews in Germany, it's not exactly a new problem, it's actually several thousand years in the making. We're not exactly doing anything to make it any better though. Not entirely the Wests fault, no. For a start, other countries in the region should have intervened instead of a coalition of western powers. But we did have a massive part in getting ISIS off the ground. We imprisoned innocent people with radical clerics. We trained them to be death squads. We supplied them with weapons both deliberately and inadvertently through other rebels. Pretending we didn't have a big hand in it is dangerously stupid, because that's what we always do, and it always leads to the same stupid fucking idiotic place. It's almost as pig-headed as our glorious leader's penis is.
  13. Upto episode 6 now, holy shit, Tennant is creepy as hell.
  14. That's pretty much my thoughts. Also, the bit with the Trish's fan was a nice nod.
  15. Something that needs to be said is that IS actually want an invasion. They're not stupid, they are very well aware that it's a fight they're not going to win. But they believe Allah will intervene on their behalf and they consider it an honour to die for their cause. And not in a vague, "oh, it would be nice" way, in a "come on lads, over the trenches straight into jerries heavy machine gun and artillery fire" kind of way. Have a read of this, it's properly chilling. http://www.cracked.com/blog/isis-wants-us-to-invade-7-facts-revealed-by-their-magazine/ While I agree we do need to act to curtail them, the problem is that the way we're going to choose to act will inevitably further their cause. We're already allowing them to drive a wedge between muslims and non-muslims. How much harder is it going to be to bridge that gap when we have even more innocent muslim blood on our hands? Because we're already bathing in a sea of it in our fight against "terror". It's deeply ironic that the vast majority of innocent people in the middle east live in terror of our "anti-terror, oh shit that was a hospital, oops our bad, totally not a war crime" bombings. Also just for reference, apostate muslims aka any muslim not fighting for IS, are their primary target. Paris is a tragedy but they've done much worse to people most westerners would consider to be their own people.
  16. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH...... sorry, it was laugh or cry. Great Cthulu, you can't really be that ignorant or stupid, can you?
  17. The real question is, if we get involved will more or less innocent local people die than if we don't? Given the statistics, the answer is pretty obviously more. Edit : rephrased the logic, but not the answer...
  18. We always say "But it's different this time!" too... history is firmly on this ending up as just another in a stupidly long series of pointless clusterfucks.
  19. And doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. We've been there and done that, since the crusades, through the Empire and onwards all through the last century. "But this time, this time it'll be different..." <10 years later> "Oh shit, what's that plane doing...." Humanity, doomed to repeat it's idiocy, over and over and over.
  20. If we're talking atrocities and killing innocents, one side has much, much more blood on it's hands than the other, and it's not the side we like to think it is. Depending on who you ask, our total is between 100000 and 1 million innocents as "collateral damage" in our war on terror .... and we wonder why they hate us. The wonder is more of them don't.
  21. Shit.... if the attackers were among the recent flood of immigrants, this could end very, very badly.. initially, for the immigrants, ultimately for everyone.
  22. This season is off to a great start. That Morgan episode was great.
  23. etz

    Problems at TNA?

    The only "mainstream" western wrestling show that does a decent job isn't even on TV, and it's NXT.
  24. On a related note, anyone who hasn't read Bruce Campbell's autobiography, "If chins could kill : confessions of a b movie actor", I couldn't recommend it more. Admittedly, I am biased because I friggin love Bruce Campbell, but it's a good read.
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