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Joey Asbo

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Everything posted by Joey Asbo

  1. See, thats fair enough. I just dont get it when people say that the Punk vs Hardy fued was great, with Punk holding his end of the bargin.. but apart from that HE is boring, not that the way he's booked is boring. While i agree that what he did in ROH and IWA:MS could not be replicated on WWE programming, more aspects of it coming through, such as the straight edge promos, and CM Punk is a tidy heel who's in ring work, while sloppy, is up there, and his character gets over with the majority of fans. I would say aswell the OVW stuff he did with Albright and Ken Doane was great, and his anti ROH, Samoa Joe and Raven fueds would translate on WWE programming with a bit of tweaking and could be incredible TV.
  2. Whoa .. Language! When did i say i thought the sun shone out of CM Punk for the record? I was saying i think he held his own in the Jeff Hardy fued, in fact if you read a few posts back i said that i didnt care if he was in the mid card or main event as long as what he was doing was as good as the Jeff fued. Dont go biting my head off because i disagree with you
  3. I must say that the Andre photo is amazing though! Who knew that Andre carried the spinner?!
  4. I really dont get this notion that to be good you have to have a good match with anyone. I mean, styles make fights. And anyways, im pretty sure in a match against the Undertaker, Taker is going to be calling the match, so if anyones to blame that the in ring stuff wasnt up to scratch it could be argued that Takers at fault. Where as with Punk vs Jeff, i would assume Punk would be calling the match. I could be wrong about that of course, but i stick by my original point that just because Punk vs Taker - in ring - didnt set the world alight, that dosent mean that Punk has become sh*t overnight.
  5. Randall Mario Poffo the least "Macho" name this side of "Leaping" Lanny Poffo. Alas! He gets my vote..
  6. He could do, as long as hes not too busy chillin' out, maxxin', relaxin', all cool and shootin' some B-ball outside of the school.
  7. So.. your problem is that Sheamus isnt over, but Jack Swagger is/was? I'm trying to understand but its clearly getting lost in translation because i think neither Sheamus or Swagger are/were (WWE title standard) over. But at least they're giving Sheamus a push while he's fresh.. Instead of letting him stagnate and float around like Swagger has done for the past year. *Edit: Is basically what you are saying that Swagger should have been pushed like Kurt Angle because he was the talent. Sheamus should not have been pushed however because he dosent have the talent.. Swagger deserved it before him.. Am i getting close?
  8. Yeah its just CM Punk isnt really that new.. and Sheamus is new, and the champion. Whether or not Sheamus is talented or not is kind of a matter of opinion.. But i take your point on board..
  9. I might be being picky but.. Answered with.. Does Sheamus being the WWE champion not nulify this point? Maria found him attractive so he didnt do too badly for himself. Finally, on the topic.. I enjoy Punks matches, i enjoy his promos and i generally want to see him as an integral part of the show. He dosent need the hindrence of Luke Gallows in my opinion, and i dont mind whether Punk is the Champ or number 1 contender, as long as he gets to have hot fueds with good talent, doing what i think he unquestionably does well. People can say that Punks heat in the Hardy fued came from Hardy but Punk did an amazing job as the voice of that fued, more than held his own in the ring and was the heel that Hardy needed him to be for the fued to work as well as it did.
  10. I was thinking it might be a fued between DX/McMahons and the Hart Dynasty.. Im not saying that would be wise, i just thought with DX winning the tag titles and the history and what not.. I just cant imagine Bret not coming in without the intention of putting his boys over
  11. Please just read my original post and stop implying i like Cena vs Orton matches. Your posts dont make sense.
  12. If Bret were to have one last match it would have to be a good payoff because am i not right in thinking his payoff from his Lloyds of London insurance policy would be voided? Anyhow, on another side note, isnt the main problem with Bret working again more down to the stroke he suffered rather than the Concussion, which he could possibly work around?
  13. I think its painfully clear to see thats not what i said.. What are you reading? And for the record, neither Cena or HHH are holding the title, so yet again, irrelevant comment. For what its worth, (although you'll probably just read whatever you want anyways) Orton and Kofi wont be fueding through until Wrestlemania anyways. what i am saying is if Cena was the champion by Wrestlemania and they used the rumble as a story of getting Orton one more shot, they wouldnt necessarily "fued all year", it could be, as i've said, one .. more .. shot
  14. I cant believe im doing this because im not a fan really, but i can only vote for JBL. I dont like Goldberg at all, and havent really seen Morales At least JBL made me hate him, and at one night stand 05 his heat was incredible.
  15. Its over a month until the rumble, how is that "out of the blue".. Whether he wins it or not, your argument is irrelevant.. Every major superstar is in a fued, pretty much all the time. They dont just tell the writers not to add the chosen winner of the rumble into anything too heated for a month before the rumble just so hes floating around doing jack sh*t when time comes.
  16. I'd say that round was one good guy and two sh*t guys as far as the best wwe champion goes, wasn't it? Backlund held the title for like.. 5 straight years? (If you dont count Inoki), Kane held the belt for 1 day, Sheik had a 1 month run.. I know, I know.. Quality not quantity but still..
  17. Yeah, because the same person has never won two rumbles in a row before.. What am i thinking.. :?
  18. I see Orton winning the rumble, and as a shock, Ted Dibiase winning the title in the elimination chamber at No Way Out. ..Admittedly a long shot, but i stand by Orton to win the Rumble to get his title shot. Orton vs HHH vs HBK wouldnt suprise me for 'mania, with HHH winning the title at No Way Out and Orton taking the belt at WM, with Michaels taking a long time off afterwards.
  19. Can i throw WCW Mayhem in there.. Although i imagine not in Backstage Assaults suckiness league (I never played Backstage Assault), the sheer disapointment after loving WCW/NWO Revenge on n64 was incredible. I'll also toss in a Bomberman 64.. Bought for about £50, horrendous waste of money looking back. Also probably controversial.. but i really hated Lilat Wars on n64, though my mates liked it and always wanted to play it, it really was not my cup of brew
  20. I must commend the effort SHL has put into this tournament.. Well done sir, a most enjoyable read.
  21. The Cribs - Save Your Secrets Patrick Wolf - The Magic Position ..and then generally some Metronomy mixes
  22. Yeah i heard that too on Virgin 1 i think?! That show where they have the semi-camp sounding american guy doing the voice over. It probably went something like.. "..The squad cars pull along side the vehicles in an attempt to bring the con to justice, but he has no intention of slowing down, unbeknown what lay ahead.." Madness, it used to be used for a Stone Cold promo sort of video thingy aswell
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAOxCl_3hLw&feature=related for the will smith fans..
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