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Everything posted by etz

  1. etz

    Prison Break Returning

    Sylar and Peter were Heroes biggest mistakes. Specifically, Peter's power was too broad with no drawbacks, and Sylar was mishandled. On Topic : Does anyone think we really need more Prison Break? Seriously?
  2. etz

    Hogan Fired

    Most popular after English. Hispanics are 16%, but that definition doesn't denote race, it's anyone from Mexico,Cuba, Puerto Rico, etc. Non-Hispanic Caucasians are 64%, African Americans are 12%
  3. etz

    Hogan Fired

    My cats both fight going in the carrier, her way more vigorously than him (as in, get the thick gloves and coat out and prepare to be bitten), but they're fine once they are in and fine in the car too.
  4. Finished AC Unity (first game I ever got the platinum trophy for), now playing The Walking Dead. Holy crap, how good is that game!
  5. etz

    Hogan Fired

    I can kind of sympathise with racist to a point. But Hogan's point is way beyond mine. To say you're not racist at all, and then make comments about dodgy nigerians, "hello, my name is Michael" and "Is that your best price, my friend?" , well, it's disingenuous to say the least. Plus, I think you'll find a lot of people of his generation think the same way. In fact, most religions still actively encourage this. Just try dating a middle eastern girl as a white bloke and see how well that goes down. You can substitute Nigerian, Jewish, etc for middle eastern too, yet that's just accepted. And I'm sure bible thumping pastor Bob from Texas or Arkansas would love it if his daughter came home with anything but a white as white whitey. Fuck, spanish people aren't white enough for those hicks, and they're actually white! In summary, racism is stupid but we all do it to some extent because race is the most easily visible in group / out group trait, and our entire brain is built on the foundation of dividing people into in / out groups.
  6. To be fair, instances of terrible booking aren't that common, the problem is that it's consistently just flat, with hardly any excellent booking to stand out. The Shield and the Wyatts stand out as the last bit of good booking I can think of.
  7. Speculation, he over did the viagra and had a raging boner the whole time.
  8. I'm referring to just the mainstream content, ie Raw, SD, PPV, TNA (laughable, I know). I think it's a safe bet to assume that's what people are referring to when they say wrestling is crap these days.
  9. Ted 2, I thought it was quite good in it's own way.
  10. And pretty much everyone. Although crap may be too harsh, since I don't think it's actively bad, just.... lackluster, maybe?
  11. Neither, and both. From that trailer, Batman sees Superman as an alien responsible for the deaths in Man of Steel, who has god-like powers and, probably, a cultish following, essentially setting himself up to rule humanity as, to borrow from Kira in Death Note, the god of the new world. Superman sees Batman as a crazed vigilante who is out to either destroy order or impose it at too high a cost, depending on some other stuff the trailer doesn't make clear. Also, Supes probably has a reasonable suspiscion that Batman is either super-pissed at him, or looking to kill him. Essentially, they're both right about some, but not all, of what the other thinks. Supes wants to bring order but doesn't want to be a god, and Batman doesn't want to destroy order, but he does want to kill Superman. It helps if you know them from other media, where Batman is always the guy with a plan for if/when Superman needs to be taken down. After the mass devastation and loss of life in Man of Steel, it's not unreasonable of Batman to think humanity would be better off without Superman.
  12. We're not talking about those, frankly, piddling ways. We're talking about corporate entities being "based" off shore, despite 99.9999999% of their employees working in the UK. We're talking about people "living" in Monaco or the Isle of Man. We're talking about "contractors" who are paid in foreign banks. We're talking about companies which just flat refuse to pay the tax they owe, and HMRC bends over and takes it in the arse like a little bitch (BT, I'm looking at you). We're talking about perfectly legal loopholes which cost us billions in tax revenue and are total bullshit. We're talking about small businesses which have about a million little tricks to reduce their tax liability... a "training aid" = new 60" tv on the wall at home for the boss, new company phones every six months... the "old" ones are "broken" or written off and land up on someone's ebay etc, etc. The Greeks may be more open about it, and it's obviously more common than it is here, but we're hardly squeaky clean. But the funniest thing about this is why the Greeks got bailed out in the first place. Essentially, the Greeks were deep in hock to German and French banks.... so deep that allowing Greece to fail would have tanked the German and French economies. So they bailed Greece out to effectively bail their own banks out, and now the governments are going to be left holding the bag.
  13. I was referring to "At root, Greece’s fiscal problems stem from a lack of revenue. Much of this lack of revenue is the result of systematic tax evasion, and it is primarily the wealthier classes,including bankers, lawyers and professional workers, that are responsible. " Now it depends on how you define a place, but I'd say it's fairly common in the UK, and especially in London, amongst the top most liable entities (both companies and individuals) to avoid some or part of their tax burden. Not 90%, sure, but it's not a small problem.
  14. To be fair though, that does sound a hell of a lot like some other places I can think of where it's also a social norm... Good thing most people here aren't like the people and institutions which keep their money "safe"...
  15. etz

