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Everything posted by Chris2K

  1. From Extreme Rules but hardly spoilers. JB-Elf inadvertently destroys kayfabe.
  2. It amazes me that Layla is 36. She doesn't seem to have aged since she joined the company. FUN FACT: Layla's also the longest serving wrestling diva in the WWE and has been a part of the WWE for longer than both Trish Stratus and Lita were.
  3. UFC are $64.95 in HD I think, TNA are $39.95. WWE are $54.95 in HD but $9.95 on the Network. In more concerning news, according to the WO Newsletter ESPN are looking to go all out with a huge offer to get someone on to their network. Renee Young :(.
  4. Ring of Honor are moving to traditional PPV with their first show in June. They've priced the show at $24.95 (in standard definition), so that's one ROH show for the price of 2.5 months of the WWE Network with 2 HD PPVs included in that. I really don't get ROH's pricing strategy.
  5. Chris2K

    WWE NXT 2014

    Those poor fools at FSU, singing Adam Rose's old theme and Woo!ing instead of Hey!ing. It's never coming back :(.
  6. People need to stop giving Nancy Grace attention. She and her research team couldn't care less about the facts of a business they don't care about and have no interest in who they upset by what they say. All the negative comments and open letters give her is some free publicity for her show.
  7. I didn't think there was any crowd noise during the Cena/Wyatt match either, in fact it was so quiet I could hear my local church singing "He's Got The Whole World In His Hands" in the background whilst I was watching it.
  8. Paige :wub The only problem is that she's going to struggle on a normal RAW crowd where the majority don't watch NXT or aren't from the UK. See Emma for example. Adam Rose is coming but is bringing his sh*tty rip-off music with him. I can't believe how annoyed I am about that.
  9. The past and future of British representation in American wrestling. In a photo booth. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BkjQ97_CcAArQ6s.jpg
  10. http://dailywrestlingnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/McCool-crying.jpg Michelle is sad :(.
  11. Chris2K

    WWE Network

    The network numbers are from an official WWE announcement: The projection and break-even are from what Meltzer has been saying for a while.
  12. Chris2K

    WWE Network

    So the first Network numbers are in, and it's not good. 667,287 subscribers as of 6th April, way down from the 1,000,000 they were hoping for and the 1,500,000 they need to break even. As a result of the number announcement people have been selling WWE stock to the extent that the WWE stock price is down over $6 in the last 24 hours.
  13. There was enough late betting on Lesnar/Taker to sway the odds on a lot of websites to make Lesnar the favourite, so word was out backstage and people probably made a ton of money on that. To me it seems that Taker decided between the Brock programme starting and Mania that he couldn't go any more, and with the Lesnar feud started they couldn't switch it to someone else. To be honest it's less of a waste in Lesnar doing it than Punk last year, at least Lesnar is likely to be at Mania 31.
  14. http://i.imgur.com/Jzd2ZGh.jpg All is forgiven.
  15. Chris2K

    WWE NXT 2014

    Get that first music back IMMEDIATELY. I wouldn't be surprised if it was too many WOOs which are deemed exclusive to Ric Flair. EDIT: Apparently the WWE tried, but failed to get the rights to World Goes Wild so it's not entirely their fault.
  16. Chris2K

    WWE NXT 2014

    In case anyone didn't see, Nick "Eugene" Dinsmore is part of Rose's party posse.
  17. My new favourite. I didn't even know it had lyrics. [video=youtube;Db0D5et94os]
  18. http://i.imgur.com/fcfz9FK.jpg He will troll until he can't troll no more.
  19. There are still a lot of people chanting "Goldberg" at Ryback; am I the only one who doesn't remember Goldberg being in a lower-midcard tag team doing jobs to various other midcarders? I mean I understand the chants when he was being pushed, but what possible similarity does he have to Goldberg now apart from his lack of hair?
  20. Chris2K

    WWE NXT 2014

    I too was apprehensive about Leo Kruger changing to Adam Rose. NOT ANY MORE.
  21. Not that anyone has been critical, but regarding Meltzer saying Punk would be there: On the audio show he said that a top name WWE source had told him that Punk would be there, but that he was sceptical and didn't make any guarantees whatsoever. Of course the internet turned this into Meltzer saying Punk would be there and ignored the second part.
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