    Problems at TNA?

    Which is why he ran :P
  16. Anyone else watching Stitchers? Only seen the first couple of episodes, but it seems alright. Emma Ishta does a great job of being both disconnected and inappropriately connected, which can't be easy. Plus, Emma Ishta... damn...
  17. Regarding Angle, it looks like loss of muscle, so he's smaller, and even if he's not put on any fat, he'll look like he has because he's not as bulky and defined as he was. Apparently, the tumour has led to muscle atrophy, which explains his shrinking.
  18. I absolutely can take other peoples opinion, but debate is pointless between us because neither of us will ever really be swayed to the others opinion because we're just too far apart. As to what I said, I didn't say I wasn't the same way as you, but bluntly that's exactly how you come across. And yes, we're both childish. Na na na na na na, ha ha ha ha ha ha!
  19. Richard Bacon would be horrendous (he's way too aggravating in the same way as Chris Evans), but Jodie Kidd is a good call. She does a classic car show with Quentin Wilson which is really quite good.
  20. etz

    E3 2015

    Yes, yes, yes! FF7 remake! Sony, take my money!
  21. Apart from when it's not, like when my mother defied her parents and had to get permission from the high court to marry my dad because she was only 19 (marriage in South Africa required parental consent or a court order if your were under 21 in those days) and her mother didn't like my dad. My grandmother had to suck that and learn to accept it, or she'd have been cut out of our lives entirely. She eventually did though, she even came to think my dad was the best of her son-in-laws. But, you know, think what you like, because you will anyway and you're always right...
  22. An abusive husband scares me way more than a voluntary choice to be a hooker. Statistically speaking, she's probably safer as a corner girl than the wife of an abusive husband. Sure, I can deal with him, but you've got to know it's going on and battered spouses are good at hiding the evidence. And to be clear, I'd be happy if she was happy. Would I be more happy if she was happy being a neuroscientist ? Sure. Would I rather she was a unhappy doing something else? No, I'm not a selfish piece of shit who is, for example, going to cage my kids for making choices I don't agree with. That's the Jospeh Fritz school of parenting, right there.
  23. On the other hand, I'd say being unable to think of your kids, or parents for that matter, having sex without going a bit squiffy is just a sign of your sexual repression. It's a problem most people in our culture have, but it's still a problem. 10 or 15 years ago, most people would have said the exact same thing about a child being gay as you are about them being a prostitute. Times change, so do attitudes, and some of us are ahead of society in being accepting of other peoples life choices, regardless of what they are. If they're not harming anyone else, and they're happy, that's all I could ask for my kids. Obviously, it wouldn't be my first choice for any child of mine to sell their bodies to make a living (wrestling, fighting, prostitution), but it's a choice I can respect, providing it is a choice. Also, I'm thinking escort, or brothel girl not corner girl ( I'd be very concerned with that because it's stupidly dangerous). Being a strung out dope fiend is obviously a problem, regardless of what you do for a living. The idea that being a prostitute screws with peoples heads has no real evidence either way. Plenty of people who become prostitutes are screwed up, but they were screwed up before they became prostitutes. Equally, some attest that it messed them up, while other claim it hasn't affected them at all or has made their lives better.
  24. I played it, but remaster + expansions make it worth the price. Thanks for the heads up DC.
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